Most of us suffer from fungal infections at some time or another during our life. Many of these infections occur in the superficial part of our body or in the skin. Fungal infections are transferable and some can be very dangerous and in extreme cases can even lead to death. Sometimes, you may be infected with a fungal infection and not even realize it.
The most widely occurring form of mouth yeast infection is thought to be caused by the yeast named Candida that is normally found in the digestive and vaginal tracts of the human body. There is a large group of fungi called Candida or Monilia which is responsible for a certain yeast organism called Monilia albicans. This fungus causes candidiasis or moniliasis and infects the mouth as well as throats especially among babies and the elderly. Species of Candida are thought to result in disease through one of three primary modes: Invasion of tissue, induction of a hypersensitive state or by making potent toxins.
Candida albicans is a type of yeast. And yeast is a kind of fungi (like mushrooms and molds). If youre familiar with fungi then you would know that these thrive in moist and slightly exposed areas. The same thing applies when it comes to your body. It is therefore common to find candidiasis in parts of the body like the mouth, the genitals and other areas where skin folds and keeps a lot of moisture. But candida is most commonly found in your digestive system. The reason why people dont get sick because of the mere presence of candida is because good bacteria (called probiotics) keep the candida in check, preventing the fungi from growing to an extent it will do harm to your body.
When treating a yeast infection, its one thing to get pain relief and its another to actually cure the cause. Its best to get to the root of recurrent vaginal yeast infections. Understand the symptoms for vaginal yeast infection and get well educated before seeing your doctor so you can make the best possible decision for treating the infection.
If you suffer from yeast infection theres a good chance that you might not be aware of it, or that you might mistake it for something else entirely. There are yeast infection signs which can tell you whether or not you have a yeast infection, but sometimes these signs are the same as some other infections.
Ph balance in the body is the key. Yeast is prevalent in the body at all times. Yeast infection will occur when the acid ph of the body is lowered. The immune system regulates the acid balance in the body. Your diet is the leading factor to help the immune system keep a healthy balance. The body has a healthy ph of 6.4 (when measuring urine or saliva), the further away, greater or lower, from this natural reading you have, will cause greater disease and illness such as yeast infection. Stress is one of the largest causes of unbalanced ph readings in the body. Blood ph is higher than body ph. Injury, overweight, antibiotics and birth control pills all alter the natural ph of the body. Fatigue is often overlooked as a stress factor. Your ph reading does vary slightly through the day but should average 6.4 for the day.