
Is There A Solution For Acne?

In my opinion, this is one of the world's most powerful, secret remedies for any illness! I strongly believe that if we all drank the amount of water our bodies need, we would see a great reduction in all types of sicknesses. Most doctors say that we should drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water daily, but many people need even more than that. I have found that simply drinking enough water greatly reduces my likelihood for getting a yeast infection. Because I am drinking more water, and subsequently urinating more frequently, my body is able to flush out the sugars that feed the yeast.

The yeast infection drugs on the market today may relieve you of the common itching and burning associated with yeast infections but they may leave your body carrying dormant yeast cells even after the treatment is finished. Unless the roots problem of the yeast infection is cured you could experience flair ups down the road once the dormant yeast cells have the right environment to become active again.

Although over-the-counter, anti-yeast medications do exist, they generally provide only temporary relief since they do not address the underlying reasons why a candida overgrowth has occurred. Only a comprehensive approachincluding dietary changes and natural supplementswill rid your body of yeast overgrowth, restore balance to your bodily systems and prevent this insidious condition from recurring.

Often referred to as Candida, there are two types of yeast infections. The first type is an Acute yeast infection. The symptoms come on quickly and are easy to diagnose. The symptoms are swelling and redness in the genital area, discharge, itching, burning with urination, and are often accompanied with a white coated tongue. If you have ever had this type of yeast infection, you know how miserable it can be. The second type of yeast infection is called a Chronic yeast infection. You may be treated many times for recurring yeast infections and think you are cured, when in reality, you are not. This kind of yeast infection can go on for years, being undiagnosed. If gone untreated long enough it can lead to more serious illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and a myriad of other diseases, as the candida albicans invade and damage our healthy cells. This type of yeast infection can be much more difficult to diagnose and treat, as it is often overlooked by health professionals.

Research studies have shown that the yeast population in mice will skyrocket (and become infectious), if the mice are fed a high-sugar diet. The same thing happens in humans. Unfortunately, many people the Western world eat too much refined sugar and simple carbohydrates. This poor dietary choice has become a major factor in the increase in obesity and diabetes, and can increase the chances of yeast infections, too.

If you suffer from yeast infection theres a good chance that you might not be aware of it, or that you might mistake it for something else entirely. There are yeast infection signs which can tell you whether or not you have a yeast infection, but sometimes these signs are the same as some other infections.

For women who have recurring yeast infections, going to the pharmacy to purchase an over-the-counter treatment is not only time-consuming, but can prove to be quite expensive. The best way to treat a yeast infection is to deal with the root cause of the problem. This is where natural remedies come in. If you want a long term, more permanent solution, go natural!

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