
Acne symptoms and Treatment

Many women (and men) suffering from yeast infections resort to the remedies found in a drug store: creams, suppositories, and other "medical" remedies. The problem with these is that they tend to help for only a short period of time and then the yeast comes back with a vengeance. In my experience, there are other, more effective ways to combat this evil menace.

Most of us suffer from fungal infections at some time or another during our life. Many of these infections occur in the superficial part of our body or in the skin. Fungal infections are transferable and some can be very dangerous and in extreme cases can even lead to death. Sometimes, you may be infected with a fungal infection and not even realize it.

Candida Albicans is a destructive yeast infection that begins in the digestive system and little by little spreads to other parts of the body. Candida is present in all of us not long after birth. Typically, this yeast remain in a healthful balance with the other bacteria and yeasts within the intestinal tract. Under certain conditions, such as excessive stress, lowered immunity or the long-term use of steroids, the candida yeast can multiply, thus disrupting the gastrointestinal "terrain". Candida overgrowth may also be a consequence of antibiotic treatment, as antibiotics not only kill pathogens but also a large number of those bacteria that are part of a healthy gastrointestinal flora. With the depletion of the beneficial protective flora in the intestinal tract and a weakened immune response, this opportunistic yeast can then spread and multiply beyond the intestinal tract affecting every organ in the body.

An abundance of candida may also cause vaginitis, commonly known as a yeast infection. Ordinary symptoms are vaginal itching, a white discharge, sensitive skin at the vaginal opening and pain during urination or intercourse. This condition is especially common in women who are pregnant or taking antibiotics. Women using contraceptives with a high estrogen level are also more susceptible to yeast infections. Because the same fungus that causes vaginal yeast infections is responsible for thrush, it may also be spread through oral sex.

You can buy yeast infection treatments over the counter (OTC) in drugstores without a prescription from the doctor. Some examples of common treatments are: Miconazole, Tioconazole, Butoconazole and Clotrimazole. Unfortunately, these treatments only treat the symptoms and should not be considered cures. These treatments can also be dangerous to use and most women develop a tolerance to them after extended use. The only way to cure yeast infections is to treat the root cause through natural means.

Thrush, also known as Candidiasis, is a fungus found in the mouth, genitalia areas, digestive tract and skin. In healthy people, the production of friendly bacteria in the system prevents the fungus from causing disease. However, weakened or damaged immune systems may result in the dangerous growth of the ailment-causing fungus. In addition, certain prescription drugs may offset the balance of natural organisms in the body. Such drugs include the extended use of: antibiotics, chemotherapy, AIDS/HIV treatments, antihistamines, steroids and oral contraceptives with a high estrogen content.

So how do you know if you are suffering from thrush? One of the telltale sign is having white creamy patches in the mouth. Red spots on the roof of the mouth, throat, gums and on the tongue are also clear indications of Thrush. A person suffering from Thrush may also see crusts forming on the corners of his or her mouth. Difficulties in swallowing, nausea and chest pains are some of the other signs of having Thrush.


Acne and Alternative Acne Treatments

Acne is very common and medically classified as a skin disease. They are caused by excessive secretion of oily substance called the sebum by sebaceous glands. Although sebum is very good in maintaining skin and hair texture, excess secretion of the same gets stuck in hair follicles and leads to formation of acne lesions. Due to the oily nature of sebum and its exposure to dust and dirt causes bacterial growth and results in what is commonly known as the pimple.

Pimples are not the only outcome of such bacterial formations. Cysts, whiteheads, blackheads are also quite common depending on exposure and skin types. Occurring mainly in the age group of 10 to 40 years, these conditions need to be cared for with various acne treatments available.

Various kinds of acne and various skin types need different treatments. Keeping this in view, there are some fast acne treatments while there are some that take some time to help one get rid of acne. Although acne treatments are available across drug store and on the internet, it is important to know one's skin type and the kind of acne that they have been afflicted with before deciding on a cure. In case you cannot assess your skin type, it is recommended that you consult a dermatologist and follow his prescription instead of medicating yourself.

Herbal treatments for acne are much sought after now a days, since traditional acne treatments have become very expensive and so have dermatologists. Herbal or alternative acne treatments have become more and more popular due to lack of considerable side effects that most acne treatments seem to have.

Not only the lack of side effects, but also additional benefits like vitamin and botanical nourishments such as DMAE (anti-oxidant), anti-ageing compounds, vitamins and other supplements in alternative acne treatment make skin pristine, add tone and improve texture.

Pharmaceutical cures for acne treatments have also evolved since and have stopped making the "magic pill" that fell out of vogue. Although many a company has made the magic pills in the past, their expensive touch and side effects have left them in the cold. Taking a cue form alternative treatment methods that comprise of herbal acne treatment, pharmaceutical medication for acne treatment have evolved to integrate the goodness of the additives in herbal medicines and have become more affordable and grown in variety to suit various skin and acne types.

Alternative acne treatments also include no medication. Yes, no medication. Acne can also be cured over a longer period of time through sheer self discipline of eating nutritious, anti-oxidant diet, reducing stress levels, drinking more water, proper hygiene and through regular exercise.

Diet recommended for people plagued with acne would consist of fruits and vegetables, no-oily and non-fatty food taken with a lot of fluids. This will help in removing toxins from your system and produce healthy sebum. This kind of diet is also good for overall health and contributes to proper digestion and detoxification.

Reducing stress levels would result in reducing pressure thus controlling the secretion of sebum and. This can be achieved through meditation or even getting proper sleep of at least eight hours a day.

Drinking more water helps in keeping your body hydrated, since dry skin also causes acne and inflammation. This increases kidney function and removes toxins via the urinary route.

Exercise helps reduce toxin levels due to sweating and opens up pores on your skin. It also regulates the water levels in your body. Exercise also contributed to reduction of stress and contributes to overall health.

Hygeine for acne treatment would include regular washing of the affected areas. Always wash with plain water, several times a day. Although, washing with water removes only surface dirt, this would prevent further development of acne. Never use harsh or oily soaps. Try to use a normal soap that would help retain the pH balance of your skin.

Added to this, further alternative remedies for acne are available, which could be classified as grandmother's cure. These remedies are local to regions and countries and have been developed with many years of experience. They are known to work because they have been made to the cure acne in specific environmental and pollution specifications of the said region.

However, despite all these remedies and perspectives of looking at acne treatments, it is strongly advised to take the opinion of a qualified dermatologist before embarking upon any acne treatments.


Using All Natural Cure For Acne Treatments

If you are having any type of pain during urination, some form of discharge from the vagina, an itching or burning sensation in or around your vagina or are experiencing pain during sex, there is a good possibility that you may have a yeast infection.

A number of medications are available for skin yeast infection in the form of tablets, capsules, creams, and suppositories etc. A popular family of anti-yeast drugs called Azole drugs (ending in the suffix azole) is effective against yeast causing infection of skin. These drugs act by blocking the manufacture of a compound ergosterol, lacking which the yeast cell dies soon. Since ergosterol is not a component of human cells, the drug is not harmful to human cells.

Candida Albicans is a destructive yeast infection that begins in the digestive system and little by little spreads to other parts of the body. Candida is present in all of us not long after birth. Typically, this yeast remain in a healthful balance with the other bacteria and yeasts within the intestinal tract. Under certain conditions, such as excessive stress, lowered immunity or the long-term use of steroids, the candida yeast can multiply, thus disrupting the gastrointestinal "terrain". Candida overgrowth may also be a consequence of antibiotic treatment, as antibiotics not only kill pathogens but also a large number of those bacteria that are part of a healthy gastrointestinal flora. With the depletion of the beneficial protective flora in the intestinal tract and a weakened immune response, this opportunistic yeast can then spread and multiply beyond the intestinal tract affecting every organ in the body.

Candidiasis affects all people and all ages; even babies are not safe from Candidiasis. At present millions of men and women have a potential yeast infection that is causing directly or indirectly a diverse number of health problems or conditions. If Candida is not completely removed or if the body is not protected from it; the Candida will continuously increase and grow until the time comes when the body will not be able to protect itself from the infections brought about by the Candida fungi or yeast.

Yeast infection is a very annoying condition especially for women who are commonly infected by this disease. Yeast infection is caused by the fungus Candida Albans which are always present in the vagina. Increase growth or reproduction of Candida Albans leads to yeast infection.

If you suffer from yeast infection theres a good chance that you might not be aware of it, or that you might mistake it for something else entirely. There are yeast infection signs which can tell you whether or not you have a yeast infection, but sometimes these signs are the same as some other infections.

Ph balance in the body is the key. Yeast is prevalent in the body at all times. Yeast infection will occur when the acid ph of the body is lowered. The immune system regulates the acid balance in the body. Your diet is the leading factor to help the immune system keep a healthy balance. The body has a healthy ph of 6.4 (when measuring urine or saliva), the further away, greater or lower, from this natural reading you have, will cause greater disease and illness such as yeast infection. Stress is one of the largest causes of unbalanced ph readings in the body. Blood ph is higher than body ph. Injury, overweight, antibiotics and birth control pills all alter the natural ph of the body. Fatigue is often overlooked as a stress factor. Your ph reading does vary slightly through the day but should average 6.4 for the day.


Home Remedies for Acne that Works

Acne by large is considered as a nuisance and has a terrible effect on a person. Though it's not fatal disorder but has enough command to root an impact on ones mind. This can be a cause of depression in many cases. People become introvert and do not like to meet new people as they think them selves unpresentable.

Acne are generally seen in people who are in there teens but it can occur to people of older age group also. Maximum blame can be put on to the hormonal changes that occur with the onset of the puberty causing imbalances in the body's physiology. These imbalances in the homeostasis of the body lead to the origin of acne. Some other reasons like lack of hygiene and digestive disorders can also be involved in causing acne.

Well it is almost impossible to treat acne with the contemporary medicine as they are not able to maintain the proper homeostasis of the body more over danger of occurrence of side effects is always there. Hence more and more people seek help from alternative health sciences and especially ayurveda, the most ancient health science. Ayurveda emphasizes on the maintenance of the proper balance and equilibrium in the body. This balance helps in attaining proper composer that is very much required to achieve good health.

Below are the some home remedies based on the principle of ayurveda that are very effective in suppressing acne and allied disorders.

� Apply lemon juice mixed with rose water on the acne spot for 15 days. It will surely prove very helpful in eradicating the acne.

� Massage your face with the lemon peel and then washing it off with water will help you in getting rid of acne.

� Apply the mixture of coriander juice and mint juice on the acne spots to attain a best herbal therapy to get rid of stubborn acne spots. This juice is applied on the affected area and left for half an hour. After that it is washed thoroughly with cold water. Instead of mixing the two juices these can also be applied alternately or even singly as per the comforts and availability.

� Fenugreek (methi) paste can be applied on the pimple or the black head. It is left undisturbed for about an hour or so. After that it is thoroughly washed with water or aloe vera juice.

� Garlic is a boon for acne sufferers. Raw garlic is very gently rubbed on the acne spot. It not only reduces the inflammation but is also very effective fading away the scar that is generally left after the acne vanishes.

� Application of acne peel powder is very effective in reducing the swelling on the acne and is also helpful in preventing acne in future.

� Cucumber is very effective in treating the acne and is also helpful in achieving a good skin. Grated cucumber is applied on the skin or the affected part to get good and effective results in all the skin related troubles like acne, black heads, white heads, scars pimples etc.

� Taking triphala or the powder of three herbs named Amalaki, Haritaki and Bhibitaki are very effective in treating acne that are caused due to metabolic disturbances.

� Drinking of wheat grass juice is highly recommended in preventing acne.

� Drinking of aloe-vera juice is also very effective in treating the acne to the best level.

� It has been found that people who drinks lots of water has fewer chances of getting acne. Hence one should drink lots of water.

Some life style tips to prevent acne.

� Avoid spicy food
� Don't use chemical based cosmetics
� Avoid heavy and junk food
� Never over eat
� Drink lots of water
� Wash you face at least twice daily with water and a mild or herbal soap.
� Sleep for at least 8 hours a day.


Treatment Tips for Acne Sufferers

Tetracycline is the most popular conventional treatment for acne. It may be used alone or in combination with benzoyl peroxide. Food, antacids, iron supplements, and milk can interfere with the absorption of this antibiotic, so it is important to remember to take it alone. This medication must be taken for a minimum of three months, and it often needs to be continued for even longer. It will take at least two months before any improvement is noticed. Other antibiotics may also be prescribed if tetracycline is not effective. These include: trimetoprim-sulfamethoxazole, minocycline, doxycycline, and erythromycin. Antibiotics also kill the good bacteria in your bowel and can cause your teeth to turn gray.

Does chocolate really cause pimples? How about oily foods? Do French fries bring on the acne? The latest reports show that although scientific evidence is not 100% accurate in this area, your diet does not directly cause acne. And by diet, this means not only chocolate and French fries, but also any other dietary combinations with sugar and oil or other ingredients.

Contrary to the popular opinion, acne is not caused by sugar or greasy foods. Although they don't directly cause acne, they are overall not healthy for the body and can reduce the body's ability to build a strong immune system so you should consume in moderation. But cutting them out of your diet won't make your acne magically disappear.

Acne affects, according to some, up to 95% if teenagers at some time in their teen or early adult years. It can be serious and debilitating, mild and easy to control, or usually somewhere in between. The market for acne cures is huge, billions of dollars.

Acne patients will benefit from toners that contain salicylic acid or alpha hydroxy acid. However, when starting a retinoid treatment, temporarily discontinue using a toner or astringent since the combination may make the retinoid more irritating. Acne patients must also limit or abstain from excessively rough cleansing and washing. Julie Harper, M.D., who directs a clinic to treat acne at the University of Alabama at Birmingham laments, "Teenagers think they have acne because they do not wash enough, but usually they are washing too often with harsh scrubs that make their symptoms worse."

Antibiotics work for getting rid of an infection, like strep throat. When it comes to treating acne, all topical and oral drugs are doing is temporarily killing the bacteria, which eventually become resistant to the antibiotic. A common practice is to prescribe the topical ointment, Retin-A� in conjunction with antibiotics. Unfortunately, many people experience redness and irritation which actually cause more pimples and blackheads to form. Because Retin-A and antibiotics make your skin very sun-sensitive they are not practical for many acne sufferers. Another drug often prescribed for acne is Accutane. This is just a temporary solution to your acne, but it's not a long term and safe alternative to controlling your breakouts. And if not helping acne isn't enough, some antibiotics also reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. Check with your doctor.


Treating Acne with Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is considered one of the most ancient therapies that had been going on from centuries till today. Some spa center even uses this method as a treatment to the mind and the body.

Aromatherapy is considered as one of the ancient remedies for acne problems. There are many types of nature products that are used for aromatherapy; tea tree oil is regard as one of the best. It's natural content of antifungal and antiseptic helps to prevent acne outbreaks. Furthermore, it contains extra added defensive properties of antibacterial and antiviral which prevents microorganism from forming on the skin. Research has been done to verify the claim that tea tree oil is as effective as commonly found ingredient in modern acne medication; benzoyl peroxide. Clinical research has been done using 5% of benzoyl peroxide and tea tree oil and the result did not differ that much from one another. Thus, tea tree oil can be used as substitute for modern medications.

Other types of oil that are used as aromatherapy are jasmine, lavender, myrrh, sandalwood and Ylang ylang. One of the oil content is farnesol which has a property of eliminate any bacterial growth on the skin. These types of aromatherapy oil are common and can be obtain easily. Tea tree oil can be applied directly on the skin by using cotton bud and a drop of its essence. Aromatherapy can be done by a few drops of tea tree oil on a bowl of hot water. It is that easy to do and one should do it regularly to ensure good healthy skin.

The method that is stated above can be used as a natural acne treatment besides self proclaimed methods. To some who wish to try, I wish you the best of luck.


HowTo Prevent Acne Using All Natural Products!

Ane prevention is always better then searching for a cure. No matter how many creams, herbs, or other products hit the market, nothing will make your skin look better then never having acne to begin with. It's difficult because some people have clearer skin then others, despite doing all of these things, a much clearer complexion is certainly possible if you can maintain control over all of the following items.

1. Don't wear too much makeup

This of course, ties in to number one above, but most teenage girls and women are not willing to go without any makeup at all. If you must wear makeup, keep it as light as possible. Layers of makeup prevent your skin cells from getting the oxygen they need, leading to dry, flaky skin, and giving acne a good place to take hold. So remember, none is best, but if you must, wear as little as possible.

2. Eat well

Again, this is a fairly well known way to prevent acne breakouts, but it is often ignored or forgotten about. Sweets, sugary foods, and anything with chocolate seems to intensify acne breakouts. Simply paying attention to what goes into your mouth each day, and sticking to a well balanced diets, with a healthy amount of fruits and vegetables, is another way to minimize acne, or even eliminate it altogether.

4. Keep your skin in good condition

It seems oh so simple, yet many people (especially teens) have a lot of trouble with this one. Dirt works its way into your pores and will often resurface as a skin eruption, and putting acne cream on a dirty face won't help, because it (literally) isn't getting to the root of the problem. Make sure you keep your skin (especially your face) clean and healthy. Use a good facial soap if possible, and avoid using any lotions or creams except those design to help fight acne.

4. Use the right shampoo

Okay, this may be the first one that is a little bit out of the common sense realm, but hear me out. For people who don't struggle with acne on other parts of their body, they will still have to deal with breakouts on their forehead. Most people who have acne only in this area will notice that their forehead is very oily, most all of the time. This may be caused by oil buildup in your hair, which is often the result of using the wrong kind of shampoo! Try to find a shampoo that leaves your hair dry and light, and doesn't leave an oily residue behind. This might be just what you were looking for.

5. Get a good night's sleep

Finally, never ever underestimate the healing, restorative power of a good night's sleep. The daily stress of life and living puts a tremendous strain on your body. A consistent lack of sleep prevents the body's immune system from operating at its peak capacity. Over time, this can create a very unhealthy body for you to have to live in. Be sure to go to bed early if possible, and get a good, full night of sleep. The amount of time you should sleep varies from person to person, but for a majority of us, it is 7-8 hours a night.


Homemade Teen and Adult Acne Skin Treatment - Nature Works

Acne is every teenager's worst nightmare and almost all of them will have at least one episode before they become adults. Many teens and their parents are turning to homemade, teen and adult, acne skin treatments and remedies. Nature works to lemons, oatmeal, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, blueberries and many other fruits and vegetables have been shown to be effective acne treatments for adults as well as teens.

First let's look at some of the myths surrounding acne:
myth: only teens get acne.
reality: pregnant women have been known to suffer from acne and some adults develop acne at around age 40 , women more than men. Studies
point to a hormonal link.

myth: foods like chocolate, pizza and sodas cause acne.
reality: research shows this isn't true, however if your acne flares when you eat a particular food you may have a food allergy so try eliminating that item.

myth: make-up can worsen acne.
reality: wearing make-up doesn't cause or aggravate acne.

These are just some of the most common myths surrounding this condition.

Now let's take a look at some acne treatments that you can make at home from food products you probably already have in your kitchen.

Oatmeal masks have been used for years as a natural facial. Lukewarm cooked oatmeal applied to the face as a mask and left on for 20 minutes twice a day has been shown to clear up acne breakouts in as little as two weeks.

Another recommended use of oatmeal as an acne remedy is to mix the uncooked oatmeal with water until it is the consistency of mud, apply to your face and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash gently to remove the "mask".

Mashed tomatoes, crushed garlic, sugar water and olive oil are all home remedies for mild to moderate acne and are reported to work in days to a couple of weeks.

Apply the mashed tomatoes directly to your face and leave on for about 10 minutes, then wash them off gently. You only need to do this once a day and you will begin to see results in one to two weeks.

There are two ways to use garlic, one is to peel the cloves and then apply the garlic directly to the blemishes. Some people favor making a paste with the garlic and applying it to the face for 10 minutes every day.

If you want to try the sugar and olive oil, you might want to try dissolving the sugar in warm water and then adding the olive oil. Sugar has an anti-bacterial action that can speed the clearing of your acne blemishes.

Aloe vera gel helps to heal your acne faster. However since it can be drying you should use a moisturizer after the treatment.

Lemon juice either by itself or in combination with other things like rosewater can also help. It removes oils, kills bacteria that may contribute to acne, and helps to restore and maintain the PH levels of your skin.

Diet also plays a role in the treatment of acne. Many people believe that eating read or orange fruits can be helpful in preventing acne. Apples, cherries and cantaloupes are just a few recommended fruits to promote healthy skin.

We haven't come close to discussing all of the homemade acne treatments that people use. We have focused on treatments that use readily available ingredients so that it will be easier for you to make your own acne treatment supplies.

If you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed don't use that remedy. Also for severe acne you should consult a physician.

Well, nature always works for me and I hope it works for you to! Best of luck with your natural acne treatments


3 Top Acne Skin Care Tips For A Healthier Skin

When dealing with acne skin care, most of the medical professionals commonly suggest that people affected with acne must practice certain acne skin care methods that will help improve the condition of their skin.

Acne, as you may already know, is a very severe skin disorder that affects thousands of people from all over the world. It not only affects the surface of the skin but also the inner layers of the skin. Acne usually occurs on the face, neck, chest and back, and it starts during the adolescence period.

During the past several years, a good number of acne experts and skin care professionals have conducted many studies on how to prevent the formation of acne. And fortunately, these skin care specialists have come out with certain acne skin care tips that can be of great help for fighting acne. I have selected the three simpler yet most powerful acne skin care tips that you can follow in order to have a healthier skin. These are mentioned below:

Acne Skin Care Tip # 1: You Should Always Clean Your Skin Very Gently

First of all, personal hygiene is very necessary for fighting acne. So as what most experts usually suggest, you should gently clean your skin with a mild cleanser at least twice a day. This simple acne skin care step is deemed important for fighting acne since washing your face or the other affected areas will wipe away the acne-causing bacteria found on the skin. Also note that although you are sometimes told to scrub your face, scrubbing is not a good acne skin care move since it will just trigger the development of acne, worsening the condition. In addition to this acne skin care step, it is worth noting that astringents are not always suggested unless the skin is very oily. And, they must only be applied on the oily spots.

Acne Skin Care # 2: You Should Refrain from Frequently Holding Your Skin

Another helpful acne skin care tip is to avoid frequently handling of the skin. Do not pinch, pick or squeeze your pimple since it will only worsen the condition. Many of the people have considered this acne skin care step as one of the most important acne skin care pointers knowing that it may only cause infection and scars formation. As this acne skin care tip holds, you should avoid rubbing and touching your skin lesions if possible.

Acne Skin Care # 3: Always Choose Cosmetics Carefully

This last acne skin care tip holds that people who are being treated for acne must change some of the cosmetics they use. Note that in order to avoid the onset or the development of acne, the cosmetics you plan on using like the foundation, blush, moisturizers, and eye shadow should be oil free. Aside from that, this acne skin care tip also holds that you must avoid oily hair products for they may cause closed comedones. Therefore, those products that are labeled as noncomedogenic should be applied.

It is a fact that many of us are very conscious of our skin condition. And as such, we are always wanting to have a fresh, good-looking skin as much as possible. Unfortunately, many of us also fail to come to the conclusion that simple steps are the best ways to accomplish this goal. We often are blind enough that we do not see what is really right or wrong for our skin. We often fall in so much frustration and desperation that make us go buy any high-priced beauty products that in the end just turn out to be a waste of time and money, and even worsen our acne. Hopefully, the above mentioned acne skin care tips will be a good start to help you enhance your skin condition.


Use Essential Fatty Acid To Help You Eliminate Your Acne

To eliminate or clear your face of acne it will require you take a variety of health steps. The use of essential fatty acids is but one step. I have identified 10 different steps but will only discuss one step in this article - using essential fatty acids.

Getting sufficient essential fatty acids is of prime importance in clearing acne. It's these fatty acids that help to control the production of excess androgens - the hormones that surge during the teen-age times It is androgens, which causes excess sebum oil to clog your hair follicle and contribute to creating your acne.

The three fatty acids you need to get daily are:
� omega-3
� omega-6
� omega-9

When you are deficient in these essential fatty acids, you will

� A weaken immune system
� Inflammatory disorders
� Poor skin
� Skin eruptions and other wounds that won't heal
� Sebum production increases (this is what happens when you have acne)
� Sebaceous glands size increases

Eating essential fatty acids are necessary to provide you the right oils that are used in the sebaceous glands. These oils can come from straight vegetable oils or from oils in specific foods such as nuts and seeds.

Here's what you need to do. Use flax seed oil (omega-3 oil) and olive oil (omega-6 oil) in your salad. These are the best oils to eat and are called polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The other oil that is even better for you is called monounsaturated fatty acid or omega-9. This oil is found in avocados and somewhat in olive oil.

Most diets people have contain an excess of omega-6 oil (olive oil), so mostly likely you need to concentrate on getting more omega-3 oil (flax seed oil) into your diet.

You can get omega-3 oil from,

� avocados
� sesame seeds
� pumpkin seeds
� walnuts
� dark leafy green vegetables (spinach, mustard greens, kale)
� wheat germ oil
� salmon
� sardines
� albacore tuna

Or, you can take one to two tablespoon of flax seed oil, omega-3 oil, each day. This will give you the amount of omega-3 oil that your body needs. You can add this oil to your morning cereal, soups, smoothies, salads and other liquid foods.

You can get omega-6 oil from,

� olive oil
� flaxseed oil
� flaxseeds
� grape seed oil
� pistachio nuts
� olives
� sunflower seeds
� chicken
� evening primrose oil
� pumpkin seeds
� pine nuts

Taking 2-3 tablespoons of omega-6 oil a day will give you the amount of this oil that you body needs.

So, to control those androgens and help your body reduce the creations of acne or pimples start using more essential fatty acids.


Acne in Men

Acne is an affection that does not affect only teenagers and women, it can also occur in men at any age, therefore it is highly important for men to know what they are dealing with when Acne occurs in them.

It seems that in most of the cases of men Acne the pimples appear due to an increased level of androgens that lead to a massive sebum secretion by the skin glands. These skin glands will clog up, inflammation will follow and all the process will finalize with a red, painful pimple.

Doctors have divided pimples in two categories: the blackheads which form when a clog is made within a hair canal and the whiteheads that form within the sebaceous follicle and look like a white tip.

Men that suffer from Acne must know that shaving is not a cause of pimples but it can interfere with the process of healing. They should use a quality shaving cream and a sharp blade when shaving and this way they will avoid an irritated or nicked skin. Also, when washing their face they should use only oil free products that will not clog the pores up. Face washing should be done twice a day, first in the morning and then before going to bed and scrubbing has to be avoided in order not to irritate the skin.

One of the causes of Acne is stress and we are not taking here about the daily stress which most men are exposed to at work. The profound tension is a factor that can lead to an overproduction of hormones and then to pimples. So, try to relax and manage stress better.

There are lots of men that think of popping their pimples. This is not a good idea as germs from the hands or from inside the zit might spread to other healthy parts of the skin and colonize it, and so, more pimples will appear. Not to mention that squeezing the zits can lead to scars and some of them will never disappear from the skin. Most of the comedons do not leave marks on the skin after they heal but those that are deep and look like cysts can leave scars if they are mistreated.

Acne can occur in any part of the body except the palm of the hand and sole of the foot where hair canals for the skin pores do not exist. No matter where Acne has appeared you can use the same cream you use for treating Acne for all your body zones that are affected by this disorder.

Treating Acne must be done by a dermatologist. He will mostly recommend you creams and lotions made out of plants like chamomile and tea tree and substances like zinc sulfate, protodioscin and salicylic acid. There is a fast-acting anti-Acne cream named "ActivClear" which can help men in fighting Acne and its advantages are that it does not only clear up existing Acne, but also prevents the reappearing of Acne.


Natural Pitted Acne Scar Treatment Cream

Are you asking what works on indented scars? Are old acne scars destroying your complexion and making you resent showing your face in public? Old, pitted scars are often considered the most painful form of acne scars. You can now help sunken acne scarring with a special skin care cream that does not involve sanding machines or high tech lasers. Imagine having a clean complexion free of acne breakouts and scars. Unsightly facial scars resulting from cysts can be the core of painful psychological trauma. Acne breakouts damage collagen in the skin, leaving disfiguring pitted scars. These acne scars resemble something like a chicken pox scar with pits which is why often you use the term 'ice pick scars', as if a person stabbed you in the forehead with a ice pick. With the obvious emotional ramifications associated with this acne marks problem, finding the best acne scar removal cream is crucial. Many acne skin care creams can reduce acne inflammation but they do not fill in acne pits scars. People truly want to know how to diminish acne marks and spend lots of time searching for an acne moisturizer, damaged skin cream, or other care products. What they find are acne holes remedies that do not live up to their claims.Results in Acne Scarring When people are bothered with pitted acne scars, thousands of people buy dermal fillers to try to plump up the scar. There are a couple different kinds of dermal fillers that can vary from bovine collagen to hyaluronic acid. The idea behind these injections is to add volume to skin components. The effects do eventually wane so you will need to return for more injections whenever the certain filler loses its luster. This may sound a little unusual but some dermal fillers can be made from actual bacteria so one needs to think about the pros and cons of inserting harmful substances into their skin. When you search for an acne scar removal home remedy, you will read some interesting options. You can read about people diluting apple cider vinegar and applying it on their faces, hoping to reduce the reddish hue of acne scars. Now do you think that washing your face with vinegar will help you rejuvenate collagen and elastin component to fill in your ice pick scars? I hope you know the answer to that. Best Ice Pick Scars TreatmentEveryone understands it is hard, pimples at 30 and 40 can make anyone crazy. Luckily for everyone, there is a new acne scar treatment that can help you rejuvenate essential skin fibers. You can stimulate the production of collagen and elastin and fill in ice pick scars with this acne scars fading cream.When the pitted scar treatment is applied to the affected area for a period of at least 8 weeks, it will fuse with your skin cells and remove acne marks by biologically filling in the holes.The cream will work biologically and:* Stimulate the natural skin growth factors inside your body. * Corrects cellular communication and abates scar tissue evolution in the skin. The skin's natural recovery ability is restored. GlycoProteins contained in the acne scar treatment enable cells to effectively coordinate activities between one another. * Copper peptides found in the acne scar treatment trigger skin remodeling. Using the biological ingredient to depressed skin areas will start the influx of collagen and elastin fibers into the scar site. New healthy skin cells are generated, giving off the fa�ade of clean skin in the area.* Trigger the production of more of the antimicrobial peptides that your skin regularly emits to keep micro-organisms at bay. This can act as an ice pick scar prevention method.


Managing Acne and Dispelling Myths

Azelaic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Resorcinol, sulphur, and Adapalene are products that approach acne skin care with the intent to reduce clogged pores by peeling or sloughing off dead skins cells. Salicylic Acid is found in over-the-counter acne care products, such as Stridex, as are Resorcinol and sulphur. While most acne skin care treatments in this group target the surface of the skin, Adapalene, a prescription-only medication, reduces the build-up of dead skin cells inside the pore itself. Also a prescription-only skin care product, Azelaic Acid has the added benefit of killing P. acnes bacteria.

The symptoms of acne are persistent, recurrent pimples orblemishes on the skin. Acne is commonly foundon the face but can also occur on the chest, shoulder, neck and upper portion of the back (often referred to as bacne).

Acne skin care products performance can greatly depend on how an individual's skin type reacts to it. It must conform to the skin's characteristics, which may include skin sensitivity, tone, ethnicity and gender. There are many acne skin care products in the market with different active ingredients and solutions for different skin types. Acne prone skin can be very sensitive to different chemicals and must be very careful in using different products. There are different tips and techniques for mild to severe cases of acnes. Some acne skin care products may not work for some people in helping them improve the look and condition of their skin.

Proper skin care may not guarantee a flawless complexion. But a good skin care regimen may aid in warding off bacteria that worsen adult acne. If you love scrubbing for its squeaky-clean feel, think twice. It can render more damage to your already-blemished skin.

Contrary to facial acne, back acne is not generally acquired via heredity. No definite cause for back acne has been proven to date, but, just to be on the safe side, try to avoid using irritating detergents and fabric softeners with your clothes, maintain a healthy diet and keep yourself clean and feeling fresh always. Remember: back acne does not choose its target. Young or old, male or female, Black, White or Asian, no one is spared from the havoc back acne is bound to spread. It's best to be cautious than sorry.

In many of your natural skincare product you will find properties included such as Cinnamon, Neem, Tea Tree oil, and Echinacea. These items are known to have natural forms of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Unlike many of the herbs and spices, many of them may not have proven effects other than the Tea Tree plant. It has been proven to be effective against bacteria that cause blemishes, and usually the concentration level should be around 5 - 10% to show results. However, most skin care products only offer less than 1%, which is considered ineffective.


Keep Acne At Bay With Simple Diet

One of the simplest things you can do in life is eating. If eating affects your overall health, why not choose what to eat instead? If you are suffering from acne, the following offers you what to eat and what not to eat.

The Don'ts

1) Vegetable oils will cause the production of inflammatory hormones. This means that cutting them out completely from your diet to solve your acne problem will do you no harm.

Cooking meals with vegetable oils such as sunflower oil is not an option, and forswearing the use of such vegetable oils can play a most crucial role in curing acne.

2) Stop and eliminate fungal and yeast infections. Once you are able to eliminate yourself of these infections, you will instantly notice that your skin becomes completely clear once more.

This may be a last resort for many acne sufferers, and in a number of adult cases, it has been proven to be very effective.

3) Sugary and fatty foods which include deep-fried foods can be very damaging to the body. Not only will sugary and fatty foods cause outbreaks like acne, it will also cause serious diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and others.

This will mean making a lifestyle change which leads to not consuming foods that are highly processed and also those that have hydrogenated oil in them.

The Dos

1) Eat apples. The fibers in apples absorb toxins and also cleanse out the intestines as well. Also, the fibers in apples help control the hormones, which is necessary since hormone excess in the body eventually will cause acne.

Another source of cleansing and detoxifying the body from within is herbal formulas. However choose those that are reputable.

2) Foods those are high in antioxidants. Foods that are rich in vitamins A, C and E are said to be the major sources of antioxidants for the body thus your diet should contain lots of fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins A, C and E.

You should eat carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, kale, spinach and others which contain lot of Vitamin A.

For Vitamin C, you should take plenty of fruits like orange, grapes, papayas, strawberries, kiwis, mangoes, oranges and others.

On the other hand, the best diet for acne should consist of foods that are rich in vitamin like spinach, olives, asparagus and others.

3) Foods with low fat content. Although excess fat should be avoided, fats are also essential to a balanced diet. To keep your body healthy and strong, you need to choose well the sources of your fats.

According to studies, omega-3 fatty acids have a low fat diet. Therefore, you need to eat plenty of foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids like fish, walnuts, canola oil, flaxseeds and others.

4) You need to take whole grain food. Whole grains contain plenty of fibers that can help cleanse and detoxify the body.

For these whole grain foods which will supply you lots of fibers in each day, eat multigrain bread, plenty of fruits and vegetables, legumes, eggs, nuts, yogurt and those foods that are rich in monounsaturated fats.

If you focus on such foods, they will help in eliminating preservatives as well as chemicals contained in foods that can destroy your skin.

5) You should drink lots of water. You need to drink plenty of water to keep your body well hydrated all the time, and drinking about eight glasses of water a day is highly recommended as it will help in cleansing and clearing the skin in a natural way.

If you are suffering from acne, you will know that acne can create a very serious problem, not only physically but emotionally as well as it can really dampen your self-confidence and self-esteem. However you have to remember that there are plenty of options when it comes to acne treatment. There is no need to worry that you will be acne plagued all your life.

In conclusion, if you want to cure your acne, it means having enough nutrients in your body's system. If you are deficient in nutrients, you are likely to have acne breakouts on your skin. Also, if you choose to treat acne on the surface, that will provide only skin deep results.

If you opt instead to improve your overall health, you will end up treating your entire body and not merely the skin's surface. Therefore this problem of acne can simply be remedied by taking simple steps as mentioned above.


Home Remedies for Acne: Simple and Effective

Millions of inhabitants have experience from acne during their adolescent days. Some of them, mainly women have suffered a extended acne problem beyond teenage. So much has been argued and invented to wipe off this threat from the face. But in fact some of the home remedies are successful in treating acne.

Contrary to popular believe greasy, dirty skin and hair do not cause acne but in order to prevent infection it is essential to maintain strict cleanliness extremely and internally. Many sources advocate washing with pure soap and water but I believe that it is best to keep the face clean with warm water alone using a small, slightly abrasive face sponge. I also believe strongly in the benefits of warm, healing face masks which will soften and cleanse the clogged pores without adding to the problem.

It is when acne becomes infected by pressing and picking and thus allowing dirt to infiltrate the vulnerable areas that the major problems arise. Up until that point acne is just one of those aggravations which disappear after a while. I do not think that it is wise to use facial scrubs and peelers, heavy cleansing lotions and strong astringents, nor to try to cover the affected area with masking creams and powder. Fresh water, particularly sea water, fresh air and sunlight will do far more to improve the condition of the skin and so will looking to your diet and that euphemistic �inner cleanliness'.


Cut out all fats and eat plenty of good greenstuffs. An excellent breakfast time cocktail to be taken daily in times of crises is a combination of beetroot, celery and tomato juice. When the condition has cleared reduce the dose to twice a week a preventative. Blackstrap molasses taken daily is another essential as is honey or honey and lemon juice tea at night. Liquorice, either is a tea or as sweets, was the old-fashioned answer to spots and is considerably more palatable than cold liver oil and cold baths.

If you suffer frequently form these frustra5ting outbreaks try to pinpoint the times when they are most likely to occur and take evasive action beforehand by going on a three-day diet of grapes an water or fruit juice. However this should only be attempted when you are resting, otherwise you will become tired and even more stressed. Another preventative tonic to be taken before a period ( if this is the time when acne begins to make itself felt) is made by simmering 25g (1oz) fresh sorrel in 1 litre ( 1 � pints) of water for 10 minutes.

A decoction of horsetail (Equisetaceae) Taken regularly this was considered to be the best possible tonic to cure acne and eczema. It also encourages the white spots on fingernails to disappear but I believe that this is a because it improves the general state of health. Horsetail decoction also provides and excellent healing washes for most skin conditions.

Acne Home Remedies

Cleansing Lotions and Packs

Lemon juice Moreover apply it on neat which is particularly precious if you have been picking�or with an equal quantity of water to wash a bigger area.

Thyme and lemon lotion Boil several sprigs of fresh thyme in 2 cups of water for two minutes and leave to infuse for five. Strain and add the juice of � lemons. Use this to wash the face at least two times in a day.
Nettle tea Nettle tea can be used to clean with and to drink. Parsley juice and the expressed juice of comfrey leaves are also precious ointment.

Herbal Lotions Lady's mantle, yarrow, marigold, lavender and comomile may all be useful as may any hearing herbal vinegar diluted with water.

Soopwort Wash with a soapwort solution vinegar dikluted if the skin very greasy.

Comomile, lime, sage, thyme Any one or a mixture of these herbs in a warm poultice will soothe and heal. Place the herbs in a bowl of boiling water until they have softened and cool a slight before applying. Many people favor to use them as �steamer' to unlock the pores but this may cause illness to spread.

Comfrey Both the powdered root and the leaves make a curative poultice and a superb lotion.

Lettuce leaves Boiled and applied humid leaves help to calm overheated skin.

Grape skins If you are feeling extravagant a poultice or grape skins is said to be the very best method of healing acne.

Marigold and wheatgerm oil Pound 2 tablespoons of fresh or 1 tablespoon of dried marigold petals with 4 tablespoon of warm wheatgerm oil (a good source of vitamin E). Strain into a little bottle and use to heal those small scars or blemishes caused by acne, burns and thread veins.

Sulphur Mask
1 teaspoon sulphur powder
2 tablespoon fuller's earth
1 beaten egg white bottled water.
Combine the ingredients together using sufficient bottled water to make a smooth paste. Although this is an proficient deep cleansing mask but make an allergy test before using it because some skins may suffer an adverse reaction to sulphur. To do this spread a little of the mixture over the skin on the inside of elbow. Stay for a few minutes then wash off and pat dry and see if the skin gets infected due to this mixture.

Plum mask Mash 250g (8oz) of boiled plums with 1 teaspoon of almond oil to make a thick paste. Many acne sufferers also have the double problem of a dry skin and this mask, used cautiously, may help to alleviate it.

Tomato Paste Mask
4 good-sized tomatoes
Finely ground oatmeal
1 teaspoon clear honey
Puree and sieve the tomatoes. Mix the components to make a smooth paste and rub it softly over the skin, focussed on the worst affected areas. Leave on the skin for 10 minutes the rinse off with warm water. This remedy is more of a preventative for it cleanses and clears blackheads and blocked pores like magic.

Yoghurt and oatmeal Mix natural yoghurt and fine oatmeal to a thick paste, apply and leave to dry. This paste can be used as a basic mask to which you can add herb, fruit and vegetable extracts to suit your skin type and problem.

Potato mask Make a thick paste with 1 tablespoon each of extracted potato juice and fuller's earth. Use as a deep cleansing and remedial mask for spotted skins.

Onion Mask

1 tablespoon onion juice (extracted in a blender)
1 tablespoon kaolin powder
1 teaspoon clear honey

Mix the ingredients together to form a thick paste and use on blemished, oily skins.
Essential oils of camomile, lavender and myrrh These oils may all be dabbedneat on to badly affected areas and are particularly useful if you have dry skin, although essential oils do become absorbed so rapidly into the skin that you may need a second dab.


Are You Getting The Best Acne Treatment From Your Doctor?

One treatment - Accutane, may cause severe birth defects and Depression, which has led the FDA to strengthen restrictions on its use. These new restrictions require manufacturers of Accutane and its generic versions to keep track of the doctors who prescribe the drug, and also the pharmacies that sell the drug and the patients who use it.

It is not yet known exactly what causes adult acne, but several dermatologists link adult acne to hormone fluctuations. Acne in a woman is often linked to her menstrual cycle. Women with premenstrual acne outbreaks, such as pimples on the lower face and neck, seem to respond particularly well to treatment with medications that either reduce or block androgen production. You can forgo the androgen blocking hormones by properly consuming essential fatty acids such as those found in salmon and olive oil.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar swabs and other astringent cleansers work to remove the oil buildup that may become blocked in the skin's glands. These products may cause dryness, itching, and redness, so be sure to use them only on problem areas.

There are a few choices available to treat moderate acne scarring. The most popular are dermabrasion and laser resurfacing. Dermabrasion is a scar treatment in which a diamond plated wheel is used to "sand" your face. This technique has been around for a long time and sandpaper was once used instead of the new machines that utilize the diamond plated tool. Generally, this procedure takes around an hour to perform. You should expect some scabbing and redness for a few weeks. This method is most effective for individual with very pale or very dark complexions.

Acne fulminans (Too Much Testosterone Acne) is an acute and severe form of acne accompanied by symptoms like fever and joint pain. This acne is common among males. Traits include: abrupt onset of acne, inflammatory and ulcerated nodular acne on the chest and back, severe acne scarring, fluctuating fever, painful joints, loss of appetite or weight, and high white blood cell count. This acne is caused by use of testosterone, used legally or illegally to enhance muscle growth. Over the counter treatments are not effective. If you don't need the extra testosterone for your health, don't take it.

In many of your natural skincare product you will find properties included such as Cinnamon, Neem, Tea Tree oil, and Echinacea. These items are known to have natural forms of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Unlike many of the herbs and spices, many of them may not have proven effects other than the Tea Tree plant. It has been proven to be effective against bacteria that cause blemishes, and usually the concentration level should be around 5 - 10% to show results. However, most skin care products only offer less than 1%, which is considered ineffective.


Acne Truths and Myths You Need To Know!

A little known fact about vaginal yeast infections is that condoms can actually create them too. The use of condoms which have spermicide on them known as nonoxynol-9, has been proven in studies to be linked to increased yeast infections. Some women however, are simply allergic to latex, so using any type of latex condom can start a yeast infection for them.

Avoid keeping your vagina wet for a long peroid of time and do not douche vagina with vinegar after menstrual periods or sexual intercourse as it may remove the healthy bacteria in the vagina.

The most widely occurring form of mouth yeast infection is thought to be caused by the yeast named Candida that is normally found in the digestive and vaginal tracts of the human body. There is a large group of fungi called Candida or Monilia which is responsible for a certain yeast organism called Monilia albicans. This fungus causes candidiasis or moniliasis and infects the mouth as well as throats especially among babies and the elderly. Species of Candida are thought to result in disease through one of three primary modes: Invasion of tissue, induction of a hypersensitive state or by making potent toxins.

Most doctors say that we should drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water daily, but many people need even more than that. I have found that simply drinking enough water greatly reduces my likelihood for getting a yeast infection. Because I am drinking more water, and subsequently urinating more frequently, my body is able to flush out the sugars that feed the yeast.

The extensive use of broad spectrum antibiotics destroys much of the good bacteria in our gut that would otherwise keep candida in its place. Many women are aware that taking antibiotics for a bladder infection virtually guarantees an onset of a vaginal yeast infection.

If you suffer from yeast infection theres a good chance that you might not be aware of it, or that you might mistake it for something else entirely. There are yeast infection signs which can tell you whether or not you have a yeast infection, but sometimes these signs are the same as some other infections.

You should be aware of the fact that there is another way of treating a Candida yeast infection through diet. This alternative Candida treatment works in a very simple manner. By eating the right foods you will create an environment hostile to the Candida yeast which will eventually cause its death.


The Best Over The Counter Acne Treatment Products

Acne treatment products are on the shopping lists of almost everyone suffering from blemish problems. If you do not have to use prescription acne medication, you are likely wondering what the best type of over the counter acne treatment might be. With all the choices, out there it can be quite hard to make the right choice.

Knowing what skin type you are can be a huge help when you are shopping for the best over the counter acne treatment products. If you have dry skin you will definitely want to avoid acne products containing alcohol as they would dry out your skin and likely cause more breakouts. On the other hand, acne products containing alcohol are perfect for those with very oily skin as it can really help to keep the skin oil free.

There are also a great many natural products for fighting acne sold in stores and pharmacies. Make sure you are well informed about the ingredients in natural acne products so you are sure that it is not something that will harm your skin.

An excellent suggestion to keep in mind when looking for the best over the counter products that fight acne is to ask for help. Most people think that purchasing the most expensive product means that they have purchased the best product. This is not always the case, your pharmacist will be able to recommend the best product for your skin type that they carry.

If you are not having any luck with the over, the counter acne treatment that you have purchased it may be a good idea to consult with your health care provider. Your doctor will be the best person to inform you what the best type of over the counter acne treatment products that you should be using or if a prescription treatment would be better.


Natural Acne Medicine

Many women (and men) suffering from yeast infections resort to the remedies found in a drug store: creams, suppositories, and other "medical" remedies. The problem with these is that they tend to help for only a short period of time and then the yeast comes back with a vengeance. In my experience, there are other, more effective ways to combat this evil menace.

Candida infections in infants and adults may become visible in different ways; oral Candidiasis (or thrush) is exhibited by thick, white patches on top of a red base and may appear on any area inside the mouth. Bleeding on the underlying tissue occurs if these white patches are wiped away. Without the white coating this infection makes the tongue appear to be red in color. Oral thrush is painful and can contribute to eating disorders.

Not all women experience a discharge. The easiest way to tell if a woman has yeast infection is if she experiences itchiness in and around her vagina. The itchiness may go hand in hand with a burning sensation. The outer area and the vulva area can become swollen and red, this can result in painful urination and sexual intercourse may also be painful too.

An abundance of candida may also cause vaginitis, commonly known as a yeast infection. Ordinary symptoms are vaginal itching, a white discharge, sensitive skin at the vaginal opening and pain during urination or intercourse. This condition is especially common in women who are pregnant or taking antibiotics. Women using contraceptives with a high estrogen level are also more susceptible to yeast infections. Because the same fungus that causes vaginal yeast infections is responsible for thrush, it may also be spread through oral sex.

Unfortunately, many doctors misdiagnose a yeast infection as being bacterial in nature and they will treat it with antibiotics. This can lead to the elimination of the yeast's natural competitors and actually increase the severity of the yeast infection.

Though yeast infections are very common women illness, men can experience them as well. Though less common, men can become infected with male yeast infections. The main cause is prolonged antibiotic use as antibiotics kill all bacteria, including those that are healthy. Steroids are also a serious cause of male yeast infections.

An untreated yeast infection will allow for the symptomatic pains of this infection to continue and possibly worsen in their severity. However, it is important to note that many untreated yeast infections progress normally and the body wonderfully clears up the condition on its own. This is generally accomplished during the menstrual cycle. When menstruating the flow of blood raises the pH level within the vagina. This action minimizes the activity of the yeast cells because of their inability to grow in that pH environment.



From the age of 12 I got my first spot, great I thought, I am finally becoming a woman, this was the start of the journey���.I was GROWING UP! Fast forward 6 years to my 18th birthday, all my mates gathered around my cake, they're laughing a joking, with their boyfriends arms wrapped around they're slender figures, kissing them on their perfect skin. I was standing there on my own as always with tears in my eyes, a few stone overweight due to my inability to leave the house. I STILL had spots, not just any spots but that spot that I was overwhelmed with six years previous had developed into a horrific case of acne. "It's not horrific and you're not hideous" my mom used to say to me but it was to me and I definitely was to other people. Most teenagers used to spend their weekends partying, drinking on the streets and having a laugh with boys. I spent my teenage years in my room watching DVD's and eating enough food to feed the army for a year. I tried hundreds of different chemicals on my face to peel the skin to supposedly reveal beautiful, clear skin underneath, if it was that easy don't you think acne would be non-existent in youths today. Acne is classed as a disease�����A DISEASE. Imagine sending thousands of teenagers to school everyday with a common acne problem and market it as a disease�����.AND THEY EXPECT OTHER KIDS NOT TO USE THIS AGAINST US. THEY CALLED ME EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN BECAUSE OF PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES, YOUR GP AND THE GOVERNMENT MARKET ACNE AS A DISEASE!!! I hated every minute of my pathetic teenage years. Most people don't realise what it's like to despise a whole portion of your life, six years completely gone.

I am now 23 years of age, engaged to be married this autumn. I am now able to look into the mirror and see what my fianc� has been telling me he has seen for the past three years. I have lost all that weight and my skin is finally as clear as crystal. You see, after using all those chemicals on my face I realised that they only made it WORSE���.I WAS PUTTING CHEMICALS ON MY FACE FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, WOULD YOU PUT CHEMICALS ON YOUR SKIN TO CURE A RASH????? NO! So I decided to look around on the internet to see if there were any natural remedies around and I came across a few e-books on the internet CLAIMING to cure acne. So I started to spend my cash on some e-books to see what they really had to say for themselves and I have to say they spoke the biggest loads of tripe I have ever read in my entire life, no actual product or information, just sales page to sales page and link after link to another link. After spending the best part of �500 over the course of 6 months I FINALLY stumbled across one that gave me hope. I came across just ONE man, not a corporation, not a sales man, just your average guy who had suffered just as I had. Through loads of research and trial and error he had found the best advice for treating acne and SOLD me (yes I wasn't too happy about this) he SOLD me the information for me to put into practice. Once of his trial and error cases actually cleared there acne in about 3 days I think it was (don't read too much into that as we all now this was a very freak case). It actually took nine months for my acne to clear up using this guys method, can't remember his name but I will find it out and put it on the bottom of this article. If you choose to view the site then don't read too much into the sales page as this guy appears to have turned into a salesman lol but the information is still the same. If you choose to purchase the information then please please please be very patient with it, it will work eventually but you need determination and discipline and (I know a lot of you out there won't have much of this at the moment) but you need self-confidence and motivation, if you have all these attributes then I hope you will follow my advice.

A lot of you will wonder why I'm taking the time to write a lengthy article about treating acne�����..very good question. I know what it's like to suffer from acne and it's the most self destroying, spirit crushing experience a teenager can ever go through so I offer my experiences as a chance to get your life back the way you want it.

Once again I hope you take my advice, still can't remember the guys name but the information is available on the health section of http://www.excaliburworldwide.com


Free Acne Home Remedies - Four That You Can Start Using Today!

I'll never forget how people were treated at school if they suffered from acne. It's simply amazing to me how much cruelty can be inflicted, by children of all things.

Most everyone suffers from some form of acne while growing up. Some individuals may have it more on a more visible area, such as their face or neck, while others may have it on their back or buttocks. I've had my own share of problems with facial acne, mostly just the occasional big zit that looked like a third eye, hurt like crazy and lasted for days. These were especially wonderful when there was some type of social event coming up. You feel cursed.

There are some homemade recipes for acne cures that work very well. I would always be willing to try a few free acne home remedies before spending the money to see a dermatologist and then paying for a prescription.

Here are a few free acne home remedies that you can try before you have to see the doctor.

#1. Oatmeal facials - These are known to be helpful for some people. Simply make a "mask" and apply it to the problem area a couple times per week. Only use warm water, not hot, and let the mask dry on your covered area until it completly dries before washing it off. You can also use dried (damp) oatmeal to wash your face with as this will help you to clean out your pores.

#2. Change your diet - I realize that this is easier said than done, especially as a teenager, but it will help you a lot. A good rule of thumb is to avoid anything that comes in a bag or wrapper. This means pretty much anything processed has got to go. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel both physically and mentally if you stick with a plan of only eating healthy foods for 3-4 weeks. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and no garbage.

#3. Get plenty of exercise - You probably think that you're reading a weight loss article, right? Well, if you need to lose some then here's a chance to knock out two birds with one stone. I'm not talking about getting a "little" exercise, but about starting regular workouts that will build muscle, get rid of poisonous toxins that have built up in your body and also help to build your self esteem. Don't dabble in it. Dive in and do it regularly until you break a really good sweat! You'll be amazed at the benefits of exercise not only for your acne, but for the rest of "you" too.

#4. Green Tea - You may have heard this before. Green tea is becoming more and more popular and is now being recognized as an excellent antioxident. This stuff works like a charm for helping to detox your body. Put the soda pop down and make this your beverage of choice. Some think that it's great without sugar. I personally like my tea any way. Hot, cold, with or without sugar, but I've found that it quenches my thirst much better if I drink it without sugar. I do recommend that you moderate your sugar intake. Try honey, another fantastic antoxidant, instead.

There are other free acne home remedies that you may find helpful. Make certain to see your doctor before trying anything too extravagant or if your acne becomes worse. Good luck to you!


Acne Natural Cure - Simple And Effective Ways To Stop Acne

Azelaic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Resorcinol, sulphur, and Adapalene are products that approach acne skin care with the intent to reduce clogged pores by peeling or sloughing off dead skins cells. Salicylic Acid is found in over-the-counter acne care products, such as Stridex, as are Resorcinol and sulphur. While most acne skin care treatments in this group target the surface of the skin, Adapalene, a prescription-only medication, reduces the build-up of dead skin cells inside the pore itself. Also a prescription-only skin care product, Azelaic Acid has the added benefit of killing P. acnes bacteria.

Individuals that are prone to acne and are being treated for it should use oil free cosmetic products. Benzoyl peroxide and other acne skin care treatment can redden the skin so applying regular cosmetics products might be difficult. Regular cosmetic products usually contain more fatty acids that are harmful to acne prone individuals. Looking for organic and acne skin care products that will match your skin tone can help avoid more infections.

Try applying essential oils directly to the acne. Oils to try are Tea Tree Oil, Bergamot Oil, Clove Oil, Lavender Oil, and Rosewood Oil. If you have sensitive skin, you may need to dilute the oil with grape seed oil to avoid irritation. Apply the oil before going to bed and then wash it away, using pure soap and clean water, in the morning. Give it about a month to see if it is working. This is one of the least expensive acne solutions that have proven to be effective for many people.

With the advanced acne treatments and acne products available today, acne need no longer have such a crippling impact on the sufferers' life. Once the outward symptom of acne first becomes apparent, that is, inflammation and lesion on the skin, it is important that you treat it right away so as to slow down or stop further inflammation.

Stress does not cause acne. Stress is a part of our daily lives and believe it or not it is not a contributing factor to the acne residing in your face. Only severe stress treated by the doctor may cause acne to erupt and then only as a side effect of the drugs a person may be taking. If this is the case, consult your doctor immediately.

Internally, the skin is fed and cleansed by a diet rich in fresh fruits, whole grains and vegetables. These foods provide more water, nutrients and fiber into the diet and can make a remarkable difference in the appearance of the skin. Relaxation, adequate sleep, exercise and stress reduction also play an important role in keeping the skin clear and healthy as they assist the body to repair and detoxify itself.


Acne and the Birth Control Pill: How do Oral Contraceptives Work?

Walking through a pharmacy, there are all sorts of topical creams and products designed to get rid of the inflammation, irritation and redness characteristic of acne. Treatments for acne symptoms can often be very effective; however, many fail to deal with the source of the problem. Acne is often referred to as a hormonal disorder, one that can appear during puberty with the initial release of certain hormones and remain present even many years into adulthood. While it may seem that hormones would be even harder to control than acne symptoms, this is no longer the case, and hormonal acne treatment can now be a very effective way to minimize acne in women. So how does all this work?

Hormones are chemicals that are created in one part of the body and travel in the bloodstream to another, where they trigger specific processes or functions. While ultimately helpful, some hormones can affect us in ways that are less than desirable. A prime example of this is the role that androgen hormones have on creating acne in women. Androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands, causing the production of sebum. In healthy skin, sebum travels up hair follicles and pores to the skin's surface, lubricating the skin and protecting it from environmental damage. An over-production of sebum, it has been suggested, can actually clog these pores and follicles. This is not a problem in itself; the problem occurs when natural skin bacteria are caught in the pores and follicles with the sebum. These bacteria are thought to break down sebum and reproduce rapidly, irritating the pore walls, causing inflammation and acne.

In healthy skin, androgens are kept in balance, and sebum production is optimal. Experts suggest that acne problems in women occur either with an overproduction of androgens, an under-production in estrogen to counteract those androgens, or when a woman has a genetically pre-determined sensitivity to androgens. This last option is thought to be the most common reason for acne, and oral contraceptives containing estrogen and progestin can be very helpful in limiting the effects of androgen, thus negating the sensitivity.

Progestin is a synthetic hormone that can is taken orally to mimic the effects of the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is reported to be both harmful as well as helpful when it comes to acne. It is thought to mask the effect of androgens through bonding with it to maintain normal sebum production, but it can also encourage fluid retention in the skin, causing pinched-off, blocked pores. When progestin is combined with estrogen in birth control pills (BCPs), ovulation is prevented...but there are also three key anti-acne effects that have been reported. The pill prevents formation of androgens, reduces the amount of androgens in the bloodstream, and blocks androgens from reaching the receptors that allow them to initiate an action.

With varying estrogen and progesterone levels in each pill, choosing one is as personal as choosing a pair of shoes; what works for one woman may not work at all for another. Often, women may use a certain oral contraceptive for a while and then find that it is no longer compatible with their own natural hormone levels, precipitating a change to a new pill. There are some concerns associated with oral contraceptives, and before going on the pill or any acne medication, women should have a serious discussion about these concerns with their doctor. For many women, however, oral contraceptives are an effective acne medication recommended by many doctors and dermatologists.


Acne Program - Step 8 Vegetables to Eat and Drink

Eating and drinking vegetables is necessary for good health and for keeping your skin free from acne. Most people don't eat enough vegetables and seldom drink their juices. Here is a list of vegetables and their juices that you need to eat and drink daily to help eliminate your acne.

Vegetable juices

Vegetable juices are absorbed quickly into your bloodstream. As a result, your cells are quickly provided with nutrients that feed them and that wash away waste. Vegetable juices give you the opportunity to get quick relief from various body conditions such as acne, skin disorders, and constipation.

Eating and drinking vegetables provide you with minerals and nutrients that build your blood, tissue, bones, and cells. It is minerals that build every part of your body. It is minerals that keep your body's pH at the required level. It is minerals that keep your body alkaline by neutralizing body acids. Concentrate on putting minerals into your body by eating and drinking plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Carrot apple juice

Drink carrot juice every day. I like drinking carrot juice mixed with apple juice. My stomach can handle this combination better.

Carrot juice contains many vitamins and minerals. It is high in beta-carotene. Carrot juice will enhance your skins health and help you eliminate acne.

Carrot, spinach, and apple juice

A combination of carrot, spinach and apple juice is a powerful drink for cleaning the colon, relieving constipation and improving your skin conditions.

To make this drink, juice 3-4 carrots and a bunch of spinach. Then add juiced apples to make this drink more drinkable.


The word phytochemicals is used frequent here. Phytochemicals are all of the chemicals that exist in vegetables and fruits. There are so many phytochemicals that scientists have yet to investigate and learn about all of them.

Here are the vegetables that you should be eating the most of, so you can support the cleansing of your face and eliminating acne.

* Carrots - contain a rich source of vitamin A-like carotenoids. These phytochemicals have been shown to enhance the health of skin and repair it when it is damaged.
* Cabbage - helps to detoxify the body of harmful chemicals from the air and food additives.
* Celery - helps to reduce nervous tension. It contains many minerals that help to neutralize body acid waste and is high in fiber
* Cucumber - helps to reduce acne problems because it is high in silicon and sulfur. It is also a diuretic which helps flow more water through the kidney to clean out your blood
* Broccoli - is rich in beta carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which is good for the skin
* Garlic - is a natural antibiotic and will help relieve skin bacterial infections
* Green pepper - The nutrients in green peppers are good for liver health and constipation. Its minerals are good for neutralizing acid waste.
* Radishes - help to digest your food. Good digestion is necessary to avoid constipation and to keep the liver and pancreas strongSprouts - provide plenty of vitamins and minerals, which help to reduce body acids
* Watercress - helps to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies at the skin surface. It provides Vitamin A, B1, B2, C, iron, manganese, copper, and calcium.

Look this list of vegetable over, make a list of them, and head for your favorite store, or farmers market. Concentrate in eating and drinking these natural products and you will see results in your health and a decrease in your skin disorders.


Myths Regarding the Treatment of Acne

Acne skin care can often get too excessive and produce even bigger problems. During puberty, it is very common for young adults to experience acne breakouts and acne cysts. The normal reaction is to get a zit and rub incessantly, thinking that this is the way to diminish the zit. We will be honest here, this is the polar opposite of what is required. Natural acne treatments on the market today miss the point in addressing acne's root causes. Strong chemical skin treatments make most of their money marketing to the masses of kids who are going through hormonal changes. The physiological changes and biological imbalances in growing kids increases the production of sebum in the body. This natural substance is used by the skin to preserve itself against dry skin and pathogens. Sometimes, the increased sebum does not always flow to the skin surface and gets obstructed inside pores, while other times it corrodes the cells lining the sebum canals and those lesions are not taken care of quick enough, both of which provoke pimples.There has been a revolution in the way of thinking in the last few years where more and more people are shying away from harsh chemicals and using more natural acne skin care products. Unfortunately, not every natural acne remedy provides results. Natural Acne CareIf you are looking for a natural acne cream, many treatment options will advise you to use certain herbs to clean your face or consume more water. Strawberry leaves and dandelion root are prominent natural skin care ingredients that people say improve skin tone and acne lesions. Strawberry leaves do contain antioxidant and antibacterial properties but they do not cure acne pimples. Taking the leaves and making them into a drinkable tea is beneficial for your body as a whole but it does not lessen the production of sebum. Dandelion root as well is a famous herb for skin problems. The leaves contain elevated levels of vitamins A, C, D, as well as iron and magnesium. Natural skincare professionals believe that it can help detoxify the skin by removing excess water and toxins from the body but that again is not an acne solution. It will improve the texture of your skin but it will not guarantee the flow of natural oils to the superficial layers. Natural Acne CareThe answer to fresh, acne free skin is not in over the counter lotions or overnight acne treatments. There is a new biological element in some natural skin care products that works with your own skin's remodeling properties to heal acne inflammations and limit future issues. The biological ingredient, when applied topically twice daily, works with your skin cells and:* Converts skin into a bacteria free environment. The biological ingredient initiates the constant production of natural antimicrobial peptides on your skin to keep pathogens at bay. Killing bacteria before it has the chance to inflame pores is a critical acne prevention measure. * Biological ingredients found in the new acne treatment cream dissolve pore plugs and damaged tissues while stimulating the production of new, healthy ones. Unclogging pores and flawed tissues is essential since it frees the way for sebum to make its way to the surface and naturally aid the skin. * Natural enzymes embodied in this new product regulate the inflammatory response of the body. Only the correct number of immune cells are transmitted to expel foreign materials. This reduces the chances of blockages inside pores and more intense acne breakouts.


Effective Natural Acne Treatment

One of the most effective methods of proper acne treatment is a good diet which aids in the body's natural tendency to eliminate waste. You can try all the chemical and medical acne treatments you want but if you body is unable to properly eliminate waste, it will interfere with your skin and cause acne. Over the counter acne treatments are helpful in getting rid of acne on the surface but do nothing in preventing the root cause of acne. The skin is the largest organ of the body, if you're unhealthy on the inside it will reflect on the outside.

Another major organ responsible for detoxification is the liver. It removes harmful hormones from the body, if it ever fails to do so it will apparent on the surface of your skin. The best acne treatment is one that will optimize the use of the liver by ridding oil producing hormones from the body, as well as getting rid of toxins. If there is a surplus of toxins in your body, the liver will fail to effectively remove hormones.

How do toxins affect the production of acne? Mycotoxins are nasty chemicals excreted by bacteria such as yeast � often found in the intestines. Mycotoxins strain your liver, resulting in ineffective operations of the liver. Proper acne treatment trough detoxification allows these toxins to be excreted, freeing the liver external sources of stress.

The acne treatment diet approach is not as bad as you may think it is. There are plenty of foods that help the liver and remove waste from the body. Two of the best are apples and psyllium husks. Both are high in fibre, allowing it to absorb and push up a lot of built up toxins in your intestines; many of which are responsible for breeding mycotoxin producing bacteria.

Beet root is another exceptional food that contains many liver cleansing properties. It is often used in many natural acne treatments as a source of live nutrients. Another food known for its success in treating acne is milk thistles. Scientific studies have suggested that certain chemicals in milk thistles protect the liver from viruses, toxins, as well as alcohol.

Effective acne treatment stems to target acne at its root cause, something no over the counter cream can do. There are many benefits to a proper detoxification, and acne treatment is only one of many, don't waste another day fighting a lost cause, learn to stop acne in as little as 3 days.


Can't Find an Alternative Acne Product? Try Zenmed!

Studies show that millions of people across the globe suffer from acne at some point during their lives. For some, it appears in the teenage years with the start of puberty, and for others in may not appear until they are adults. There are a whole myriad of acne products on the market, aimed at treating the causes of acne or healing the blemishes resulting from the disease. In past years, herbal and botanical acne products were eclipsed by more chemically-intensive acne treatments, although recently there has been a return to more natural products. The Zenmed Skin Support System was created to provide an herbally and botanically-based holistic system for treating acne and preventing future breakouts.

The claim on Zenmed's website is "no gimmicks, no celebrities and no harsh chemicals. Just a no-nonsense holistic approach to handling your persistent and painful acne." Zenmed has a variety of products using ingredients such as lime, ylang ylang, lavender, aloe vera gel, sunflower oil, and the ever-popular tea tree oil, in combination with more active ingredients. One active ingredient used in Zenmed is salicylic acid, a hydroxy acid found in the bark of willow trees. Other active ingredients include hydroxyethyl cellulose and sodium glycolate, both used in many skin care products. One thing to note about these products right off the bat - they are reported to be entirely non-irritating, and with no reported side-effects. Intrigued? Keep reading.

The Zenmed system has several components to its comprehensive acne treatment plan. The first, as in most acne treatment plans, is a facial cleanser, in this case taking the form of a gel. This gel is supposed to remove only the excess oil from the face, preventing the positive-feedback cycles of other cleansers that are said to strip the skin, resulting in greater overall sebum production. This particular gel is also intended to act as a toner, by restoring the skin's pH balance. Other benefits of the Zenmed facial cleansing gel are reported to include the prevention of follicular clogging, protection of the skin, restriction of bacterial growth, and the drawing out of the skin's impurities.

The second step in the Zenmed system is a renewing serum, which is actually a home-treatment micropeel. This acne product uses fruit-derived alpha hydroxy acids to cleanse and exfoliate the skin, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, and reducing the appearance of acne scars. Zenmed reports that when the serum removes the top layer of skin, it actually stimulates healthy cellular regeneration in the lower layers of skin, speeding up the amount of time that it takes cells to heal.

The H-Series moisturizer is the final product in the ZenMed acne treatment system. Hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic, this moisturizer is said to promote cellular regeneration and to hydrate and revitalize dull and damaged skin.

There are other products that have been developed by Zenmed to address various other skin problems. Specific products for body acne and acne scars are advertised on their website, as well as anti-redness masks for rosacea and a cream and cleanser tailored for eczema. An additional acne product provided by Zenmed is their Derma Cleanse Supplement, a capsule containing burdock, dandelion and milk thistle. This internal treatment is supposed to aid the balancing of hormones, in addition to stimulating the immune system and detoxifying the body.

The Zenmed products have many positive aspects suggesting them as a good potential treatment for acne. By using natural products, including herbal and botanical extracts, Zenmed has eliminated the side-effects suffered by people using more chemically-intensive treatments. This company actually promises that their products do not cause irritation, and will not bleach or hyperpigment the skin. Furthermore, Zenmed is a comprehensive system that attacks acne treatment from a number of different angles; acne products are usually more effective as part of a multi-faceted system with a number of products.

There are a limited number of customer reviews out there for the ZenMed products. As with many acne products, while Zenmed works for some it doesn't work for all, and while some customers give the products rave reviews, others disagreed entirely. I did encounter one review that suggested the 60-day money-back guarantee had a few stipulations, so it might be worth looking into that before purchasing from ZenMed.

The Zenmed Skin Care System is not a quick-fix for acne; in many cases, acne may get worse before it ultimately improves, a warning common amongst many acne systems. It does, however, seem to address many of the causes of acne, in addition to providing relief for blemishes that already exist. The lack of side-effects is a huge point in its favour, as is the use of natural ingredients, so if you're looking for an acne product to start a skin care campaign, this is definitely one to consider.


Do You Need Acne scar removal or Treatment?

If you have acne scars from breakouts that you had in the past, there are ways to help remove them. Or, you just might have some pimples now that are leaving scars. Well, there is help. Know what some of your options are for treatment, and understand that acne scar removal is possible even with persistent acne woes and scarring.

Now a days the treatment for removing scars are up to date and modern. There are all kinds of treatments, but only a qualified dermatologist can help you get those scars off of your face or body, so you can start feeling confident about how you look. Depending on the type of acne that you've had, or are experiencing now, your doctor will determine the routine of acne scar removal that you need.

Most acne scar treatments require clear skin before treatment begins, so this is the first issue that must be addressed. If you haven't done it already, make an appointment with your dermatologist to get started. Every person must be evaluated individually and treated on a case-by-case basis, and what works for one may not work for another

Some of the different ways that this is done can range from medication, surgery, and light or laser therapy. Medications like Tetracycline are antibiotics that will clear up acne by stopping infection, and the skin heals naturally.

Another type of medication that helps with acne scar removal is called Accutane. It has high doses of Vitamin A that eliminate oils from the skin, and cuts down on the scarring by eliminating infection. There are potential side effects of the antibiotics and Accutane. After a while you can develop immunity to the antibiotics, or even become very allergic to the medications.

Do not take Accutane if you are thinking of becoming pregnant or are pregnant. Only a dermatologist should prescribe this type of acne scar removal.

Light or laser therapy is great for removing scars that are moderate or severe too. You'll know that your doctor is recommending these types of acne scar removal treatments when Blue or Red Light Therapy is discussed.

Fotofacials are another type that is often used too. It rids your skin of scars by using pulsating frequencies of lights or lasers. Scars are either totally removed, or they are faded to the point that a good makeup will hide the remaining evidence. The best thing about it is that results are sometimes better with this type of acne scar removal treatment.

Most acne scar treatments are not covered by health insurance plans, and can be quite costly if more than a couple of treatments are needed, which is the case in more instances than not. Less expensive acne scar treatments can always be tried first, especially if the scars are not too severe. Check with your dermatologist's office for prices of various procedures recommended, and also check online for more in depth information on acne scar treatments

It's important too that medications don't have to be used for an extended period, and it's not as dangerous. Acne scar removal is possible, and all you have to do is to make an appointment, and start on the way to healing your scars on your body, and your outlook on you.


Acne Problems Amongst Teenagers

Almost every child has had some problems with acne by the time they are a teenager. Most are mild cases, but occasionally a severe case develops. It is very important to the child's skin health and emotional well being that these more serious conditions are dealt with.

First, there remains a strong possibility, that if left unchecked, that permanent scarring will occur. Short of plastic surgery, these scarring issues will remain throughout the childs lifetime, leaving the child cosmetically disfigured. It is extremely critical that the parent seek immediate professional help if the acne problem is this severe. It is the parents responsibility to care for the child and this includes not only the actual physical care but also the emotional care of the child. Left unchecked, the child will have to deal with the emotional trauma that results from severe cases gone unchecked. This emotional trauma can have life long effects in self esteem and confidence. Even one's ability to make a living can be affected as it is natural for most people to regard a disfigured or scarred person with disdain.

I remember seeing one case a few years ago. This woman was so scarred emotionally from a severe case that was left unchecked early in her life, that it affected every corner of her life. The end result was that this young lady had very low self esteem, no friends to speak of, had a very low paying job, and hadn't been on a date in nearly 10 years. This is a classic case that could have been prevented if her parents had sought treatment early in her life. Their lack of action had affected their child permanently in numerous areas of her life. The sad thing is that this young woman was very intelligent and would have been very attractive if the condition had been treated properly by a dermatologist early on. Their inattention and lack of action has severely traumatized this young lady for life.

Don't let this happen to your child. I realize that parenting is always a challenge, but it is always up to the adult to take the child's health care seriously and to seek medical treatment when necessary.

There are numerous treatments for acne on the market today. There are even some natural methods that work without the use of pharmeceuticals. However, before starting any treatment program involving over the counter drugs or alternative methods, it is advisable to consult with your family physician or a dermatologist, especially with severe cases.