
Understanding The Cause and Treatment of Acne

In the world today acne is prevalent to some degree in almost three quarters of the population. Many people are self-conscience because of their appearance. While there is no cure for acne, there are steps that you can take to minimize its affects.

There are several types of acne, however common acne is the most prevalent. It is caused by your skin glands producing too much oil. When the oil and dead skin cells mix, the result is hair follicles being clogged. As the oil production continues, the oil is trapped under your skin and bacteria begins to form and acne begins to appear in the form of a red rash often accompanied bumps that can be irritated, itchy and at times be very painful. Although acne can appear on any part of the body, it most frequently appears on the face, back, arms, and neck. Often times, acne will disappear when the person reaches their early to mid twenties.

Another form of acne is called adult onset acne. Often, a person can go through their adolescence with minimal acne only to be plagued with it as an adult. While adult acne is not as common as acne in teenagers, it does occur and can be a source of frustration to the person who is afflicted with it.

Acne is a skin disease that can cause psychological impairments as well as physical. Severe acne can leave deep scars and that can lead to the person becoming self-conscious or have lower self-esteem. In some instances, it can lead to the person becoming withdrawn and depressed; however there are many medications available today that can reduce the amount of scarring that acne can cause.

Research has shown that acne is caused by different reasons. Adolescents are likely to get acne when they go into puberty. This is due to the change in hormone levels. Stress is also a major factor in the onset of acne as is heredity. If the person already has acne, any of these factors can add to the acne outbreak.

Research has also shown that many of the beliefs about acne are just not true. Greasy foods and eating sweets will not cause acne. Diet is not a factor in acne outbreaks. It is more likely that poor hygiene is a contributing factor to acne attacks.

The medications are available both over the counter and by prescription. They come in cream and in pill form. Whichever form you choose, acne medications are highly effective in treating acne.

Dermatologists also recommend that an exfoliate be used to keep your skin clean. The less oils that you have on your skin, the less chance you have of clogging your pores.

In today's world, there is no reason for a person to suffer from acne. With all of the treatment options that are available today, acne should not make anyone's life miserable.

It is important to develop a good skin care regime. Remember wash your face at least two times a day and always use a soft cloth.


What You Should Know About Some Altogether Natural Acne Remedies

In a request for more than beautiful skin both male and female have a good deal of choices. At this time there are so many solutions about the shelves that you could take your time shopping in a ritzy store analyzing their worth. Many discreet individuals dont have that kind of disposable time, Consequently we have to guess and even trust on what the multitude of advertisements tell us. Notwithstanding expensive advertisements are designed to get you to buy and it is not uncommon for the true statement to be stretched a bit or even to be entirely overlooked. When you want to get pimple care , things can go wrong.

Alternative means different things to different people. These tidings really does not mean much. There are some terms that are regulated and you cant employ the language without having some kind of agency to back it up. The single word natural isn't one of those articulates. Thusly when you take that something is an all natural acne care product consumers really do not know what they mean by that. In point of fact, unless you realize what is coming about, you arent attending know cream, from another product because alot of things that are adorned all natural restorative skin care in effect dont pass the qualifying exam.

Before you go to the store or look online in quest of your all natural remedial skin care items, there are a few things that you might want to do. You should step back and do some research in detail on what natural elements might in truth be good. Aloe is something you may be familiar with, and you already understand that it exemplifies something that derives directly from a plant and doesn't need to be altered to help the skin. You can put straightaway aloe on a sunburn and feel immediate relief. You need to research all of the other details that appear in all natural skin care items to confer if the remainder of them are as undiluted.

Once you've a list of what is genuinely natural and what is not, you can then commence to compare items that call themself all natural acne skin care items You should bear in mind that natural doesn't always entail safe. If you have sensitive skin, and you reckon all natural products will be of service, you might be surprised to find that this is not the answer. Some all natural items can be moderately rough on the skin. Find products with ingredients you feel best about and purchase those first. Examine what works over time and abolish the others.


Adult Acne - How To Care For Skin Prone To Adult Acne

The scientific term for adult acne is Acne rosacea. It appears in the form of pus-filled, red colored eruptions especially on the nose and the cheeks. The occurrence gives the whole face an unsightly appearance.

Adult acne skin care starts with paying close attention to the changes happening in the patient. The vital point to keep in mind is that adult skin is not as resilient and elastic as that of teenagers. All harsh chemicals and products, alkaline soaps that strip off the natural oil of the skin, should be strictly avoided. The face must be washed with mild cleansers specially formulated for oily skin. Excessive washing can stimulate excess oil secretion to replenish the oil balance of the skin, and result in aggravated conditions. A cleanser that contains salicylic acid soothes the inflammations and unclogs the pores to prevent acne breakouts. However it must be used in moderate quantities to preserve the moisture content.

The adult skin lacks the ability to retain moisture effectively after it is subjected to abrasive and dehydrating actions of benzoyl peroxide. Hence the application of hypoallergenic, non-pore-clogging water-based moisturizers may be needed, especially if the skin feels tight and dry after washing.

A gel or lotion that contains silica produces a mattefying effect by soaking up the excess oil. Clay masks are also very useful. Before going out into the sun, a water-based sun-screen with SPF 15 must be used. All make-up must strictly be oil-free in composition. Any cosmetic that contains alcohol or witch-hazel may excessively dry out the skin and hence must strictly be avoided. The face-powder can give a matte look, by controlling the shine due to excess oil, but it might also clog the pores, triggering bouts of acne.

Exfoliating the skin is also essential, especially after a long day at work. A retinoid lotion or serum can be used for this purpose. These are derivatives of Vitamin A. these promote the manufacture of collagen by the skin, helping in reduction of wrinkles and sunspots. The skin feels firm and supple. However, sensitiveness to the rays of the sun is enhanced, so these products should be preferably used at bedtime. A patient who is regularly using retinoid products should do well to stay away from waxing or microdermainbrasion because these products end to hinder the self-healing properties of the skin.


The Natural Solution to Your Acne Problems

About 70% of your immune system is located in your intestines. If this area is blocked with waste, your immuno-defenses are down. So, instead of waste leaving your body via the rectum, it chooses to leave through the skin. Waste leaving the skin can cause an infection that presents itself as acne.

Individuals that are prone to acne and are being treated for it should use oil free cosmetic products. Benzoyl peroxide and other acne skin care treatment can redden the skin so applying regular cosmetics products might be difficult. Regular cosmetic products usually contain more fatty acids that are harmful to acne prone individuals. Looking for organic and acne skin care products that will match your skin tone can help avoid more infections.

As a natural healing process of skin, the post inflammatory acne changes start surfacing. By adopting some medical and herbal practices you can speed up this healing process. The understanding and knowledge about the type of acne is important in the treatment of acne. Also, constant exposure to the sun can cause severe skin damage and delay the healing of your acne. Thus wear a good sunscreen and be protective to heal your acne.

Topical retinoid acid, a modified form of vitamin A has been a great improvement. Improved versions of this medicine greatly reduce the irritation it can cause. Other acne treatments are sometimes used in combination. Such acne treatments include Azelaic acid cream, Benzoyl peroxide, Alpha-hydroxy acids (such as lactic acid, glycolic acid and gluconic acid), antibiotic pills (of used unwisely, they can lead to antibiotic resistance), topical antibiotics (gels, lotions and solutions), contraceptive pills for women, and Sotret or Accutane for severe acne. Accutane and Sotret have several side effects, including birth defects. Women with severe acne problems that choose these treatments should use alternative birth control.

Lifestyle and environmental factors contribute significantly to the emergence of adult acne. A diet that is poor in the necessary vitamins and minerals can wreak havoc on how the body's organs function. The skin, being the largest organ in the body, needs nutrients in order to work effectively. If the skin is unable to metabolize or secrete the waste products that it needs to because of poor nutrition, acne can result. Habits such as smoking and drinking can also affect the skin's condition and its resistance to diseases like adult acne.

You have a zit and you want to hide it. So what do you do? Dip your consealer applicator in the bottle and apply the liquid cover directly to the inflamed zit, right. No. Reapplying consealer to your face with the applicator provided by the manufacturer does one thing only, spread more bacteria. Once you apply the consealer to your face with the applicator wand, you simply return it to the bottle where the bacteria have a whole container in which to flourish. Giving bacteria a breeding ground is what causes acne in the first place, so don't give them new real estate in which to reproduce.


The Whole Truth About Acne Home Remedies

When your pores are not working properly, excessive toxins in the pores can lead to acne. Body odor is also a result of toxins coming out through the skin that should be moving out through the other elimination channels. If your body skin is clean and its pores are open and unclogged, toxins will move out through the pores without creating pimples or eruptions. The skin normally moves 1-2 pounds of toxins out of your skin daily. You can tell when your pores are open. You sweat freely during exercise. If you do not sweat much during hot weather or during exercise, then your skin pores are probably plugged.

Herbs such as chamomile, lavender, juniper, bergamot, dandelion root, and burdock root can be used to reduce toxicity and improve the overall condition of the skin. Echinacea and poke root are often used for their anti-inflammatory properties and red clover may be beneficial for its estrogenic action. Witch hazel has excellent astringent properties and may be very effective on acne.

When your pimple breakouts occur, if you notice you're getting an increase in blackheads and whiteheads in combination to excess blemishes, try to think back and remember how your skin has been in the past. If your skin was clear due to good eating habits, low stress levels, and you were getting at least 8 hours or more of sleep prior to getting your adult acne, then that's the first place you want to start.

One popular ingredient in some of the leading acne treatments out there, such as Proactiv� and Neutrogena On-The-Spot�, is the antibacterial agent Benzoyl Peroxide. Benzoyl Peroxide, or BP for short, works by attacking the p. acnes bacteria that build up in your pores, and is very effective for most people at clearing up current acne (note that BP does not prevent acne from forming, and acne products based on BP are not being honest if they make this claim). For most cases of acne, purchasing BP alone and applying it is just as effective as using expensive name brand products.

Herbal Remedies: Herbs such as chamomile, lavender, juniper, bergamot, dandelion root, and burdock root can be used to reduce toxicity and improve the overall condition of the skin. Echinacea and poke root are often used for their anti-inflammatory properties and red clover may be beneficial for its estrogenic action. Witch hazel has excellent astringent properties and may be very effective on acne. Here are a few natural herbal recipes to cure acne.

Although there are some topical skin care products and medications that can improve mild scarring and acne problems, almost all of them are artificial and invasive methods. For example, acne scars usually are treated with a combination of surgical procedures and skin resurfacing. On the other hand, natural products only have natural ingredients and biological substances. Such is the case with tea tree oil, green tea extract, Vitamin E, rapeseed oil, Aloe vera, and some of the essential oils, which had long been proven to act upon blemishes on the skin.


What is Acne? - The Question Most Teens Think They Know the Answer To

Throughout an individual's adolescent years, a lot of people suffer a universal skin condition called acne. Most normally referred to as pimples, acne most frequently breaks out on your face. Nevertheless acne can be found on other parts of your body such as your back, neck, chest and shoulders. Even though acne is universal to most teenagers this condition may also afflict adults. Acne crosses genders and race afflicting both boys and girls equally.

The scientific term for acne is Acne Vulgaris. Acne causes breakouts on your skin known as lesions. These lesions can be acne whiteheads, blackheads, or cysts. These lesions fappea as a consequence of your pores being clogged. Acne most normally occurs throughout one's puberty because at this time your body produces lots of an oily substance known as sebum. Sebum is necessary throughout puberty to keep your hair and skin soft and lubricated. Nevertheless throughout puberty your body makes more sebum than you need. This surplus sebum can cause your pores to clog and give your skin and oily feeling.

Another of the changes that you will discover occurring throughout puberty is an excess production of follicle cells. These dead skin cells can quickly build up and in concert with this surplus sebum combine to form whiteheads. This mixture of dead skin cells and oil provides a great breeding ground for bacteria. This can results in swelling and redness and causes pimples.

If you are suffering from acne, you ought to know that acne it is extremely common. Acne affects close to 85% of people between 12 and 24. About 25% of these people suffer from acne on other parts of their body in addition to their face. These people may also have acne on their back and neck. Roughly 40% of people who suffer from acne inquire about professional treatment as a consequence of the severity of their condition.

One of the most frequent areas for pimples to occur is what is called the "T Zone" of a person's face. This zone includes a person's nose, chin, and forhead. Nevertheless acne may show up on your cheeks and other parts of your face. The next most common place for acne to show up is your back. Then, comes your neck, your chest, and your shoulders.

By the time most people get to their 20s, acne has all but cleared up. In some folks however, acne may still persist throughout their adult years. Some people are ill-fated enough to suffer from acne for the first time as adults. As far as gender, acne is can be found in more boys than girls but only by a slight margin.

Because acne affects a person's appearance and self image it can be trouble for many people. Because of the fact that most teens are susceptible to self image issues, having acne can cause teenagers to feel depressed and reduce their self-confidence. Having acne may keep teenagers from interacting socially and may even cause them to feel angry and frustrated.

There are thankfully many new acne treatments. One of the first things you want to insure is that you keep your skin clean and oil free... skin care as well as your choice of skin care products is important. You want to wash your skin gently with soap and water at least twice every day. In particular after activities which cause perspiration. A good acne cleanser may help. You will discover there are also various medical treatments that are now available for acne, some are over-the-counter and some are prescribed by a doctor.

If you are suffering from a serious acne condition you may want to see a dermatologist. The dermatologist might prescribe topical ointments or an acne cream which can be used on your skin as well as some medications such as acne antibiotics which help to flight the bacteria that cause your pimples. Your dermatologist will also provide you with advice concerning your diet and perhaps other changes to your lifestyle which will help to clear up your acne.


Why Don't Acne Cures Work?

Not only is acne a physical condition, a psychological component is present as well. Acne sufferers can experience, behavioral problems, academic decline, social isolation, substance abuse, depression, even suicide. Teenagers are more vulnerable in this respect because both acne and depressive disorder have a peak incidence during adolescence. Although acne is not a life-threatening disease, appropriate management is vital to its successful resolution.

The symptoms of acne are persistent, recurrent pimples orblemishes on the skin. Acne is commonly foundon the face but can also occur on the chest, shoulder, neck and upper portion of the back (often referred to as bacne).

The acne can also be treated externally by using erythromycin or benzoyl peroxide. While this reduces the bacteria causing the problem, it is really treating the symptoms rather than the cause. That is, the oil secretion and abnormal cell behaviour that blocks the follicle in the first place. So unfortunately, the acne will usually reappear within some weeks of the treatment being stopped.

Hormones during later years, especially for women, can play a role in acne cure and prevention for teen years. For adults oral contraceptives or hormonal birth control pills may be helpful for women, combined with systemic or current treatments, prescription or over-the-counter medicines.

The two major types of acne lesions are classified as non-inflammatory and inflammatory. Non-inflammatory acne lesions are more commonly known as whiteheads and blackheads. Inflammatory acne lesions include papules and pustules and are more deeply seated in the skin than the non-inflammatory lesions.

Although there are some topical skin care products and medications that can improve mild scarring and acne problems, almost all of them are artificial and invasive methods. For example, acne scars usually are treated with a combination of surgical procedures and skin resurfacing. On the other hand, natural products only have natural ingredients and biological substances. Such is the case with tea tree oil, green tea extract, Vitamin E, rapeseed oil, Aloe vera, and some of the essential oils, which had long been proven to act upon blemishes on the skin.


Guide to Natural Acne Treatments

For women it may be necessary to change some of the cosmetics you use daily ensuring that any foundations, blushes, eye shadow or moisturizers are oil free. It is best to look for products labeled noncomedogenic as these do not promote the formation of closed pores that cause the formation of spots and pimples. Even using these particular products some women may find their condition worsening. Additionally, it may be difficult to apply foundations during the first few weeks of treatment as the skin may become red or scaly, particularly with the use of topical tretinoin or benzoyl peroxide.

Spironolactone works as an androgen receptor blocker. This drug decreases androgen production in the ovaries and adrenal glands. Side effects from spironolactone can include breast tenderness and menstrual irregularity. For this reason, doctors usually add oral contraceptives like Ortho Tri-Cyclen and Estrostephave to compliment acne treatments and ease potential spironolactone side effects. Ironically though, spironolactone is recommended for women who are not candidates for oral contraceptives.

Acne skin care products performance can greatly depend on how an individual's skin type reacts to it. It must conform to the skin's characteristics, which may include skin sensitivity, tone, ethnicity and gender. There are many acne skin care products in the market with different active ingredients and solutions for different skin types. Acne prone skin can be very sensitive to different chemicals and must be very careful in using different products. There are different tips and techniques for mild to severe cases of acnes. Some acne skin care products may not work for some people in helping them improve the look and condition of their skin.

Prescription topical medicines can result in side effects, the skin may look worse for a while before hopefully improving. Other side effects include stinging, burning, redness, peeling, scaling or discoloration of the skin. Similarly some prescription oral medicines can have side effects such as increased tendency to sunburn, upset stomach, dizziness or light-headedness & changes in skin color. Also some drugs decrease the effectiveness of birth control pills making it necessary to use a backup birth control method.

Sometimes puberty and stress can combine to make acne even worse. Find the causes of stress and work on reducing or eliminating it. The acne itself can lead to stress and then you have a vicious cycle.

Though adult acne is one aesthetic issue that is quite prevalent in the real world, nearly 25 percent of men, and about 50 percent of women from their twenties and even in their fifties may still experience having adult acne. The face is usually the first place for adult acne to appear, and may also form in parts of the body only their significant other knows where.


Severe Acne Treatments � Does any of these works?

Acne at its mildest is a constant form of irritation and social embarrassment. Who wouldn't want to have a clear smooth complexion? I know I do.
Some of us have it tougher than others when we are stricken by severe acne conditions. So what exactly causes acne? A lot of it has to do with a loss of balance in the rate that our skin discards the old skis and regenerates new ones. Some of these old skins get stuck under oily pores (another contributing factor) which lead to an accumulation of oil and bacterial fodder, a nirvana for those nasty bacteria to breed and infect.
So you end up with severe acne which causes extreme irritation, resulting in open wounds, puss-filled pores, and unsightly scarring. Severe acne is nothing to write home about; it's also not a condition to take lightly and must be brought to the attention of your dermatologist.

We talked earlier about balance which leads to acne in the first place. Balance? In What? We're talking about environmental as well as genetic factors which contribute to an acne prone skin condition and worse, aggravate it. Prevention and treatment are the best ways to deal with such cases. Seldom does an extreme acne sufferer's skin clear up naturally, but in most instances, it actually worsens.
Prevention is not something which can be taken for granted. We could do our best in influencing the environment surrounding us, making them less acne friendly. Good personal hygiene coupled with a good skin care regiment can increase your odds tremendously. A few popular types of acne prevention regimes commercially available are Murad Acne Comples as well as Pro Active Acne Treatment, however you are advised to consult a qualified dermatologist before commencing on a regime.

Usually a dermatologist will also recommend a combination of both topical cream and oral drugs. Several types available include different antibiotics, benzyl peroxides, Tretinoin, Adapalen and the strong, yet effective Azelaic Acid to tackle the source of inflammation-the bacteria lining the follicle.

A form of vitamin A, Tretinoin, stops the development of comedones, or inflamed hair follicles. Although non-antibacterial, this is a natural way of unplugging clogged pores that cause inflammation and lesions, thereby allowing the use of topical antibiotic cream to work deeply within the skin.

Dermatologist will routinely ask you which form of medication you'd prefer. Creams are good for those with extra sensitive skin, while gels and other solutions tend to make the skin become more dry and irritated. He or she may recommend one or the other based on gender and/or whether you live in a hot and humid climate.

At first, your skin may look and feel worse with the use of such strong medications. If the pain becomes unbearable or if you develop a rash or extreme redness of any kind, be sure to stop using the product and immediately talk to your doctor and dermatologist. Any improvement will take up to 8 weeks to show up.

Discover useful advice and information about the causes and prevention of acne. Website contains useful articles and updated information on this nasty skin condition. http://www.acne-treatment-options.info/


Conquering Your Acne - Some Helpful Tips

There are several forms of medication, some preventive and others curative. Preventive medication stresses on keeping the skin squeaky clean to prevent the incidence of clogged pores. Antiseptic liquid cleansers like Cetaphil cleanse the skin without causing any irritation. In fact, these should form an integral part of your daily skin care regime.

The actual cause of acne is still not really understood. Some believe it lies in genetics. Others believe it is a combination of factors such as androgens, allergies, stress, or the use of certain mediations. Natural practitioners tend to believe it is a result of nutritional deficiencies, and toxins in the body that can cause the liver to dysfunction.

Try applying essential oils directly to the acne. Oils to try are Tea Tree Oil, Bergamot Oil, Clove Oil, Lavender Oil, and Rosewood Oil. If you have sensitive skin, you may need to dilute the oil with grape seed oil to avoid irritation. Apply the oil before going to bed and then wash it away, using pure soap and clean water, in the morning. Give it about a month to see if it is working. This is one of the least expensive acne solutions that have proven to be effective for many people.

Should you take birth control pills to relieve your acne? Make your decision very carefully taking into account the risk factors which include heart attack, cancer of the breast, blood clots, fluid retention, dark skin patches, and bleeding in the vagina, just to name a few.

Chances are that many of the same acne treatments that work on your face will work on your back and body, but they may not be quite as potent on the thicker skin of your back. Reading the reviews for some acne skincare products may help you learn which one is right for you. However, if you really want to prevent acne from forming, you need to prevent your oil glands from over-producing. Internalacne treatments are the best choice for this, as they are the only treatments that can really prevent acne, and it's also just easier to take a pill rather than trying to apply a cream in a place such as your back. There are a few vitamin supplements that can help with acne prevention.

You can look for different kinds of treatments once you know in what category your acne falls. Always remember that if a certain treatment didn't work for your acne, you can always try some other treatments. The technology nowadays, has given rise to new treatments. Researchers are now developing some new treatments that might be the one you are waiting for and might give you the clear skin you are longing for. Another treatment which may be more effective is to avoid grain products such as bread, corn, cereals and pastries. But still, these methods may not work for you.


Best Natural Acne Treatments

The condition of your acne will determine the treatment options. Treatment also depends on the oil balance of your skin, your gender and your existing medications. The most proactive acne treatment is with topical products (gels, creams) containing Salicylic acid, Benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, tetracycline, erythromycin or a retinoid. Many times a combination of these products is recommended.

Instead of using medicine that may have side effects, try using natural methods to cure Acne. For example, a soap made from Echinacea and other herbal ingredients is an effective antibiotic facial cleanser that helps fight acne and restore clear skin. Tea tree oil also has known antibiotic properties and serves as a mild anesthetic that will soothe the irritated skin. There are also other natural skin care products available that have been proven being effective in improving acne.

The most common form of acne is known as "acne vulgaris", which means common acne. Excessive secretion of oils from the glands combines with naturally occurring dead skin cells to block the hair follicles. Oil secretions build up beneath the blocked pore, providing a perfect environment for the skin bacteria Propioni bacterium acne to multiply uncontrolled. In response, the skin inflames, producing the visible lesion. The face, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms are especially affected. The typical acne lesions are comedones,papules, pustules, nodules and inflammatory cysts. These are the more inflamed forms of pus-filled or reddish bumps, even boil-like tender swellings. Non-inflamed 'sebaceous cysts', more properly called epidermoid cysts, occur either in association with acne or alone but are not a constant feature.

The only time your body expels product wastes through your lungs and skin is when your bowels and kidneys are overloaded with product wastes and toxins. This can happen when you're not drinking enough water. Water is the main carrier of nutrients throughout your body and is quite possibly the single most important contributor to healing and preventing acne flare-ups. Drinking enough water will dissolve waste products in your system so it can be easily remove and flush out. Without enough water, there won't be much to dissolve these product wastes and toxins...causing it to build up in your system and causing your body to expel these product wastes and toxics through your lungs and skin.

Acne treatments can be done with the help of benzoyl peroxide, proactive solution, antibiotics, tretinion, isotretinion, contraceptive pills, salicylic acid, adapalene, laser treatment, blue light treatment and herbal remedies. 90% of adolescents have acne. Acne can be treated in various ways. Exfoliating the skin, using topical bactericidals, topical antibiotics, oral antibiotics, hormonal treatment, external retinoids, oral retinoids, and phototherapy are some of the methods of treating acne. The non inflammatory acne can be treated with azelaic, salicytic acid, topical retinoids and benzoyl peroxide. The mild inflammatory acme can be treated with topical antibiotics. Isotretinion and topical retinoids are used to treat moderate inflammatory acne. Contraceptive pills with cyproterone can be used by females with virilization to treat severe inflammatory acne.

The first step an Acne sufferer must take is to come to terms with his or her condition. It will have a negative impact on your life because our society judges us by our appearance. The trick is that an acne sufferer does not need to face this alone. Think about the numbers mentioned in the home page "Acne affects about 80% of all adolescents". That means that eight out of every ten people around you is or has had to battle with acne and its negative social impacts. So don't be shy to inform and involve people you come into contact with to prevent the psychological scarring from becoming permanent.


Acne Prevention � Fight Acne Before It Happens!

There are several forms of medication, some preventive and others curative. Preventive medication stresses on keeping the skin squeaky clean to prevent the incidence of clogged pores. Antiseptic liquid cleansers like Cetaphil cleanse the skin without causing any irritation. In fact, these should form an integral part of your daily skin care regime.

Always remember that all acne products bought over the counter contain chemicals and can have disastrous results if used on the wrong skin types. Before embarking upon any treatment using these products it is important to read the label carefully and understand the risks involved. Your complexion is very delicate and any harmful results from inappropriate medications will decidedly show up. Certainly facial scarring is something to be avoided at all costs.

Do not pick, press or rub your pimples. These actions actually increase the sebum production and rupture the membranes below your skin. The infection and sebum will spread underneath your skin and cause more pimples. Also, you risk increasing the chances of leaving scars on your face.

Antibiotics were designed to fight bacteria. These are used to control acne mainly from the inside. Some topical antibiotics (clindamycin) are applied directly to the skin. Other antibiotics (tetracycline) are in pill form.

Though acne is a common problem, it is also one skin disease that is very easy to treat and prevent. There are many products that a person could consider as the best acne treatment. The best acne treatment for a person could be not the best acne treatment for another. This is because the best acne treatment is determined by the type of skin a person has and the skin reaction on that treatment. The best acne treatment could also range from the medical ones which are proven best acne treatments that modern medicine has to offer up to herbal medicines that are also accepted as the best acne treatment to some people.

Antibiotics work for getting rid of an infection, like strep throat. When it comes to treating acne, all topical and oral drugs are doing is temporarily killing the bacteria, which eventually become resistant to the antibiotic. A common practice is to prescribe the topical ointment, Retin-A� in conjunction with antibiotics. Unfortunately, many people experience redness and irritation which actually cause more pimples and blackheads to form. Because Retin-A and antibiotics make your skin very sun-sensitive they are not practical for many acne sufferers. Another drug often prescribed for acne is Accutane. This is just a temporary solution to your acne, but it's not a long term and safe alternative to controlling your breakouts. And if not helping acne isn't enough, some antibiotics also reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. Check with your doctor.


Seeing A Dermatologist For Acne Treatment

Do not think that you should not see a dermatologist even if you suffer from a mild case of acne. A dermatologist can provide you with valuable information about what causes acne and they will give you ideas for treatment options. The other reason you want to see a dermatologist for a mild form of acne is because there is another condition called deratosis pilaris which is confused with acne. A dermatologist will properly diagnose you so you can proceed with the proper treatment.

Over-the-counter medicine for mild cases of acne are often effective. However, more severe acne should be treated by a doctor. Or if your mild case of acne is not responding to over-the-counter medications, you should see your doctor.

Before you go to the doctor for you first visit regarding acne, write down all you know about your acne. For example, the doctor will want to know how log you have had acne and what you have done as far as a treatment. Other things your doctor will need to know is if the affected area gets blackheads, whiteheads or lesions. Find out from your parents if they also had acne and of course, you will already know if one of your brothers or sisters has had acne. You need to know if you are allergic to any medications in the event the doctor wants to prescribe a medication that needs to be taken orally.

It is entirely possible that you dermatologist will offer a variety of treatment options. Therefore it is a good idea to read up on the treatment options available so when they start to discuss these options at your office visit, it will not be so overwhelming and you will basically know what they are talking about. This will help you to make an informed decision. Some things to know are the antibiotics are used to kill the bacteria that cause acne and may be prescribed as an oral medication or as a lotion or both.

Benzoyl peroxide and retinoic acid are other treatments that typically come in a gel form. These cause dryness and reddening of the skin if applied to areas other than the affected acne are. So please use care when applying them so you do not cause other skin problems. Severe cases of acne may require a type of physical treatments including laser treatment or comedone extraction.

Whichever treatment you choose, it is most important to follow directions given by the doctor. Continue to use the correct dosage and if your acne clears up, continue treatment until advised otherwise, otherwise it may come back.

It is a good rule of thumb to be informed about this or any condition you may have. Seek and get the information you require, continue to make a note of any questions as you think of them so that you can ask your doctor at your next visit. Here are some questions you may want to ask your doctor.

� How are acne scars preventable?
� What kind of treatment is best for me?
� What are the side effects?
� How soon will I start to see results?
� How long will the treatment last?
� What is a good skin care regimen for me?
� Can I use makeup?

Your acne treatment may continue for awhile depending on how severe a case you have. Whenever you visit your doctor be sure to ask any questions you have thought of.


Got Oily Skin? Fundamental Control Tips for Preventing Acne Breakouts

Acne is often the result of many conditions co-existing, all leading to blocked pores and inflammation. Widely ranging in the severity of the disease, acne occurs on many different skin types, each with their own reasons for being acne-prone at that time. Because of this, there are many different tactics for controlling acne outbreaks, usually directed at the specific type of skin. There are dozens of products on the market for dry skin, and even combination skin. However, the majority of acne control methods focus on those with oily skin.

When a product says that it targets oily skin, it is referring to skin with an abundance or excess of sebum. Sebum is a natural production of the sebaceous glands, tiny glands located on almost every part of the human skin. Composed of a mixture of fats and debris from dead cells, the function of sebum is an important one; sebum lubricates the skin and protects the skin and hair from environmental damage. To do this, sebum travels from the sebaceous gland up a hair follicle, and out to the surface of the skin via a pore. The production of too much sebum can cause a pore to become blocked, trapping natural skin bacteria and sebum within. Initially, this may appear as a whitehead or a blackhead, two forms of non-inflammatory acne. If the bacteria starts to reproduce, however, the pore quickly becomes irritated and an immune response is triggered, culminating in the redness, swelling, and pain of a pimple.

Sebum production is closely related to hormone levels within the body. Hormones, of course, are chemical messengers created in one part of the body and sent to another to initiate specific processes. The hormones responsible for sebum are all androgen hormones, often referred to as "male hormones." Androgens are produced in greater amounts during puberty; this is why sebum production can go into overdrive at that time, making the skin look oily and triggering the first appearance of acne. Or, a person can have an over-sensitivity to androgens, which causes them to produce more sebum than their hormone levels should trigger.

Whatever the cause of excess sebum, there are a few things that should be avoided if oily skin and acne are issues. First and foremost, avoid over-washing your face! The body has many different things in balance, including sebum levels. Even if excess sebum is produced, washing the face more than two or three times a day leaves the skin without the usual protection or moisture provided by sebum. Feeling like it is low on sebum, the sebaceous glands will actually produce even more sebum to counteract the dryness, and you're back to where you started.

There are other, more intuitive things to avoid if you suffer from acne due to oily skin. For instance, don't use oil-based makeup or skin products. Why add oil to an already oily situation? Potentially oil-containing products include moisturizer, sunscreen, foundation, and eye-makeup remover, amongst others. These products are all available in non-oil-based, non-comedogenic formulas that won't contribute to or exacerbate acne. Another thing to watch out for is hair; certain styles bring hair close to the face, allowing for transfer of natural hair oil onto the skin. Also, hair products can easily be transferred to the skin via a pillow cover or a bedsheet, even if hair is tied back during the day.

Aside from those basic preventative measures, many things can be done to treat oily skin. There are specific wipes sold to soak up excess sebum on the face. Several acne skin cleansers were created with oil-minimization in mind. Finally, for those looking for extra oil-control, prescribed oral contraceptives can be used to block androgen or counteract its effects, limiting oil production. Having oily skin can mean that you're more prone to acne than others; however, through following a good skin care regimen and taking note of these tips, you should be able to minimize excess sebum production to some degree.


Surgery-Free Acne Scar Reduction

So you used to have acne, and after dozens of treatments and skin care regimens, you finally have clear skin. The only minor blip on your happiness radar could be the scars that so many acne breakouts leave behind. Since scars don't contain any of the pores or sweat glands of normal skin, they will always look slightly different than the surrounding skin. However, the color and height differences between scars and the natural skin around them can draw additional attention to this sensitive area. Many people know that there are surgical options for removing or reducing scars, but what about less drastic measures? Are there any over-the-counter solutions aimed at reducing or removing scars?

A scar forms when the deep connective tissue layer of the skin, the dermis, is injured. The body responds by making collagen to fill the gap, often overproducing collagen to give the area additional protection. Ideally, once collagen has sealed the wound and the injury has healed, cells in that area produce an enzyme called collagenase that takes apart the excess collagen, leaving a thin, flat layer. Two types of scars are common, depending on the amounts of collagenase produced. Hypertrophic scars are created when there is too little collagenase and the scar has a much thicker layer of collagen than necessary. These scars appear thicker than they should be, often bulging slightly above the normal surface of the skin. The other type of scar is sometimes referred to as an "icepick" or "pock mark" scar, and happens when too much collagen is removed from the area. These scars form a depression below the skin, and are the more common type of acne scar.

The good news about acne scars is that they do fade. Over time, the blood vessels under the scar that make new scars look pink will disappear, and the scar will begin to blend more easily into the surrounding skin. Sometimes, however, a little help is needed to speed the process up, or compensate for the collagen deficit or excess, and this is where acne scar removal creams and gels can help.

Silicone is a popular ingredient in scar removal products, as it has been found to lighten the colouring of the scar, and to flatten hypertrophic scars. Cortisone is thought to reduce inflammation in the skin surrounding the scar, and can also aid in calming scar-related discomfort. Vitamins A and C are also used frequently in topical treatments for scars. Vitamin A is meant to defend against free radical damage that can cause wrinkled scars, but it helps to smooth hypertrophic scars through exfoliation. Vitamin C works its magic deeper in the skin in the dermis layer, stimulating collagen formation to fill in depressed scars. Vitamin E is used in many scar reduction products, however its effectiveness in reducing scars is hotly debated, and it can actually irritate the skin.

It can seem like a long, difficult process to finally acquire clear, acne-free skin, and nothing is more discouraging than discovering some not-so-invisible scars from past breakouts on your newly beautiful skin. Acne scars, while often small, can take up to 2 years to significantly fade, and it can be hard to sit around and wait for them to disappear. Many surgical treatments are expensive and invasive, and can require significant healing time themselves. Fortunately, there are many topical products in the market aimed at reducing the appearance of scars, either through thickening a depressed scar, depressing a raised scar, or lightening a scar itself.


How To Get Rid Of Acne: 3 Steps Toward A Fair Complexion

There are many types of acne, but the most common form occurs during the teenage years when young adults experience a dramatic increase in hormone levels. These hormones signal the skin glands to produce more oil. When this oil mixes with dead cells, it can clog pores in the skin and trap bacteria as well. The result is often a raised tissue area characterized by swelling, redness, and pus. These bumps are also known as "pimples," the symptom most commonly associated with acne.

Acne can occur anywhere on the face, neck, back, or chest, and severe cases can lead to social alienation, or emotional and physical scars. Although mild acne can not be entirely prevented, you can take three steps to minimize its impact.

Gently Cleanse Your Skin: Each day, gently wash your skin with lukewarm water. Avoid scrubbing your face too hard or washing it too often. Doing so can make your acne worse. Also avoid using skin and hair care products that contain excess oil. Instead, use water-based skin care soaps that gently cleanse your skin, such as Neutrogena or Dove.

Apply Topical Ointments: At least once daily, but no more than three times a day, apply a nonprescription topical ointment to problematic areas. One of the best products is Clearasil because it contains both benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. Benzoyl peroxide works to unplug clogged pores, while salicylic acid helps clear up blemishes by causing the top layer of skin to peel. Products that contain tea tree oil (commonly found in gels, creams, and lotions) or alpha-hydroxy acid are also desirable. However, remember that if you use a product too often, your acne can get worse. So confine your applications to less than three times per day unless otherwise directed by a doctor.

Avoid the Following: Make sure to avoid the following acts which can trigger acne flare-ups: overexposure to the sun, the wearing of tight-fitting items that rub against the skin, excess stress, constant touching of the face, working with oils or harsh chemicals, excessive sweating, hair hanging in your face, or the use of hair care products that contain oils. Also avoid squeezing pimples. Squeezing pimples can result in an infection and/or long-term scaring.

While mild acne is annoying, it will eventually pass. Most people will outgrow acne by their early-twenties, so there is reason to be optimistic. Make each of the above steps part of your daily routine, and you should be able to control your acne. However, those with more severe cases of acne should consult a dermatologist.


Fighting Acne � Using Toners And Medications.

The second step in your treatment regimen is the toners or medication. However, you really need some idea of how sensitive your skin is. You may well want something that is as smooth as rose water, or something as stern as benzoyl peroxide. However, if you're not sure, then begin with the softest option and work your way up, until you find an effective treatment. You can also see you're dermatologist who will be more than happy to help you.

There's a comprehensive choice of toners and medications available for every skin type. You'll find that toners are usually used for caring for your skin after your acne therapy as cleared up the blemishes you had. The medication works to rid you of you're pimples and also stop other spots from forming. However, if ace does persist, then you should continue with the medications before changing over to the toners.

When applying toners to your skin, after you've washed your face, then apply your toner with a soft cotton ball. Toners get to work on acne by restoring and balancing the skin's natural pH. Also, you'll find that the toners will help to clean up any remaining oil, dirt and soap excess. Finally, your toner will seal up the top of the pore and help to restore it to its original size. The main ingredients in any toner that is used as an acne remedy are rose water, witch hazel and also alcohol.

There also happens to be numerous kinds of medications available for you. Normally, you'll learn that there are four main ingredients involved in a great many of the medications available to us. Some of the brands will mix them, while others will be based on a single ingredient. One of the most common treatments available is Benzoyl Peroxide; the optimum concentration obtainable is at 2.5%, anything over that will only burn your face. Peroxide functions by moving into your open pores and making oxygen; the bubbling this produces helps destroy the bacteria that's to blame for your acne. Salicylic acid penetrates your skin and softens your spots; it will also slow down cell shedding. Sulfur as been used to treat acne for hundreds of years. It will dry your skin and also break down your blackheads. But it can discolor your skin, irritate you, it smells and it may lead to further acne appearing because it will intensify cell shedding. Resorcinol also penetrates your skin and softens the hard areas that usually pimple, however, this also may lead to irritation and isn't a reliable treatment.


The Advancement Of Acne Laser Treatment And Technology

The advancement of laser treatment and technology has brought therapy into the new century and is the suggested treatment for acne and acne scarring. Laser therapy is an appealing treatment for acne: no messy creams, no drugs and minimal risk of side effects. Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of pulsed dye laser therapy in the treatment of acne. More research is needed before this laser therapy may be recommended as an acne treatment. Although approved to treat acne scarring, Pulsed dye laser therapy is also being used for the treatment of active inflammatory acne vulgaris. More research is needed before this laser therapy may be recommended as an acne treatment." Pulsed-dye laser treatment for inflammatory acne vulgarisOctober 2003.

Previous studies have indicated that light therapy and laser treatment can actually improve acne. This policy addresses treatment of acne vulgaris using pulsed dye laser or photodynamic therapy. The study authors concluded, "More research is needed before this laser therapy may be recommended as an acne treatment". - Additional research is needed before laser therapy can be recommended as a treatment for acne, according to a study. Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of pulsed dye laser therapy in the treatment of acne.

The Er:YAG laser should be reserved for sculpting of individual scar edges and treatment of mild acne scars. Here you will find information about acne laser scar treatment. With laser acne scar treatment, the focus is on developing new collagen in the lower layer of skin. The laser treatment program for acne scar removal is somewhat different than acne laser treatment. Scar Treatment Another option for the use of acne laser treatment is that in which the acne scars can be removed. If you feel that your scars might need something more long term, then start saving for acne scar laser treatment. The only known treatment that has worked in acne scar removal is acne scar laser treatment. V-Beam (Pulsed Dye Laser) is commonly used for the treatment of red acne scars, stretch marks and keloids, which are thickened scar tissue. natural acne skin care treating acne acne cyst acne problems acne treatment for teenager acne scar laser treatment .

When an acne patient faces pitting, or deep holes, in the skin as a result of acne, there is a treatment called laser resurfacing. In acne laser treatment, a laser is used to remove areas of damaged skin, layer by layer. Skin care maintenance can also be prescribed to compliment the acne laser treatment. They might also apply the laser inconsistently, leaving your skin slightly uneven after the acne treatment with laser. Excellent waxing services (using a very high-grade, mint oil-infused stripless wax), top-notch laser hair removal, acne laser treatments and skin rejuvenation.

Most acne blemish laser treatment methods are painless and effective, but they also come at a noticeable price. A successful acne blemish laser treatment may include various types of laser exposure such as carbon dioxide lasers or nonablative lasers. The Carbon Dioxide laser is also known to produce higher levels of pigmentation during the acne blemish laser treatment . one of the best methods for acne blemish laser treatment.


All Natural Remedy for Acne Cysts

Any person with acne problems will tell you infected cystic acne is the most strenuous kind of breakout to live with. An acne cyst is pus-filled and can sometimes evolve to the size of a dime. They can be excruciating, swollen, and scarring is normal. Squeezing an acne cyst may cause a deeper infection which will last much longer than if you had just left it alone. Keeping skin clear and free of acne lesions is a top priority to every person.Acne cysts are a regular skin response to bacteria and microbes. Bacteria (propionibacterium acnes) find their way into pores and kill healthy cells living inside. The combination of microbes, dead cells, and oil becomes stuck in the pore and grows into a cyst. Popping a lesion can lead to ice pick acne scars and a loss of skin tissue. Homemade remedies for acne can be effective in removing the redness from acne but most will not help nullify bacteria and microbes. The issue is that most natural acne products lack any anti bacterial attributes and hence strong antibiotics are advocated. Don't give up all stock in natural treatments. Thanks to the discovery of a biological skin care ingredient, you can naturally halt acne cysts and kill bacteria living on skin, resulting in a fresh, healthy appearance. Skin Remedies for AcneIsotretinoin is a regularly prescribed treatment for acne cysts and severe acne marks. Isotretinoin is recommended only after all other treatment products failed to provide results. What it does in a nutshell is cease the production of sebum and other natural oils in the skin. It aims to regulate skin oil with the intention of eliminating the odds of the oils getting obstructed in the pores and causing cysts. Clearing acne lesions is not quite so elementary. Common side effects of isotretinoin include dry skin, itching, nose bleeds, headaches, and even loss of hair. More infrequently side effects can include exhaustion, menstrual disturbances, bowel problems, pancreatitis, and severe depression. This is harsh because many individuals just want to clear up their complexion and have acne free skin but end up with a worse affliction. An acne cyst cream with hydrogen peroxide is a common choice because of the antibacterial properties contained in the compound. An acne hydrogen peroxide cream will kill microbes and therefore help clear up skin conditions by making the skin an undesireable place for dangerous microbes. The negative side is that hydrogen peroxide is a powerful chemical. Concentrated levels are hurtful and if accidentally ingested, can cause internal bleeding and lung problems. Lower concentrations in skin products can cause hyperpigmentation and a burning feeling. Since acne lesions are painful and inflamed, no one wants to experience an additional burning feeling while trying to cure the lesions. People want natural acne products that help the skin in a mild manner. Home Remedy for AcneYou can now eradicate bacteria and prevent acne cysts using an all natural acne cyst cream. There is no powerful chemical compound in the cream, only natural elements that provoke skin rejuvenation and biologically clear out acne marks and scars. The same ingredient can help you fill in ice pick acne scars and eliminate brown acne marks. When applied to fresh, clean skin regularly for a period of at least 2 months, the biological skin care element will fuse with your own cells and:* transform skin into a bacteria free environment. The ingredient triggers the constant production of natural antimicrobial peptides on your skin to keep bacteria and microbes at bay. * erode pore plugs and damaged tissues while stimulating the reproduction of new, healthy ones. This ensures the natural flow of natural oils to the skin surface.* help flush the parts of the dissolved tissues back into the body in order to provoke new cellular growth. This helps in the natural elimination of acne scars and blemishes by regenerating healthy cells in place of dead ones.* fill in ice pick acne scars by initiating the production of more collagen and elastin components in the skin. Collagen and elastin components are brought into the area and the area is renewed with healthy components.


Do You know Which Acne Treatment is Best for You?

Azelaic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Resorcinol, sulphur, and Adapalene are products that approach acne skin care with the intent to reduce clogged pores by peeling or sloughing off dead skins cells. Salicylic Acid is found in over-the-counter acne care products, such as Stridex, as are Resorcinol and sulphur. While most acne skin care treatments in this group target the surface of the skin, Adapalene, a prescription-only medication, reduces the build-up of dead skin cells inside the pore itself. Also a prescription-only skin care product, Azelaic Acid has the added benefit of killing P. acnes bacteria.

Acne is a severe skin disease that affects millions of people. It can lead to depression, leave you with a low self-esteem, and keep you from doing things you want to do. If you currently have acne, it`s not the end of the world. You need to sit down and think what you are going to do to fight. You need to take one day at a time and not get upset when you`re not seeing the results you want right away. You also shouldn`t pick at them either because picking at them can make the clearing process take longer and can even leave scars when you`re older.

Use topical treatments, such as Nature's Cure medicated spray, anywhere that you tend to get breakouts for acne prevention - don't just spot-treat existing blackheads and pimples. The pore-clogging process happens two to three weeks before any blackheads or blemishes become visible on the skin. Since the salicylic acid acne medication in the body spray is an exfoliant, it helps to remove the dead skin that combines with oil and dirt to form those nasty blackheads and whiteheads that can get infected and become pimples.

There seems to be a growing number of different treatments but usually over the counter products come in the form of topical cleansers, soaps, washes, lotions, creams, gels or even pads and patches that are applied onto the skin. When using these kinds of preparations it is important, that you cover all of the area where you have acne because then you will also be treating the hidden blemishes that you can't yet see as well as the acne breakouts that you can. Expect some trials and errors as you experiment with the different treatments available, it may take you a while before you find the right type or combination of products that work for you. Whatever you do, don't use more than one treatment at a time, particularly with medicated products, discontinue one before you try out another.

Sometimes puberty and stress can combine to make acne even worse. Find the causes of stress and work on reducing or eliminating it. The acne itself can lead to stress and then you have a vicious cycle.

The use of birth control pills to control acne flare ups may or may not be an effective. Usually, the first signs of acne develop during adolescence, when hormone levels begin to rise. When hormone levels surge, the sebaceous glands located at the base of each hair follicle, produce excess oil. This oil combined with dead skin cells and dirt becomes trapped within the skin's pores and acne develops. Since acne can be triggered by fluctuating hormone levels within the body, it stands to reason that acne can appear at the various 'stages' in life when hormone levels are changing such as puberty, pregnancy and menopause. It also makes sense that controlling hormone levels may help to reduce acne outbreaks. The use of birth control pills for the treatment of acne is an attempt to regulate hormones.


Diet Can Be A Natural Acne Treatment

Azelaic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Resorcinol, sulphur, and Adapalene are products that approach acne skin care with the intent to reduce clogged pores by peeling or sloughing off dead skins cells. Salicylic Acid is found in over-the-counter acne care products, such as Stridex, as are Resorcinol and sulphur. While most acne skin care treatments in this group target the surface of the skin, Adapalene, a prescription-only medication, reduces the build-up of dead skin cells inside the pore itself. Also a prescription-only skin care product, Azelaic Acid has the added benefit of killing P. acnes bacteria.

There sure is a lot of confusion out there regarding acne prevention. Some people say to scrub your face all day, eat the right foods, avoid sweat, exercise, and on and on. Unfortunately, these have nothing to do with acne prevention.

Try applying essential oils directly to the acne. Oils to try are Tea Tree Oil, Bergamot Oil, Clove Oil, Lavender Oil, and Rosewood Oil. If you have sensitive skin, you may need to dilute the oil with grape seed oil to avoid irritation. Apply the oil before going to bed and then wash it away, using pure soap and clean water, in the morning. Give it about a month to see if it is working. This is one of the least expensive acne solutions that have proven to be effective for many people.

Benzoyl peroxide is a common acne treatment. It is an exfoliant and therefore helps to remove dead skin cells from the skin's surface. It also prevents bacteria from multiplying on the skin. It may come in gel, cream, or lotion form. And it may also be found in combination with sulphur which is another exfoliation agent. Benzoyl peroxide helps to prevent the development of new blemishes and clear up ones that are already present. It needs to be used on a daily basis and may initially cause itching, redness, and dryness. Skin will slowly show improvement over time with continued usage.

The two major types of acne lesions are classified as non-inflammatory and inflammatory. Non-inflammatory acne lesions are more commonly known as whiteheads and blackheads. Inflammatory acne lesions include papules and pustules and are more deeply seated in the skin than the non-inflammatory lesions.

You can look for different kinds of treatments once you know in what category your acne falls. Always remember that if a certain treatment didn't work for your acne, you can always try some other treatments. The technology nowadays, has given rise to new treatments. Researchers are now developing some new treatments that might be the one you are waiting for and might give you the clear skin you are longing for. Another treatment which may be more effective is to avoid grain products such as bread, corn, cereals and pastries. But still, these methods may not work for you.


Which Alternative Acne Treatments Really Work?

Some cosmetics irritate the skin and can cause acne by plugging up your pores on your face. The cosmetics chemicals that can cause you the most skin and pore irritation and inflammation are: mineral oil, lanolin, parabens, propylene, and glycol Look at the label of the cosmetics you use. You will find that many cosmetics, soaps, and sunscreens contain these chemicals. Find a water base make up, not an oil base. Find one that does not irritate your face and use it sparingly.

It is believed that hormones, diet, stress and vitamin deficiency may play a role in the development of acne. While acne includes both whiteheads and blackheads, there are a variety of types of acne that range in severity. Acne Vulgaris is the most common form of acne and includes everything from whiteheads and black heads to cysts. Acne Vulgaris may be either mild or moderate as well as severe. The mild and moderate forms of Acne Vulgaris include common pimples with inflammation apparent below the surface of the skin as well as blackheads. Small red bumps that have no head may also be present and are known as papules.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar swabs and other astringent cleansers work to remove the oil buildup that may become blocked in the skin's glands. These products may cause dryness, itching, and redness, so be sure to use them only on problem areas.

On the other hand, there are many popular myths and delusions about what causes acne. Acne does not occur as a result of stress, or of eating chocolate and greasy food. Also, acne is not an infectious disease, i.e. it cannot be transmitted by touch or through a sexual intercourse (like Chlamydia which is also a skin disease but is transmitted sexually).

A suntan or sunburn that reddens the skin can make blemishes less visible and make the skin feel drier for a little while. But the benefits are only temporary and cannot take the place of proper acne skin care. The sun can seriously damage skin, promote aging of skin, and cause skin cancer. Furthermore, many of the medications used to treat acne make a person more prone to sunburn.

A dermatologist may use acne laser surgery in the most severe acne cases to dig to the very core of a pimple and clear it completely. The laser device is designed so that it is weak enough not to cause any additional damage beyond the area being treated. Most experts consider this laser surgery very safe, but as with any surgery there is always at least a small opportunity for unexpected consequences.


Best For Removal Of Acne Scars : Say Hello To A Product That Works

Have you been searching for a product to remove acne scars? If so then there is a new, all natural skin care cream for you! This cream can actually fill in the pitted acne scars left behind by even cystic acne. People using this treatment have also seen excellent results on older scars and blemishes.A common brown garden snail, the Helix Aspersa Muller, creates a serum that is used in the cream. The cream works with human skin as a natural protector and promotes natural regeneration a special feature of the snail serum. There is no burning sensation or possible allergic reactions because the product is all natural. . Most expensive creams and painful laser treatments do not live up to their promises so say hello to a product that works.Skin can get damaged by its own reactions. It starts with bacteria attacking the skin and destroying skin cells. This threat is recognized by the body, which sends some white blood cells to the site. However sometimes the overactive white blood cells will attack healthy tissue as well as the bacteria, resulting in an ugly scar.The science behind the new product for the removal of acne scars is simply nature at its best. Mother Nature has provided the fragile skin of the snail with the ability to secrete a protective serum that covers and protects wounds while accelerating the healing process. Now this amazing serum is available to humans in a natural skin care cream!When you apply this cream to your skin, it well repair damaged skin and collagen fibers. It also dissolves away damaged tissues, and triggers skin regeneration as an antioxidant. It even serves as a natural sunblock by preventing damage from UV rays. It has no adverse allergic or chemical effects on human skin, so even if your skin is quite sensitive, you should have no trouble using this cream.You too can have smooth and healthy skin even with all those skin problems. There is no need for a prescription or procedure, like dermabrasion. This all-natural cream is a topical application that can not only get rid of acne scars but will be healthy for your skin leaving it flawless. This product is good for so much more. It can also be used on post operative scars, keloid scarring, stretch marks, and keratosis pilaris keratin plugs. It can reduce itching and pain and clear pores before the acne even starts.


Natural Acne Treatment Cream

A well known television crime drama recently solved a case with the assistance of a common acne treatment. Investigators found the remains of a man in a river bed and were able to identify him in a very bizarre manner. When looked at under a fluorescent light, the acne drug tetracycline had soaked into this persons bones to such an extent, it could still be identified ten years after the fact. While this is a television show, the concept should still be quite distressing to people who have taken tetracycline to help treat acne inflammation. The idea that tetracycline is soaked up by the bones and appears while under a fluorescent light is not the figment of some creative mind. When anything is absorbed into bones, it can offset the gentle balance between factors and could possibly make the difference in strong, healthy bones and ones that are prone to breaking. I don't believe it is a stretch to say people would prefer to use an all natural acne ingredient to address acne and rosacea issues rather than a powerful antibiotic. Due to the scientific discovery of a natural acne remedy, you can now lessen acne inflammations and control rosacea without staining your bones. All Natural Skin Care ProductIn the past couple years, the trend has been transitioning from powerful pills towards a more skin friendly way of treating acne. People have become more cognizant of the ingredients that go into the products they buy. Why would you buy products anymore that damage your skin more than they help it? While pharmaceutical companies will champion their own chemical compounds, natural skin care creams and lotions have quietly built their own 4 billion dollar market. Tetracycline was first discovered around 1950 and has since then been used to treat acne and rosacea. It helps inflammatory problems by killing bacteria and microbes surviving on the skin. This seems easy enough but there are some rather serious side effects associated with taking this drug.As with any antibiotic treatment, it is important that people take every pill in the bottle. Not taking the last couple pills could make the condition almost impossible to help later on in the future due to decreased sensitivity to treatment. A couple of the common side effects of tetracycline include diarrhea, tongue inflammation, hyperpigmentation, sun sensitivity, vomiting, and even anal inflammation. No, I am not kidding. I bet most people would rather just stick with acne than live with these afflictions. Natural Acne RemedyThere is a new 100% all natural acne care element that does what powerful antibiotic treatments do without all the adverse effects. If you honestly care about your skin, you can sleep better knowing all natural elements are renewing your dermal elements. There is no diarrhea or hyperpigmentation associated with topical usage of the biological skin ingredient. Most importantly, it is digested by your skin and your skin only. The unique ingredient does not infuse with bones or other body parts. It is so 'natural', it can't even be copied in the most advanced bio- laboratory.When the all natural acne remedy fuses with your own skin cells, it will:* Work in concert with your body to trigger natural rejuvenation processes. This aids in the natural dissolution of acne scars, blemishes, and even sun damage by regenerating healthy cells in place of dying cells. * Help manage acne breakouts by initiating the development of natural antimicrobial peptides in your own skin. Your skin will appear fresh and clean since bacteria and pathogens are killed on contact. If there are no pathogens on your skin, there is a lower chance of healthy cell infection and acne development.* Biological enzymes found in the natural ingredient can dissolve pore obstructions and ensure the natural flow of sebum and other natural oils to the skin surface. If sebum does not get blocked inside the pores, your chances of inflammation are much less. * Fill in depressed acne scars by stimulating the production of more collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. The ingredients fuse with your own cells and trigger the influx of more flawless skin building elements into an injury site. Fibroblasts proliferate and give the skin a healthier, more vibrant look.


Snail Cream for the Reduction of Acne and Rosacea

When you first heard about snail serum being contained in an all natural skin care treatment, your retort might have been one of bewilderment and maybe a few scowls. Would you feel more at ease using snail serum as part of your daily skin care routine if you realized that it was originally recommended by Hippocrates, the 'father of medicine'? How could snail serum possibly help human skin? The fact is that snails and humans have many of the same skin components. The balance between collagen and elastin in the skin of snails is almost equal to that of humans. When snails face adversity, they biologically construct a serum that is full of antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, immune modulators, peptides, co-enzymes, and cell-communicating ingredients. This is the principle component in snail creams.Hippocrates, the ancient Greek who has been credited with being the 'father of medicine' was one of the first people to encourage the usage of snails in skin care. About 400 BC, Hippocrates began preparing a mixture of milk and crushed snails for skin lesions. He wrote in one of his countless medical journals that the speed of delivery of the snail serum was what made it such a precious ingredient. Snails as MedicineWhen used on human skin, Hippocrates reported that the healing properties of snail serum worked as a moisturizer and reduced red, irritated areas of skin. With habitual usage, he again wrote that the skin surface was kept smooth and brilliant. This same element is what now helps people reduce inflammation, control acne, and even remove stretch marks. People are a little uncertain using an ingredient collected from a snail, that's it only normal. We all have a concept of snails as yucky little critters that live in our gardens. While this is a regular human reaction, if you don't acknowledge the full ability of the serum, you are denying your skin maybe the most complete and balanced skin care ingredient ever created. Do you realize that only 150 years ago, snails were made into rosary beads and put in the windows of local pharmacies? This should tell you something about how snails and their healing properties are viewed by skin care professionals. Snail serum and snail lotions are not just a fad or another product that fails to live up to their spectacular claims. Snails never have skin infections or inflammations. A snail could take its sweet old time to move across the sharpest knife or shard of glass and not cut its skin. Snails never have any complications with the equilibrium between their collagen or elastin elements because of their ability to biologically produce the only ingredient in the universe solely made for the intention of remodeling skin and keeping it healthy. Snail Serum is the Miracle Skin Care Solution Found in Snail Creams Before discussing the beneficial aspects of snail serum, it is important to note that the collection of the serum is performed in a totally cruelty free way. No snail is hurt or loses its life in the process. The serum is collected and the snail goes peacefully right back to its life of leaves and shrubs like nothing happened. When applied to clean skin, the snail serum will fuse with your skin cells and:* Promote the natural recovery processes of your skin. * Enhance the skin's ability to heal from the effects of dangerous factors and injuries caused by inflammation. * Digests dying cells, and unnatural keratin plugs, and uses their amino-acids and other components for the rebuilding of healthy molecules to replace blemished skin.* Stimulates the orderly repair and regeneration of damaged and sun burned skin cells.* Promotes the development of the water holding carbohydrate molecules within the skin.* Enhances the capability of skin to emit antimicrobials and destroy pathogens.* The bioactive ingredient is encased in liposomes for deep saturation into target cells and slow delivery to guarantee your cells are furnished the bioactive molecules up to 12 hours after application.


Which Vitamins Can Cure Acne?

Natural acne treatment is simple. Changing your diet or taking herbs and vitamins to cleanse and provide additional nutrition could be enough to clear your skin up. You should eliminate sugars, oils, and fats from your diet as much as possible. They are not part of a good balanced diet and are all unhealthy to begin with.

Individuals that are prone to acne and are being treated for it should use oil free cosmetic products. Benzoyl peroxide and other acne skin care treatment can redden the skin so applying regular cosmetics products might be difficult. Regular cosmetic products usually contain more fatty acids that are harmful to acne prone individuals. Looking for organic and acne skin care products that will match your skin tone can help avoid more infections.

Natural acne products can actually clear the skin for good, only requiring occasional follow up treatments, whereas conventional methods can require constant treatment, and the results disappear as soon as the individual stops using the medicine. Also, many acne treatments prescribed by doctors or dermatologists are antibiotic in nature. Continuous antibiotic treatment can result in antibiotic resistance in the body, meaning when you really need your body to respond to antibiotic treatment, such as in illness, it may have built a tolerance and need more powerful meds to respond correctly. Some prescribed acne medications can even be dangerous, and are to be taken only for the most severe cases of acne and with the utmost caution.

Should you take birth control pills to relieve your acne? Make your decision very carefully taking into account the risk factors which include heart attack, cancer of the breast, blood clots, fluid retention, dark skin patches, and bleeding in the vagina, just to name a few.

The reality about many of the skin care items that are available at your retail store, are that they are developed to target the mass audience, which means they don't have a long-term care system in place, or treatment plan to help you become free and clear of your pimples and zits. The concentrations of medication are very low, and in most cases they will include ingredients that may not work for all skin types. Read the labels on these over-the-counter cleansers, creams, and lotions, and you will more than likely notice that they claim to be good for all skin types, such as sensitive skin, normal and oily skin! What this means is that they add ingredients in very low levels of medicinal ingredients that will be ok for everybody, and normally only work for individuals with mild acne!

There are many medicines and cream that are used to fight acne. But so far, maintains a healthy lifestyle is the easiest way to go. It is important to say that by leading a healthy lifestyle, you will not only get healthier skin, but also a healthier body. Changing habits will be hard at first, but in the long run you will have a better general health, and more energy, and clearer, healthier skin.


Beauty Tips: Acne Skin Care Treatment

Does it seem like you've applied everything on your face to get rid of your acne? Apply Chris Gibson's �Acne Free in 3 Days' to your life now! Acne happens to everyone: adolescents, teenagers and adults. We get it, but we don't really know how they get on our face. Acne can differ from mild to very severe. It is formed when skin ducts and oil glands work overtime. The lining of the duct sheds cells and is moved to the outer layer of the skin. Once the skin duct gets clogged, oil is trapped underneath. The plug of a pore is called a comedo. A closed comedo (whitehead) is when a plug sits below the skin while an open comedo (blackhead) is pushed out to the surface of the skin. A blackhead has its name not because it contains dirt, but because of its darkness and difficulty in washing it away. Scientists believe that acne is hereditary, meaning if someone in your family had/has acne, the chances of getting acne for you are higher than one who does not have an acne history in their family.

Drinking a lot of water is a very important factor when it comes to getting rid of acne. Water has a pH of 7.3 and is a very natural acne treatment. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day helps eliminate all the oil and waste toxins that may damage your skin. Water also moistens your skin and keeps your pores from clogging. With all that, it also helps you to lower your stress level and relax your body.

Here's an easy plan you can follow daily with �Acne Free in 3 Days':

1) Wash your face every morning and evening using a skin cleanser. This cleans off dead skin cells and excess oil that your body builds up. Make sure to use an antibacterial cleanser because it will kill all bacteria. Apply some hydrogen peroxide to inflamed areas.

2) Sleep on a clean pillow case to ensure none of the dead skin cells block your pores.

3) Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and drink lots of water. Water expels toxins in your body.

4) Exercise in fresh air everyday to let your body feed on sunlight to attain Vitamin D.

If you follow this simple routine along with all the great tips from �Acne Free in 3 days', your acne will visibly clear up in three days!


Dealing With The After-Effects Of Acne

Acne, unlike your typical infection, is not something that's over and done with if you manage to make it go away. You still have to deal with the after-effects left behind by the problem. Acne scarring is one of the most common problems encountered during the post-infection stage. If not treated properly, acne can leave physical marks. Acne scarring, with the social stigma that it tends to generate, may end up becoming an even bigger problem than the acne that caused it. No wonder, some people actually see depression as one of the more serious effects of this kind of skin problem.

Treating the acne problem properly at the early stages of infection is critical to prevent the formation of scars. There is a wide array of things you may do to lower the chances of scar formation. The first and most important step is to control the skin infection. Other important things to remember in controlling acne include the following:

l Treat the acne infection as early as possible. This reduces the chances of scars forming later on.
l Avoid using more than one treatment unless advised by a doctor. Multiple treatments may only cause drug interaction side effects.
l If your acne is creating cysts, avoid attempting to prick or tamper with them in any way. Doing so may increase your chances of the cyst forming a scar later on.
l Whenever possible, prevent inflammation. Statistically speaking, areas that have experienced inflammation during an acne outbreak tend to form scars afterwards.

If you develop acne scars, you would be better off avoiding any sort of treatment you found over the Internet, regardless of what it claims to be. Internet remedies are ill-advised measures, as all actual medications for acne scarring require a doctor's prescription and may only be obtained through the office of a medical professional. The "Internet remedies" simply don't work, even if they could theoretically relieve the acne that caused the scars, so you may find it a better idea to consult a dermatologist.

There are more than a few ways to fix acne scarring, if you find the need for it. The likelihood that your dermatologist will suggest one from among the following forms of surgery will vary depending on how deep your acne scars run and how severe the problem actually is.

Dermabrasion, which involves the use of machinery with diamond-tipped blades to cut away the scarred skin, is one such option. If you only have shallow scarring left over from your acne, then your doctor might suggest this type of scar-removal surgery. It removes the scar tissue to let the skin replace the removed sections naturally, leaving you with a new layer of skin. Naturally, creams and treatments are used to help in the healing process.

Another option is through the use of pinpoint medical lasers, albeit this is an option that is not suggested very often. Laser surgery works on the same general concept as dermabrasion, though you would be put under a high-powered laser rather than a set of diamond-bladed tools. This method is seen to be more accurate than using the aforementioned technique, and may sometimes be recommended for slightly deeper acne scars. However, this is undertaken and suggested only by the people with experience in this type of surgery, as the slightest mishandling can cause damage that's not just skin-deep.

If the state of your scarring is not that severe or pronounced, a dermatologist can offer chemical treatments rather than surgery. These treatments operate on the same idea as the two above treatments, but work on an entirely different level. This might involve the use of acids in removing the layer of skin that has the scars, allowing the body to naturally repair the damaged skin. As with both of the above methods, there are some additional products given to help the skin heal after the treatment. Also, excessive or improper use of these treatments can cause side effects that are disastrous on the skin.

It is also important to be aware that discoloration usually occurs when there is an inflammation in the skin. These discolored spots should not be immediately considered as acne scars. In some cases, they discoloration occurs due to the increase of blood flow to that part of the skin. For that reason, it is always best to consult a skin care professional to help determine whether some areas are just discolored or if they are actual acne scars. Being well-informed will help keep your skin safe. Moreover, having a proper diagnosis will help you make a decision on whether your next skin care treatment will involved surgery or not.


Acne Skin Care Products - Which Ones Are Better?

If you suffer from acne, you know how many products you are faced with every time you go to the store to buy an acne skin care product. Some products are better than others, and it is best you have some information before you go shopping. Look on the internet for products that have been used successfully by others and it they are not too expensive you can certainly try them yourself.

You don�t have to take the advertisers word for their product. You can get on the internet and find an acne skin care product that thousands of teens who suffer just like you, have found that using lessens or clears their acne.

An acne skin care product to wash your face is gentle cleansing soap Purpose. You can find this acne skin care product in most drug stores and it smells pretty good too. Cetaphil is a gentle, antibacterial cleansing bar that is an acne skin care product. If you suffer from acne that is more acute, this may be the right bar of soap for you. You can probably find this in most drug stores as well.

If you are a man and have had trouble finding an acne skin care product that would address your need to shave, you can pick up a Gillette Sensor Excel. This will be especially gentle for those who had trouble shaving without injury in the past. It is made specifically for those who need an acne skin care product to aid them in grooming their face and beard.

You can go in any drugstore and peruse the acne skin care product aisle. You can research what you like or what seems to be in your budget range and find out if buying this acne skin care product can make a difference to your acne.

You can search online as well where you will be greeted with a host of acne skin care product for every age and every level of severity. You may even find acne skin care products you never thought were available. Don�t suffer another minute; go see what acne skin care product will work best for you.


Proactiv Acne Medicine, Is it Really Working?

Like me you have probably seen many times the proactive publicities on television. You see celebrities like Jessica Simpson, P.Diddy, Kelly Clarkson and many others telling how Proactiv Acne Medicine changed their lives. They try to convince you to buy their products by saying that proactive acne medicine completely cured them of their acne problem offering you gift, free shipping and such�

Yes we have heard it all�.But the question is: Does it really work? What make proactive acne medicine different from the other products for treating acne?

Let's look at it from another angle. Would two million people be using this product if it would not work? They show you celebrities on screen to tell you it works, but the fact is the huge quantity of users around the world who have used it proved that the Proactiv acne medicine works.

Who are the Developers?

Proactive was first launched in 1995 by Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields. These two Stanford University-trained dermatologists had their own problems with acne at one time and this is why they have developed a unique system to finally get rid of acne once and for all. Their Proactiv acne medicine works for both teenagers and adults. Since the launch in 1995, their Proactiv products as been dominating the market proving once and for all that it is without a doubt the best available acne medicine for both treatment and prevention.

The founders of the Proactiv acne medicine, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields are specialists and are much respected skin care expert. They have been interviewed and quoted in publications such as:

- Glamour
- Cosmopolitan
- Allure
- Teen
- Redbook
- Self
- Elle
- Reader's Digest

And that's only a few of the magazine they were published in.

But How Does it Work?

The Proactiv acne medicine is composed of three easy steps that are design to help you clear out your pimples.

Step 1 � Renewing Cleanser

The Renewing Cleanser performs two separate tasks, by gently exfoliating your dead skin cells to allow the benzoyl peroxide ingredient contained in the cleanser to penetrate the deepest pores of your skin.

Step 2 � The Revitalizing Toner

The second step is used to revitalize you're your skin. The revitalizing toner is used to effectively soften your skin and to remove the impurities that often clog your pores.

Step 3 � The Repairing Lotion

This lotion is the last step and is used to eliminate the bacteria that cause acne at its source. This lotion helps to hydrate your skin and infiltrate the pores of your skin to stop the bacteria.

If you are interested in the Proactiv acne medicine be aware that on the first order of the product you will also get a free refining mask that boost the three-step system. This particular mask is very effective to remove impurities in your skin while smoothing and improving your skin's texture.


Acne Skin Care Treatment Product

Although many people believed that acne is caused because a person's skin is too oily, those with dry skin are just as susceptible to the condition as well. Today more than 20% of all adults are affected by acne and this can often be caused by using very harsh products on their skin. However there are certain acne skin care treatment products that can further cause a person's skin to dry out and only exacerbate their acne even further.

Certainly the best way to treat any form of acne is through prevention. It is important that a person chooses a skin care treatment product which will not dry their skin out or cause any further damage to it. However it does not matter what type of skin you have as long as you understand what actually causes it, then you will find it much easier to prevent as well as treat your acne problem.

Most of the skin care treatments available for acne are likely to make the underlying causes of the problem much worse. Many of these actually contain sulfur or resorcinol or benzyl peroxide and these all help to dry up the excess oil that is being produced by a person's sebaceous glands but can also cause a person's skin to dry out more during the actual treatment process. Therefore although it may have prevented further oil from being produced it will cause the skin to dry out and this will then exacerbate the skin condition further. In fact what you have done is actually caused yourself another problem because your fine lines and wrinkles will begin to develop and so you have actually accelerated the process of aging in your skin. So it may be better to just blot the excess oil as it certainly will not cause the condition to become any worse.

To be honest if many people used less of these cleansing and skin products the incidents of acne would probably be much less. Instead people should look at using mild skin products as these will not damage their skin and understand their skin condition a little better. Understanding your skin and acne condition will help you determine the type of acne skin care treatment product to use.