
Natura Treatments For Acne

Avoiding a yeast infection is about controlling the environment around the body so that it is able to stay dry. Avoid douching and using feminine products like wipes or sprays. Avoid bubble baths and soaking in soapy water as it can alter the ph in the vagina. If you wear tight clothes with nylon pantyhose or other similar non-breathable materials, try alternating them with loose fitting clothing and cotton underwear. Cotton is a more breathable fabric and will allow the body to stay drier. If you go swimming or participate in strenuous activities that involve heavy perspiration, it is important to change into dry clothes as soon as possible. During sexual intercourse, use a condom for extra protection and also to avoid spreading a yeast infection to your partner.

Most of us suffer from fungal infections at some time or another during our life. Many of these infections occur in the superficial part of our body or in the skin. Fungal infections are transferable and some can be very dangerous and in extreme cases can even lead to death. Sometimes, you may be infected with a fungal infection and not even realize it.

The most widely occurring form of mouth yeast infection is thought to be caused by the yeast named Candida that is normally found in the digestive and vaginal tracts of the human body. There is a large group of fungi called Candida or Monilia which is responsible for a certain yeast organism called Monilia albicans. This fungus causes candidiasis or moniliasis and infects the mouth as well as throats especially among babies and the elderly. Species of Candida are thought to result in disease through one of three primary modes: Invasion of tissue, induction of a hypersensitive state or by making potent toxins.

Candida albicans is a type of yeast. And yeast is a kind of fungi (like mushrooms and molds). If youre familiar with fungi then you would know that these thrive in moist and slightly exposed areas. The same thing applies when it comes to your body. It is therefore common to find candidiasis in parts of the body like the mouth, the genitals and other areas where skin folds and keeps a lot of moisture. But candida is most commonly found in your digestive system. The reason why people dont get sick because of the mere presence of candida is because good bacteria (called probiotics) keep the candida in check, preventing the fungi from growing to an extent it will do harm to your body.

When treating a yeast infection, its one thing to get pain relief and its another to actually cure the cause. Its best to get to the root of recurrent vaginal yeast infections. Understand the symptoms for vaginal yeast infection and get well educated before seeing your doctor so you can make the best possible decision for treating the infection.

If you suffer from yeast infection theres a good chance that you might not be aware of it, or that you might mistake it for something else entirely. There are yeast infection signs which can tell you whether or not you have a yeast infection, but sometimes these signs are the same as some other infections.

Ph balance in the body is the key. Yeast is prevalent in the body at all times. Yeast infection will occur when the acid ph of the body is lowered. The immune system regulates the acid balance in the body. Your diet is the leading factor to help the immune system keep a healthy balance. The body has a healthy ph of 6.4 (when measuring urine or saliva), the further away, greater or lower, from this natural reading you have, will cause greater disease and illness such as yeast infection. Stress is one of the largest causes of unbalanced ph readings in the body. Blood ph is higher than body ph. Injury, overweight, antibiotics and birth control pills all alter the natural ph of the body. Fatigue is often overlooked as a stress factor. Your ph reading does vary slightly through the day but should average 6.4 for the day.


Knowing Your Skin and Get Rid of Acne

Our skin is the largest area that covers the body us making how you feel inside important. Our diet, climate, environment, stress, hormone levels, age and genetic condition can have effect on our skin. The skin can influence us in terms of confidence and our interaction with people around us. This will also affect us which will affect our skin.

It is important for us to look for the best skin products that suit our face and our skin also can be the factor that affects the skin products. Both of this is inter related to each other thus we have to understand both in order to find the best solution for our skin. Exercise can affect one's complexion, thus our daily routine can be affect our skin. Some expert recommends not sharing facial cleanser as this can have different effect on different skin.

What does skin care products usually do? Do they burn through our skin and kill the bacteria? Usually skin cares products help to clean, moisturize, revitalize, protect your skin and help to relax. Therefore, from the point we start using the facial cleanser, we need to observe and understand how our skin works and our food intake too. Knowing our skin is the key to healthy and easy skin care. Sometimes we hear from people saying that their skin is oily, sensitive, dry, and normal or combination of lots of them can be quite hard to control. Our forehead, cheek, chins and nose area is called the T-zone. These areas have more oil glands then any other parts of our body and need to be treated with different formula to stop overproduction of oil.

For severe case of acne problems, a set of products that treat different areas of your face is required and sometimes different product for the same area. Our skin changes with the seasons and we also have to be more sensitive to look for changes in our skin condition. It's important that the right skin care products and routine to be discovered.

There are several important skin care rules that apply to us which can affect our skin indirectly without our notice. Protect our skin from sunlight is an important note to take as the sun will damage our skin. Always put sunscreen on your face and body before going out and enjoy the sun but remember to wait for 15 minutes for the sunscreen to take effect.

Smoking can cause serious damage to your skin whether u are a secondary or primary smoker. Besides damaging your internal organs, it also will breakdown the elastic fibers of your skin and promote artificially yellowish looking skin.

It is a good practice to know your skin and deal with it before the acne strikes and be aware of the changes on your face. Do the necessary action to destroy the acne and live a peaceful life.


Acne - All About Acne Care And Treatments

Many women (and men) suffering from yeast infections resort to the remedies found in a drug store: creams, suppositories, and other "medical" remedies. The problem with these is that they tend to help for only a short period of time and then the yeast comes back with a vengeance. In my experience, there are other, more effective ways to combat this evil menace.

Avoid keeping your vagina wet for a long peroid of time and do not douche vagina with vinegar after menstrual periods or sexual intercourse as it may remove the healthy bacteria in the vagina.

Every three out of four women experience at least one yeast infection during her life; many experience recurrent infections. You can reduce the probability of recurrent attacks by practicing some preventive steps. Always wear white cotton panties. Nylon and Lycra may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast. Keep the external genital area clean and dry. Avoid antibiotics and steroids, because they destroy the competing bacteria and allow yeast to overgrow. Avoid irritating and perfumed soaps, vaginal sprays. Change tampons and sanitary napkins frequently. After swimming, change quickly into dry clothing instead of sitting in wet bathing suit for prolonged periods. Take antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor. If diabetic, try to keep tight control over blood sugar levels. Avoid using oral contraceptives if you have a yeast infection. Avoid use of petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal lubrication during sexual intercourse. Try using water-based lubricants.

Most doctors say that we should drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water daily, but many people need even more than that. I have found that simply drinking enough water greatly reduces my likelihood for getting a yeast infection. Because I am drinking more water, and subsequently urinating more frequently, my body is able to flush out the sugars that feed the yeast.

Yeast infection is a very annoying condition especially for women who are commonly infected by this disease. Yeast infection is caused by the fungus Candida Albans which are always present in the vagina. Increase growth or reproduction of Candida Albans leads to yeast infection.

When Candida albicans thrives on the tongue, it could just be an annoying local overgrowth. The official name for this is oral "thrush." But bear in mind that a very furry tongue might indicate that Candida is also present in large numbers in the digestive tract, hidden from view, and could have spread beyond the borders of the intestines.

You should be aware of the fact that there is another way of treating a Candida yeast infection through diet. This alternative Candida treatment works in a very simple manner. By eating the right foods you will create an environment hostile to the Candida yeast which will eventually cause its death.


The Natural Way to Cure Acne

Blackheads are not dirt. They are actually the result of oil &dead cells getting trapped in a pore, block the duct & mix with bacteria. Exposure to the air discolors them to black. Blackhead inflammation causes red pimples and it spreads when touched with dirty hands. When the pimple becomes infected, it develops a whitehead or pustule. These can break & cause scars.

It is not yet known exactly what causes adult acne, but several dermatologists link adult acne to hormone fluctuations. Acne in a woman is often linked to her menstrual cycle. Women with premenstrual acne outbreaks, such as pimples on the lower face and neck, seem to respond particularly well to treatment with medications that either reduce or block androgen production. You can forgo the androgen blocking hormones by properly consuming essential fatty acids such as those found in salmon and olive oil.

In most cases, chemical peel treatments are used to remove lines under the eyes and around the mouth, as well as, sun-damaged skin, mild scarring, age spots and other skin problems. Acne treatments may include this method in which the dermatologist applies a certain chemical substance to the skin. The targeted spot blisters and can be peeled off. This method of acne care treatment is effective mostly for removing scars, especially in the facial area. The treatment is accompanies by some heat and stinging sensation, a fact that most patients found acceptable given the efficiency of the acne treatment.

The only time your body expels product wastes through your lungs and skin is when your bowels and kidneys are overloaded with product wastes and toxins. This can happen when you're not drinking enough water. Water is the main carrier of nutrients throughout your body and is quite possibly the single most important contributor to healing and preventing acne flare-ups. Drinking enough water will dissolve waste products in your system so it can be easily remove and flush out. Without enough water, there won't be much to dissolve these product wastes and toxins...causing it to build up in your system and causing your body to expel these product wastes and toxics through your lungs and skin.

Acne isn't really helped by the sun, either. Although a suntan can temporarily make acne look less severe, it won't help it go away permanently. So don't soak up those rays - either under the sun or from a tanning bed - in an effort to help your skin.

Internally, the skin is fed and cleansed by a diet rich in fresh fruits, whole grains and vegetables. These foods provide more water, nutrients and fiber into the diet and can make a remarkable difference in the appearance of the skin. Relaxation, adequate sleep, exercise and stress reduction also play an important role in keeping the skin clear and healthy as they assist the body to repair and detoxify itself.


Treat Your Acne With Healthy Diet

Home Acne Products The most common home acne product available is benzoyl peroxide. This is the active ingredient in many acne treatments including Clearasil, ABY, Acne Control, and Proactiv Solution. It works by killing the bacteria that causes acne, and it also has a mild peeling effect which can reduce breakout and inflammation. Some sources say the bacteria can actually buildup a resistance to benzoyl peroxide, making it less effective the longer you use it. Also, beware that a small percentage of people are allergic to benzoyl peroxide, and if you experience any excessive skin irritation when using it, you should stop using it immediately.

Individuals that are prone to acne and are being treated for it should use oil free cosmetic products. Benzoyl peroxide and other acne skin care treatment can redden the skin so applying regular cosmetics products might be difficult. Regular cosmetic products usually contain more fatty acids that are harmful to acne prone individuals. Looking for organic and acne skin care products that will match your skin tone can help avoid more infections.

Conventional skin peel treatments that involve suction-type dermabrasion can cause further damage, as it can bruise the skin and break some small blood vessels. Those who wish to treat their acne and other skin problems with TCA can control the strength of the treatment by starting off with a weak solution and gradually working their way up to more concentrated mixtures as needed.

Eye shadows, blush on, moisturizer, and other cosmetics we use should be free from oily substances to permit healthy acne skin care maintenance. Even hairstyling products in forms of gels or aerosols that come in close contact with the skin may destroy a healthy acne skin care practice. Choose hairstyling products, which are commercially labeled as non-comedogenic are products which do not provoke the formation and growth of blemishes and other related skin disorders.

The two major types of acne lesions are classified as non-inflammatory and inflammatory. Non-inflammatory acne lesions are more commonly known as whiteheads and blackheads. Inflammatory acne lesions include papules and pustules and are more deeply seated in the skin than the non-inflammatory lesions.

In general, over-the-counter acne treatments and traditional prescription medications have not proven effective in the reduction and elimination of acne. There are other less traditional ways to approach the treatment of acne. When delving into non-traditional medicine most are dealing with approaches such as acupuncture, herbal medicines, homeopathic medicine, mind/body medicine, Ayurveda and Kampo as well as dietary and nutritional considerations.


What To Consider When Choosing Acne Treatment Products

There are a number of vitamins and minerals that can be used to improve the look and condition of your skin. The mineral zinc, and vitamins A, C, and E, and B-complex vitamins like vitamin B6 are often used to support acne treatment, as these vitamins are very important for the health of your skin. Eating foods that are rich in sulphur may also be helpful as sulphur helps to cure acne. Garlic and onions both contain a good supply of sulphur. Your health care provider may also recommend that you avoid eating sugar, fried foods, or foods that have a high fat content. Also eliminate any sugar based carbonated beverages.

The main purpose of an acne medication is to unclog your pores and calm inflammation. Acne home remedies are usually not for extreme cases, but more aimed at the mild to occasional blemishes. Some acne home remedies sound a little silly, and are not tested or proven by a real dermatologist. Some home remedies may worsen your condition or not affect it at all. You should be aware of this possibility before you try any of these. Common acne home remedies include: salt water, toothpaste, egg whites, ice, apple cider vinegar, steam, or wheat germ.

While acne is largely caused by excessive skin oils and the bacteria that eat that oil, a degree of control can be obtained simply by keeping your face and hair clean, in milder cases. This is important, as well as the right diet. Some foods are thought to aggravate acne, so it is a good idea to watch your diet and find out if there is a pattern between what you eat and breakouts of acne.

Hormones during later years, especially for women, can play a role in acne cure and prevention for teen years. For adults oral contraceptives or hormonal birth control pills may be helpful for women, combined with systemic or current treatments, prescription or over-the-counter medicines.

Some prescription topical medicines are also effective acne treatments. They include antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, adapalene and tretinoin. These acne treatments help stunt the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation. Depending on the skin type of the person, a doctor will prescribe the appropriate effective acne treatment. For instance, if one is with an oily skin, creams and lotions will not be advised since they are oil-based medications. Gels and solutions will suit more the oily skin since they are usually alcohol-based and tend to dry the skin. These medications are often subject to testing first before one could really consider them as effective acne treatments for their skin problem. As a case-by-case basis, side effects from topical medicines may surface. These side effects may include rashes, stinging, redness, burning, scaling and discoloration.

Adult acne can be caused by a hormonal imbalances, pollution, medications, or stress to name a few. Studies have shown a direct correlation between hormonal imbalances and outbreaks of acne in women ranging in age from 30 to 40 years.


Diet and acne treatment

The largest organ of the human body is the skin. Needless to say, waste needs to be eliminated efficiently so as not to interfere with its health. That requires a healthy diet � otherwise, any signs of unbalanced eating habits will undoubtedly interfere with what your skin looks like.

One of the most important organs that need to be taken care of in acne treatment is the liver. Liver is responsible with getting rid of the excess of hormones in your body, as well as of toxins. Therefore, "messing" with your liver may have horrible effects, and you're very likely to end up with oily skin.

Out of all the toxins, those which have to be firstly controlled as an acne remedy are Mycotoxins. Yeast and other bacteria, usually located in the intestines, secrete these toxins and they're partly responsible for affecting the liver's activity.

Eating the right foods as part of acne treatment is the first step towards success. Two basic items that should be in your fridge permanently are apples and psyllium husks. They are excellent instruments in removing any waste left in your intestines, sometimes even from years before. Such waste makes great breeding ground for bacteria such as Mycotoxins; therefore apples and psyllium are part of the ultimate acne remedy.

Not to be ignored are beetroot and milk thistle. They're well known for cleansing the liver and protecting it from a wide range of damaging factors, from alcohol to all sorts of viruses.

When faced with such a problem, a good acne treatment is a must. Something like this is impossible to hide, and on the long term it may have terrible effects on one's self-esteem. Also, the most important thing is the right kind of information. Any acne remedy may have opposite effects if not used wisely. Documentation is the key.

For example, it's not recommended to try to get rid of cysts by squeezing or bursting them. It will definitely take the cyst a much longer period of time to heal, and it will undoubtedly leave a mark.

In any case, there is no disease worldwide more common than acne. It may appear anywhere around 14 and 25 years of age, although many suffer from it at an adult age. Over 20 million people are affected by acne in the U.S. alone. However, the same everlasting misinformation can have drastic effects. The multitude of creams, gels and lotions (as part of acne treatment) available nowadays are known to cause rashes and irritations if not used appropriately and under professional supervision.

Antibiotics are also known as a frequent acne remedy. However, their long term abusive use annihilates all uncontrolled amounts of bacteria in one's body, including those that play an important role in its good functioning as a whole. The point is that causes and cures of acne may be diverse, but either way, the best approach to the problem is treating it from the inside in order to see the best outcomes on the outside.


Acne Home Remedies Proven To Remove Nasty Pimples

Acne home remedies are arguably the best ways to get rid of pimples and blackheads and cure our acne condition. Many people have tried using acne medications and creams that can be bought over the counter or prescribed by the local pharmacy or clinic, but often find themselves stuck in a repeat scenario of acne recurrence after a short while. This should not be a surprise to us since most over-the-counter acne creams or medications are not curative like acne home remedies, but palliative in nature meaning they focus on treating the symptoms more than the skin condition.

Here are some acne home remedies that have been tested over time and proven to work well against persistent acne problems. Diet and topical medication play key roles in curing acne.

1. Go on a full fruit fast for at least a week and consume only fresh fruits like grapefruit, pineapples, pears, apples, mango, apricot, olive, papaya, etc. Stick to non-citrus fruits. You can choose to incorporate this one week fruit fast into your diet and repeat this monthly. It would cleanse your body system and improve your overall health on top of your acne problems.

2. Green vegetables are exceptionally helpful. Vegetables such as celery, seaweeds, broccoli and green pepper are good at detoxifying our bodies, and can improve our skin condition dramatically. Eat at least 5 servings of vegetables daily. Watercress helps to prevent mineral deficiencies in our body and skin and is a rich source of vitamins.

3. Avoid dairy products such as ice cream, margarine, milk and cheese because of its fat content. The same goes for junk food and carbonated drinks.

4. If you have to eat meat, cold water ocean fish such as salmon, cod or sardines, and poultry can be consumed. But the preparation method is important. They must not be fried.

5. Wash the affected acne spots with warm water twice and mild calendula or castile soup. Alternate the washing with cold applications.

6. Applying ice directly on the acne lesions would reduce the swelling. It is one of the oldest practices among acne home remedies.

7. Applying topical sulphur ointment (3 to 10%) is an effective acne home remedy in suppressing acne.

8. Tea tree oil can be applied directly to acne lesions because of its antibiotic nature.

9. Having Epsom salt baths twice in a week is yet another effective acne home remedy. Prepare a bath of about 50 litres of warm water and 1 kg of Epsom salts. Dip into the bath and wash thoroughly for about half an hour.

10. Applying toothpaste on your acne lesion would reduce the swelling while you sleep. This is one of the most simple and popular acne home remedies.

Visit my blog to read more about useful acne home remedies and learn how acne sufferers have been able to cure their acne problems and reduce its recurrence in a matter of 72 hours using natural acne home remedies.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.


Effective Acne Treatment

Some cosmetics irritate the skin and can cause acne by plugging up your pores on your face. The cosmetics chemicals that can cause you the most skin and pore irritation and inflammation are: mineral oil, lanolin, parabens, propylene, and glycol Look at the label of the cosmetics you use. You will find that many cosmetics, soaps, and sunscreens contain these chemicals. Find a water base make up, not an oil base. Find one that does not irritate your face and use it sparingly.

Does chocolate really cause pimples? How about oily foods? Do French fries bring on the acne? The latest reports show that although scientific evidence is not 100% accurate in this area, your diet does not directly cause acne. And by diet, this means not only chocolate and French fries, but also any other dietary combinations with sugar and oil or other ingredients.

Many people are fed up from the side effects of acne drugs and are shifting towards alternative therapies for the cure and treatment of acne problems. Home remedies are one of the alternative methods that have been proven inexpensive and can be easily made at home without much effort.

There are a few choices available to treat moderate acne scarring. The most popular are dermabrasion and laser resurfacing. Dermabrasion is a scar treatment in which a diamond plated wheel is used to "sand" your face. This technique has been around for a long time and sandpaper was once used instead of the new machines that utilize the diamond plated tool. Generally, this procedure takes around an hour to perform. You should expect some scabbing and redness for a few weeks. This method is most effective for individual with very pale or very dark complexions.

Acne fulminans (Too Much Testosterone Acne) is an acute and severe form of acne accompanied by symptoms like fever and joint pain. This acne is common among males. Traits include: abrupt onset of acne, inflammatory and ulcerated nodular acne on the chest and back, severe acne scarring, fluctuating fever, painful joints, loss of appetite or weight, and high white blood cell count. This acne is caused by use of testosterone, used legally or illegally to enhance muscle growth. Over the counter treatments are not effective. If you don't need the extra testosterone for your health, don't take it.

Though adult acne is one aesthetic issue that is quite prevalent in the real world, nearly 25 percent of men, and about 50 percent of women from their twenties and even in their fifties may still experience having adult acne. The face is usually the first place for adult acne to appear, and may also form in parts of the body only their significant other knows where.


Diagnosis and Treatment of Acne

Acne is a skin problem that usually begins in the young teenage years and can last until the early 20s or even later. It consists of mild to severe outbreaks of pimples and cysts - mainly on the face, but also on the back, arms and chest. Cysts are lumps under the skin that have pus and other tissue in them, but do not come to a head like pimples do. These can sometimes cause scarring and blotchy, uneven skin colour. Unfortunately, acne hits people at a time when they most want to look their best. Acne can make teenagers feel embarrassed and bad about themselves. There are treatments that can help if acne is causing distress. If you are concerned about skin problems or skin care, you should talk to your doctor or chemist for information about possible treatments.

Hormones and genetics
At the start of puberty, a whole lot of hormones are released into the body. One of these hormones is androgen. Both boys and girls have androgen, but boys have more of it. Androgen affects oil glands in the skin of the face, neck, back, shoulders and chest. It makes the glands grow bigger and produce more oil (sebum). Bacteria on the skin make this oil thicken so that the pores become blocked, resulting in blackheads, pimples and cysts. A teenager is more likely to get acne if one of their parents had it during adolescence. But even in the same family, some people may get worse acne than others. Girls tend to get it at a younger age than boys and it can worsen or 'break out' at certain times of a girl's menstrual cycle, such as just before a period. Boys often have more outbreaks than girls, and they often seem to get worse pimples and more cysts.

Self-help strategies
Suggestions for managing acne include:

* Washing - cleaning the skin can help, but even people with very clean skin can have problems with acne. Try washing the affected areas two to three times per day. Don't overdo it. Too much washing can cause other skin problems, such as dryness or skin irritations. Try to keep hair clean and off the face and neck, since oil from the hair can make acne worse.
* Make-up - choose water-based, oil free products. Make-up worn during the day should be thoroughly removed at night.
* Don't squeeze - do not pick or squeeze pimples. This can get germs into the skin around the pimple and make things a lot worse. It can lead to scarring of the skin too.
* Stress - Stress can trigger an outbreak of pimples. Stress causes the release of chemicals into the brain that can make oil glands release more oil onto the skin. This is why pimples seem to magically appear on stressful days, such as at the time of an exam or special date. Usually it is difficult to control things like tests or special events, but it's important to know that the stress has brought on the outbreak. The outbreak is not a sign that the treatments do not work.
* Diet - many people think that lollies or chocolate cause pimples. Research has not been able to prove any such link, but some people find that it works this way for them. It is possible that a person eats chocolate when they are under a lot of stress, and that it is actually the stress that causes the pimples. However, healthy eating may help.

Acne treatment from your pharmacy
Some acne treatments can be bought over the counter at chemists or supermarkets. These work by cleaning the skin and drying up excess oil. If you are using any form of treatment and your skin becomes very dry or irritated, stop using it straight away. It is a good idea to talk to the chemist before you buy a product to find out which treatments are the most useful. Don't rely on advertisements or the advice of friends.

Medical treatment
If the acne is bad, your doctor may prescribe medication or arrange a referral to a dermatologist. Medications can lead to huge improvements in how the skin looks and can reduce the number of new pimples. Medical treatment can include:

* Antibiotics to kill the germs, which are part of the cause
* Medications to reduce the amount of oil being produced
* Medications to reduce the amount of androgen in the body.

Where to get help

* Your doctor
* Your local chemist
* Dermatologist.

Things to remember

* Acne is a skin problem consisting of mild to severe outbreaks of blackheads, pimples and cysts.
* The triggers of acne include some of the hormones associated with puberty and stress.
* Self-help strategies include washing the affected areas regularly, using water-based make-up and resisting the urge to squeeze or pick at spots.
* See your doctor or chemist for information about possible treatments.


Curing Acne The Natural Way

Most of us have suffered the embarrassment of acne at some point in our lives, and many have acne for an extended period of time. Although people around you might blame that chocolate bar you're eating, the truth is that the causes of acne are varied and complex, and although not eating chocolate might help, it probably won't get rid of your acne completely.

Basically, acne is caused when the skin produces too much sebum. This mixes together with dead skin cells and other dirt and debris, and then clogs up the hair follicles in the skin. Bacteria move in, the area becomes inflamed, and you have acne. So the solution lies in a combination of reducing sebum production, and keeping your skin clean. Topical medications and antibiotics can certainly help, but mostly they treat the symptoms and not the cause.

So it makes sense to use a more holistic, natural approach, to try and get the body's processes back to normal. One of the best ways to start is by looking at what you eat. If your diet is full of fast food, fats, sugars and other unhealthy stuff, then your body is far too busy dealing with all that garbage to worry about how much sebum it produces. Start by changing to a healthy, balanced diet, containing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. This will help to cleanse your system, detoxify your body, and often results in a drop in sebum production.

You can also use herbs or herbal extracts to enhance your body's ability to fight acne. These include:

- Herbal cortisone
- Jing Huang Gao
- Olive leaf extract
- Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has a similar effect to using a product containing benzoyl peroxide, and is much kinder to the skin. Nobody knows for sure why these herbs do such a good job of reducing the incidence of acne, but certainly they are all considered to be good for cleansing the liver. So it's likely that in some way the liver is linked to our hormones, and testosterone levels certainly affect the production of sebum.

You also need to find a gentle, natural cleanser to use on your face. Keep your hair, hats and headbands away from your face or don't wear them at all, because oil and dirt collect underneath them. Also, make sure you frequently wash anything that your face rests against, like your pillowcase. Most importantly of all, don't pop or squeeze your pimples - that's almost guaranteed to make them spread.


Laser Skin Resurfacing - When Acne Scars Need that Extra Push

Most people suffer from acne at some point in their lives, and it's no secret that the experience can be fairly miserable. Recent advances in research have led to a whole new slew of skin care products to help clear skin up...but what about the scars left behind? There are a number of over-the-counter products aimed at reducing the appearance of acne scars, including ingredients like silicone, cortisone, vitamin A and vitamin C. These products have great results helping both minor hypertrophic and slightly depressed scars, but sometimes a stronger method of treatment is needed to get the desired effect. This is when laser skin resurfacing may become a consideration.

Laser skin resurfacing uses a beam of laser energy to remove the top few layers of skin, taking away the damaged skin so that new and healthy skin can replace it. There are several advantages that laser resurfacing may have over other types of superficial scar treatment. First, this treatment is quite quick, and can often be performed in a surgeon's or dermatologist's office. It's also been reported that there are fewer scars and less bleeding and bruising than experienced with chemical peels and dermabrasion. Generally speaking, with laser resurfacing only local anesthesia is required, although treatment of larger areas of the face may require intravenous sedation. Finally, many doctors claim that lasers allow much greater precision in the number of skin layers removed in the treatment, especially since the physician can observe the effects on acne scars as the treatment progresses.

This said, laser skin resurfacing might not be the best form of acne scar treatment for everyone. It is recommended primarily for those with fair complexions whose skin doesn't have a tendency towards allergic rashes. Those with darker skin tones, or who tan easily may experience discolouration or markings on the treated areas. Also, while the recovery time is much shorter than for other procedures, healing isn't instantaneous. Patients report weeping of their skin for a few days after laser resurfacing, an expected reaction as collagen forms to rebuild the skin layers. Following a few days of weeping, the skin frequently crusts over, and needs to be kept moist in order to protect the recovering skin. New skin should cover the treated area soon after, and redness should have faded significantly within a month or so, but it has been reported that some patients have had to wait up to 12 or even 18 months before their skin has finally improved to its full potential.

There are several different types of lasers used for skin resurfacing, and each with their own results. Ultra pulsed CO2 lasers can have the most dramatic effects of the group, removing the top layer of skin but also tightening and smoothing the lower skin layers through stimulating collagen production. This means that even deep acne scars can be reduced with this laser. The CO2 lasers, while highly effective, are also associated with the highest level of discomfort during the procedure and the most persistent redness afterwards. The Erbium Yag laser is thought to be a more moderate acne scar treatment than the CO2 laser. Its energy wavelength can be absorbed by water in the cells, which minimizes the heat damage to surrounding skin. Since it is more gentle, it can be less effective on acne scars than the CO2 laser, but patients seem to report a much quicker recovery time and less overall redness in the first few weeks after treatment. Finally, non-ablative lasers are one of the least invasive skin resurfacing treatments for acne scars. They stimulate collagen growth under the skin without removing the top layer of skin, so that there is almost no recovery time at all. The down side to non-ablative lasers is that the effects are only minimal for severe acne scarring.

These are only a few of the more common methods of laser skin resurfacing, so it's well worth your time to do the extra research. Some lasers are intended for specific types of acne scars (either hypertrophic or depressed scars), so you'll want to be sure that you're pursuing the right course of treatment for your skin. A dermatologist could easily advise you on this. Furthermore, laser skin resurfacing isn't a non-invasive process, so the amount of time you're willing to spend recovering from the procedure may also play a role in deciding the treatment type best suited for you. Acne itself can be quite a traumatic experience, and the scars left behind may be just as devastating. If over-the-counter acne scar treatments haven't had the effect you're looking for, talk to your dermatologist for information about more serious scar treatment methods, including laser skin resurfacing.


The Acne Diet: Choosing Foods that Heal Acne

I'm sure that most of us at one time or another have been told that certain foods can cause acne. I must admit, I have always been a skeptic when hearing that idea...after all, I was eating the food, not wearing it on my face, so how could it cause a problem?? Most people think in terms of avoiding foods that cause acne, rather than eating foods that help heal and get rid of acne. So while the acne-food link may not be as direct as "drink water and get rid of your acne," many studies suggest that by considering the components of food on a smaller scale, we can figure out what our skin best needs to get and remain healthy.

Fats in the diet are often a major target for acne diet campaigners; saturated and trans fatty acids are thought to encourage inflammation in the body and lead to oily skin. It seems fairly intuitive that fats that are bad for the body are bad for the skin too, but what many of us don't know are that some types of fats are absolutely crucial to having healthy acne-free skin. Acne is often caused by the over-production of sebum as a result of high androgen (male hormone) levels in the body. Omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 essential fatty acids play a large role in regulating those androgen levels, preventing excess sebum in the pores and hair follicles and the consequent acne outbreaks. The Western diet tends to be rich in omega-6 fatty acids, so the main focus should be on reducing those and increasing omega-3's and/or omega-9's.

In addition to essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals are critical components of a healthy skin care diet. Retinol (vitamin A) is most successful in healing acne in people who are already deficient in this vitamin, although it can also play a part in reducing sebum production. Vitamin-E contributes to healthy skin, through regulating vitamin-A. Thiamine (vitamin B1) is an antioxidant that improves circulation. Deficiencies in riboflavin (B2), Niacinamide (B3) and pyridoxine (B6) are all known to cause acne, and pantothenic acid (B5) is thought to reduce acne indirectly through counteracting the physiological effects of stress. Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C) is another antioxidant that functions in tissue growth and repair, and bioflavanoids (sometimes called vitamin P) can help prevent acne through their antibacterial effects.

Important minerals include zinc, and chromium. Zinc is a micromineral that helps wounds heal and speeds tissue regeneration. A deficiency in zinc can actually increase the production of androgen hormones, leading to oily skin and acne breakouts. Finally, chromium is a trace mineral that has strong ties to one's blood sugar level. Cravings for sugary foods are often linked to chromium deficiencies, which has unfortunate effects on one's skin. People with the highest incidence of severe acne generally have very unstable blood sugar; too much sugar and too little chromium to help balance it out. Also, chromium reduces skin infection rates, helping acne heal more quickly and without complications.

Many acne gurus tell you what not to eat in order to get rid of acne. However, research seems to show that, with the exception of acne-causing food allergies, it is more important to focus on what you need to eat in order to maintain healthy skin. If you want to focus on acne control, one of the easiest steps possible is enhancing your diet to ensure that your skin is receiving the necessary nutrients. These nutrients include essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, and are the building blocks for great looking skin!


Home Remedies for Acne

If you are having any type of pain during urination, some form of discharge from the vagina, an itching or burning sensation in or around your vagina or are experiencing pain during sex, there is a good possibility that you may have a yeast infection.

Probiotics are those little bacteria numbering in the billions that help you live a good healthy life. They help to process food and enhance the absorption of B vitamins. You can end the chronic yeast infection that plagues you by simply starting a daily long term use of probiotics.

The commonplace remedies are anti fungal creams and prescription pills. The experienced women who are aware of the shortcomings of such creams and pills depend upon home remedies that give reliable results that too without any side effects. These remedies are not only for cure of the infection, they prevent infection. Another disadvantage of the over the counter medications is when used regularly, they lose their effectiveness.

Most women would love to know if there was a natural yeast infection cure. If your yeast infection is not that serious, you can treat it naturally. There are a lot of ways and steps on how to prevent yeast infections from occurring.

Candida Albicans causes countless health problems for a great number of men and women. These health problems may be caused by moderate or severe Candida infection affecting the various parts of their bodies. Candida Albicans has the ability to produce 75 toxic substances that can poison the human body. The toxins that are produced by the Candida parasites and contaminate the tissues and weaken the immune system, the glands, the kidneys, the bladder, the lungs, the liver, the brain and then the nervous system.

If you suffer from yeast infection theres a good chance that you might not be aware of it, or that you might mistake it for something else entirely. There are yeast infection signs which can tell you whether or not you have a yeast infection, but sometimes these signs are the same as some other infections.

Yeast are normally found in the human body, but it becomes abnormal if it overgrows on a certain parts where it should not even be there. Most women experience yeast infection in their life as Candida albicans can be found on the vagina due to over productionof yeast. In pregnant mothers, the use of antibiotics and diabetes can be a cause of candida infection.


Water The True Acne Cure

Some are over-the-counter cleansers, creams, and medicated pads, while others are prescribed medications given to you by a dermatologist. You can see it everywhere, people are more keen towards natural remedies. More people are increasingly drawn toward natural acne treatments more than ever.

Water is most often overlooked when discussing about natural treatment for acne. Some people think that something as trivial as water will have no effect on the body capabilities of healing.

We spend our time consuming everything and anything but sometime we forget to drink the plain water. It is often comes as a surprise that the most basic of things such as water is sometimes overlooked. Water is used to hydrate the body, which, of course, hydrates the skin as well. Failure to consume enough water can cause a lot of grief to the skin as it may fail in its function. How to keep your body hydrated? Wash your face to hydrate you face and drink plenty of water and keep your system going.

All sorts of drinks are available today that somehow people forget to relish the feeling of drinking plain water Drinking plain water may not be fashionable for some, but it'll do wonders for your skin. Doctors tell us we should drink six to eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day. When you drink water, you're ensuring your organ to function properly and it does wonders to your skin tone.

Water form the basis of healthy skin and in the absent of water your skin will likely have many problems Dry skin is usually caused by lacked of moisture on the surface of the skin. Exposure to direct sunlight and high wind current will definitely dry up your skin. However, this will be prevented if enough moisture is present on the skin surface.

Dried up skin often caused by lack of attention to the skin condition. The two main elements that caused dry skin are the wind and the sun. You are risking aggravating your acne condition if you are constantly exposing yourself to these two elements. Prolonged irritation to may actually aggravate your skin acne.

Perhaps one of the most common myths is that oily skin does not need moisture. The skin will always requires water to function properly and oil will not substitute. The skin thrives on water and when you cleanse your face, you will also remove excess oil which may be the cause of your acne after all. Clean your face regularly and never forget to moisturize it as this will remove excess oil on your face.

Getting your skin moisturize will also prevent the formation of wrinkle as this are often cause by the skin prematurely drying up. Properly hydrating the skin not only promotes and stimulates cell growth, but also helps the other organs of the bodywork together. Keeping the skin moisturize is as simple as washing your face.

Do make sure that you consume enough water and this may actually alleviate some of your problems. After you've tried everything under the sun to cure your acne problems, and still fail, give water a try.


Best Natural Acne Treatments For You

Finding the best natural acne treatments for you can be a bit difficult, but there are a number of them that you should try before you write them off all together.

Tea Tree Oil

One of the best natural acne treatments is tea tree oil. This can be found in a number of different products, including creams that can be applied topically. Holistic health professional hail tea tree oil as one of the great cures for acne. It helps to soothe your face while killing the bacteria that is known to cause acne. It is fairly fast acting, too, so you should be acne free in no time.

Bergamot Oil

Bergamot oil is one of many acne remedies that has been around for a long time. This naturally occurring product has a wonderful fragrance. It is the perfect spot treatment for annoying white heads, black heads, and red blemishes. It will calm the mind as well as the acne. It should not, though, be used at full strength unless you are under the guidance of a professional.

Clove Oil

Clove oil is certainly one of the best natural acne treatments. Mystics have known the medicinal properties of cloves for centuries, but in the Western world, we seem to be just discovering them. Clove must be paired with another oil to be applied to the skin, but once you apply it, it is very fast acting. If you feel a breakout coming on, applying some clove oil will take care of it quickly.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil works as an antibacterial agent. It fights the bacteria on your skin to prevent future breakouts. It is very soothing as well.

If you intend to use one of these best natural acne treatments, you might want to consult a homeopathic professional for detailed instructions prior to use.


Acne Alternative Treatments

When a woman suffers from a vaginal yeast infection its not because she has a choice, its because her normal bodily balance has gone out of synch, which in turn creates a hospitable environment in the vagina for the yeast producing bacteria to thrive.

The yeast infection drugs on the market today may relieve you of the common itching and burning associated with yeast infections but they may leave your body carrying dormant yeast cells even after the treatment is finished. Unless the roots problem of the yeast infection is cured you could experience flair ups down the road once the dormant yeast cells have the right environment to become active again.

In general, symptoms of yeast infection will include two or more of the following: fatigue, depression, brain fog, insomnia, bloating, gas, intestinal cramps, chronic diarrhea or constipation, sensitivity to chemicals, perfumes or other odors, loss of sex drive, allergies and food sensitivities. And thats just for starters. If you are a woman, you might also experience recurrent yeast infections, bladder infections, and have painful menstruation or PMS. A man might suffer from persistent jock itch, athletes foot, other fungal infections, or prostititis. Symptoms in children can include recurring colds, sore throats, ear infections, and digestive problems like gas, constipation or diarrhea.

Candidiasis affects all people and all ages; even babies are not safe from Candidiasis. At present millions of men and women have a potential yeast infection that is causing directly or indirectly a diverse number of health problems or conditions. If Candida is not completely removed or if the body is not protected from it; the Candida will continuously increase and grow until the time comes when the body will not be able to protect itself from the infections brought about by the Candida fungi or yeast.

Candida Albicans causes countless health problems for a great number of men and women. These health problems may be caused by moderate or severe Candida infection affecting the various parts of their bodies. Candida Albicans has the ability to produce 75 toxic substances that can poison the human body. The toxins that are produced by the Candida parasites and contaminate the tissues and weaken the immune system, the glands, the kidneys, the bladder, the lungs, the liver, the brain and then the nervous system.

When Candida albicans thrives on the tongue, it could just be an annoying local overgrowth. The official name for this is oral "thrush." But bear in mind that a very furry tongue might indicate that Candida is also present in large numbers in the digestive tract, hidden from view, and could have spread beyond the borders of the intestines.

Individuals suffering from iron deficiency anemia and diabetes are more susceptible to get thrush than those not suffering from these diseases. So if you suffer from these diseases you must be doubly careful in avoiding thrush. Avoid alcohol, steroids and too much sugar if you feel that you are susceptible to thrush. These substances can prohibit the growth of Candida Albicans.


Best Natural Acne Treatment For You

The best natural acne treatment is exercise and diet.

Most people know exercise and diet is the best way to cure acne but do not have the will and determination to make it work.By using natural supplements, it can also help to drastically improve your acne problems.

Conventional acne medication such as accutane and benzoyl peroxide can help curb acne and temporaily cure acne but in order to get rid of it once and for all, a natural acne treatment is needed.Acne medication has a disadvantage in that some people may experience symptoms such as skin redness and irritation if used for a long period of time.

How Diet Is Part Of A Natural Acne Treatment

The type of food you consume can help prevent and even cure acne problems.Vitamins such as Vitamin A and B6 are essential for skin care.Zinc and chromium are also important. Such minerals are found mostly in vegetables and fruits.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day to keep your body hydrated.Drinking plenty of water also helps to expel toxins out of the body.To prevent acne, you should not eat any oily food such as fried fries and pizzas.A little is ok but not too much.

Exercise Is Part Of The Natural Acne Treatment Process

Exercise is also part of a natural acne healing process. One of the main causes of acne is attributed to stress.Exercise not only helps to relieve stress but can also relax the muscles and help remove fats.It is important to have a healthy mental mindset. Be happy and stress-free.

Besides proper diet and exercise, your habits are essential for a natural acne treatment process.

For example, you should always wash your hands before you touch your hair or face. Tried to wash your hair at least twice a week particularly if you have oily hair.

For ladies, cosmetics can contain damaging chemicals to your face when used for long periods of time.

If you are a smoker or an alcoholic, try to cut down or stop it completely.

The best natural acne treatment begins from the inside out. You need to take care of your body and be healthy in order to get rid of acne.


Essential Acne Control: Tips on Causes and Treatment

The skin is the largest organ of the human body, but it is often the first ignored when it comes to health. When your skin is mistreated, it may very well mistreat you through acne breakouts. However not everyone who suffers breakouts is to blame, as acne can strike anyone, and most often appears on the face, neck and back. When trying to find an acne control, it's best to know what acne is, how it affects the skin, and then go from there to find an acne treatment that will suit your situation, skin type and acne severity.

Acne is most commonly found in teens undergoing hormonal changes, with roughly 80% of teens suffering from mild to severe forms of the skin condition that is considered a natural part of growing up. It is caused by the prevalence of a hormone called androgen, which increases the amount of skin oil produced by the body. While most forms of acne usually clear up by the early 20s, living with acne can be frustrating, and even traumatic, for many. Acne control, even during stages of life where breakouts are considered natural, is possible.

There are generally three different approaches to acne treatment:

1. Preventing pores from becoming clogged or plugged with oils, or sebum

2. Encouraging blackheads and whiteheads to dry more rapidly

3. Using antibiotics that kill acne bacteria

Taking lessons learned from our ancestors, it is, however, possible to maintain acne control through the use of nature's bounty and with vitamins and minerals that may be lacking in the diets of many teenagers, who opt more for the burgers and fries option than lean meats, veggies and fruits in their daily diet plan.

While acne is not directly related to what you eat, diet does have an effect on how well your body is able to maintain normal body chemical levels, which in turn affect cells, cell growth, the health of your skin, and ultimately your body's natural acne control.

One of the most beneficial minerals used today as an acne treatment is zinc, and many strongly recommend taking zinc supplements to improve overall skin health, though one should not take more than 100 mg of zinc on a daily basis to prevent toxicity. When taking zinc, it is also important to take other vitamins and minerals such as copper and manganese, as most vitamins and minerals must work together to perform their functions. One without the other often fails to produce desired results.

When it comes to acne treatment, make sure you're also getting enough:

- Vitamin A - maintains moist and healthy skin tissues

- Vitamin C - works as an antioxidant, and enhances tissue growth and repair

- B vitamins - also serve to maintain healthy skin tone and reduce stress, a major factor in acne flare-ups

- Vitamin E - works as an antioxidant, enhances tissue repair, as well as preventing cell damage

To keep acne under control, it is especially important to eat well-balanced and nutritious meals or take vitamin and mineral supplements that contain the necessary amounts and combinations that the body needs for optimum health, not only for muscles and organs, but for the skin as well.

Acne treatments provided by a dermatologist, in combination with obtaining a properly balanced diet and adequate vitamins and minerals will go a long way to maintain acne control and to prevent severe outbreaks. While you may have to live with acne for a few years, it is up to you to do whatever you can to decrease symptoms and to take an active part in your own acne treatment plan.


Acne Care Skin Tips

Blackheads are not dirt. They are actually the result of oil &dead cells getting trapped in a pore, block the duct & mix with bacteria. Exposure to the air discolors them to black. Blackhead inflammation causes red pimples and it spreads when touched with dirty hands. When the pimple becomes infected, it develops a whitehead or pustule. These can break & cause scars.

Here's a quick listing of the most common products used to treat acne � click on the links that interest you for more information on that course of acne treatment. Benzoyl Peroxide kills the bacteria that causes acne. Proactiv Solution is a dermatologist formulated Combination Therapy acne management system. Salicylic Acid unclogs your pores and encourages skin renewal. Tretinoin (Retin-A)promotes healthy sloughing. Antibiotics kill bacteria and reduces inflammation. Oral Contraceptives help regulate hormone levels. Anti-Androgens inhibit the body's production of acne-causing hormones. Isotretinoin (Accutane) is a treatment for severe cystic or nodular acne.

You might think that treating acne requires you to see and consult for prescription. Well, you can actually treat it by yourself! You can find solutions right in your home or garden! Applying toothpaste in your acne and letting it stay overnight is just one and actually the most common home treatment for acne most people do. You can also try a variety of paste or mask that are great options made from different plant species. You can choose from applying salt and vinegar solution, lime, ripe tomatoes, methi(fenugreek) leaves, lemon, dried basil leaves, mint juice, cucumber, corn flour and egg white, sandalwood, roasted and powdered pomgranate, ground radish, oatmeal, almond powder, honey, ground orange peel, nutmeg and milk, turmeric and tender neem, ground sesame seeds, papaya, and drumstick pods and leaves. Truly natural home treatments for acne!

If it is determined that your skin is too sensitive for tea tree oil, consider using a less potent substance. Most tea tree oil extracts come in a container that only holds pure tea tree oil. If this is the case, consider diluting the liquid to lessen its activity. Furthermore, if your skin shows any signs of reaction to the presence of tea tree oil or you experience any discomfort after using the extract, immediately discontinue the use and consult a dermatologist. Using a product that negatively affects your skin is almost as bad as not treating your acne at all, since the results--red, blotchy, swollen, or painful skin are often the same in both situations.

Among popular alpha hydroxyl acids, glycolic acid is one of the most commonly used. It has similar results with a chemical peel. Even when used in strong concentrations, glycolic acid has only few negative side effects. Long-term day to day use may also have a beneficial effect on acne scars. Glycolic acid is also effective in increasing skin resistance to ultraviolet light, improving moisture retention, as well as the general skin condition. However, even though it is quite effective and has only minor side effects, it is better to use as part of a more complex skin care system.

Hormones (or a lack of them) during later years - especially for women - can play a role in acne flare-ups and prevention. One recent study showed that about 50 percent of women have acne, referred to as hormonal acne, problems during the week before their menstruation. Treatment options include topical retinoids, oral antibiotics and Benzoyl Peroxide for teen years. For adults oral contraceptives or hormonal birth control pills and hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) may be helpful for women, combined with systemic or topical treatments, prescription or over-the-counter products and medications.


Proactive Acne Treatments - The Upcoming Methods

Most of the acne treatments that are prevalent take weeks, if not months, to produce desired results. However, it might so happen that you need an immediate cure, and just cannot wait for that long for your acne woos to end. There are other proactive acne treatment procedures that are widely gaining popularity. These are not only effective, but also provide cure within a very short time period.

Chemical Peel or Derma Peel:

This is very effectual treatment procedure. There are three types of chemical peels heavy, moderate and light. While the former strictly requires application by a dermatologist, the last one can be mixed and applied at home. Moderate chemical peels are often applied by cosmetologists in beauty salons.

This is not an invasive surgery procedure. A thin layer of a mixture of certain chemicals are applied on the skin, left for a time to dry and then peeled off. While the chemical layer is removed, the outer damaged layer of epidermis also comes off with it. The healthier, fresher skin underneath is revealed. All scars and blemishes are eliminated. Thus results an improved appearance.

Immediate side effects include peeling or flaking of the treated zones of the skin, and irritation of the areas where new skin is growing. Some redness may also be present. Nevertheless, these are usually temporary.

However, only a doctor can determine the extent of damage, the depth to which acne and associated blemishes have spread. So, all proceedings are to be determined by a skilled and certified physician.

Clear Light Treatment:

This is a novel method of treatment, designed to aid patients suffering from moderate degree of acne. This technology is believed to eliminate the bacteria that are responsible for causing acne. This non-invasive proactive acne treatment is both safe and effectual. The patient experiences no pain, nor any side effects. No peeling, redness or irritation occurs in most cases. All the areas of the body that tend to break out, including the face, the neck, the back, the shoulders and the chest can be treated with this procedure.

The whole procedure constitutes multiple sittings over a period of a month. However, severe cases tend to be resistant to the therapy.


Vitamin "A" Could It Be the Most Natural Acne Treatment

Whether you're at the beginning of puberty or heading toward menopause, you may be one of the thousands of people on the lookout for an acne treatment that really works. After all, regardless of your age, those sometimes-painful, always unwelcome blemishes can make your life miserable, from the schoolyard to the boardroom.

Though there may never be a cure-all acne treatment, modern scientists have discovered that Vitamin A can have an amazing effect on many individuals who had begun to believe they could never look in the mirror without cringing.

A Snapshot of Vitamin A

For those unfamiliar with the general make-up of Vitamin A, there's no need to take a science course. In fact, one need only go to his or her refrigerator as a starting point to learn about this would-be acne treatment.

Dark, yellow, or orange veggies contain carotenoids, carriers of Vitamin A. Retinoic acid, also part of the construction of naturally occurring Vitamin A, is present in such meat and produce items as kidney, liver, and eggs. So a simple trip to the grocery store with a $20 bill could easily net a plethora of Vitamin A products which could perhaps also provide an acne treatment.

The National Institutes of Health's (NIH) U.S. National Library of Medicine even gave Vitamin A (commonly known as "retinol") a grade of "A" (on a traditional "A" through "F" scale) when evaluating the substance as a successful acne treatment. Though they confidently applauded Vitamin A for its powers, their one cautionary statement was that Vitamin A supplements not be used in conjunction with Vitamin A-based acne treatments, as too much of this valuable substance can be problematic.

On or In? The Great Debate�

Though the NIH recommends that Vitamin A be administered as an acne treatment only under the care of a trained physician, there are many families and persons who feel more comfortable controlling their acne from home.

To this end, many acne sufferers choose topical products that contain high doses of Vitamin A, while others turn to ingesting the substance either in pill or food form. (The RDA suggested intake of Vitamin A is 900 micrograms or 3,000 IUs for males and 700 micrograms or 2,300 IUs for females.) However, the debate rages whether one form of the vitamin is more effective than the other as an acne treatment.

Generally, it's wise for anyone considering Vitamin A as an acne treatment technique to monitor closely what seems to work best. As humans, each individuals' body responds differently from the next; thus, someone choosing Vitamin A as a holistic method of acne control may need to document his or her experiences with the vitamin, tweaking dosages and formats where necessary to obtain the best acne treatment results.

Some Final Thoughts�

In the end, if you have been burdened with skin problems for a few months or a few decades, you might just want to give Vitamin A a try as the acne treatment of your choice.

Generally speaking, as long as you keep your Vitamin A dosages fall within the recommended daily amount for your age and medical conditions, you shouldn't experience any ill side effects. And who knows? You may just be able to confidently smile for photographs and make the acquaintance of mirrors again.


Acne - The Best Acne Solution Home Remedies

Home remedies and lifestyle modification for acne prevention are the best methods to deal with the dermatitis - the bane of existence of countless sufferers. Adherence to a regular regimen can not only cure acne vulgaris but also effectively prevent its recurrence. Over the counter medications that use synthetic ingredients often provide only a temporary respite. Acne raises it ugly head within a short time after ceasing the use of such products. This is because such medications are only palliative in nature; they target only the external symptoms of acne and do not repair the damage within the skin. So why waste your money on expensive products when you can get a holistic treatment in your own home?

Following are some home remedies that have proven to be the best acne solutions from time immemorial.

- An All Fruit Diet: Eliminate the toxins from your body and rejuvenate your system by resorting to an all fruit diet for a week every month. Focus only on fresh, juicy fruits like apricot, apples, grapefruit, guava, olive, papaya, pears and pineapples. This will not only cleans your system but also improve your vitality.

- Go Green: Give the pizza and ice cream the dump. Opt for fresh green vegetables instead. These are rich in essential vitamin and minerals and help in detoxification.

- Water Baths: A hot Epsom salt bath taken two-times a week may prove to be beneficial. Alternatively, bathing the affected area with Castile and Calendula extract mixed with warm water can be beneficial.

- Steam Bath: Local application of hot fomentation should open up the pores draw out the waste material. A hot steam application should always be followed with rinsing with cold water to close the open pores.

- Heal the Body: Correct the diseases inside your body to cure the acne. Beetroot is extremely beneficial for the liver. The herb milk thistle protects the liver. Keeping the liver healthy will in turn help prevent acne. Apples and Psyllium husk are excellent for cleansing the bowels and preventing build-up of mycotoxin producers.

- Cooking Procedure: All food that you eat should be low in oil content. Do not fry your food, try baking or grilling instead. Stick to lean meat products - poultry items and fishes like cod or salmon.

- Fenugreek: Boil fenugreek seeds in water and apply the extract on the face to cure acne.

- Exfoliate using baking soda: Form a paste of baking soda with water and use it as a scrub. Massage gently, not more than 15 seconds.

- Vinegar: Balance your skin pH and eliminate acne-causing bacteria by the application of diluted vinegar or apple juice on your face, after cleaning and drying it properly. - Acne


Treatment and Prevention of Acne

One treatment - Accutane, may cause severe birth defects and Depression, which has led the FDA to strengthen restrictions on its use. These new restrictions require manufacturers of Accutane and its generic versions to keep track of the doctors who prescribe the drug, and also the pharmacies that sell the drug and the patients who use it.

The actual cause of acne is still not really understood. Some believe it lies in genetics. Others believe it is a combination of factors such as androgens, allergies, stress, or the use of certain mediations. Natural practitioners tend to believe it is a result of nutritional deficiencies, and toxins in the body that can cause the liver to dysfunction.

While acne is largely caused by excessive skin oils and the bacteria that eat that oil, a degree of control can be obtained simply by keeping your face and hair clean, in milder cases. This is important, as well as the right diet. Some foods are thought to aggravate acne, so it is a good idea to watch your diet and find out if there is a pattern between what you eat and breakouts of acne.

Some women never have a pimple until they hit their thirties. Talk about a real shock. This usually occurs when they decide it's time to go off the pill. Birth control helps balance hormones and for many it keeps acne at bay. So it may not be that they were ever immune to acne just that it's been so long they never realized they would have pimples.

Acne fulminans (Too Much Testosterone Acne) is an acute and severe form of acne accompanied by symptoms like fever and joint pain. This acne is common among males. Traits include: abrupt onset of acne, inflammatory and ulcerated nodular acne on the chest and back, severe acne scarring, fluctuating fever, painful joints, loss of appetite or weight, and high white blood cell count. This acne is caused by use of testosterone, used legally or illegally to enhance muscle growth. Over the counter treatments are not effective. If you don't need the extra testosterone for your health, don't take it.

Acne maybe the scourge of adolescent years, but it can follow people into middle age and beyond. Acne is really a catchall term for a variety of symptoms such as pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. It's a condition where the pores of skin become clogged and the person gets inflamed and non-inflamed lesions.


Using chinese medicine to treat acne

One of the most common disorders of the modern world is acne. Many people suffer from it and they are in search of diverse treatments, able to provide them with a healthy, natural-looking appearance. Turning to traditional chinese medicine has proven out to be a good solution because of the wide variety of products available and also because of the successful results.

There are various types of acne that affect different areas of the body and all of them can be successfully treated with chinese medicine and herbs. Specific treatments come in various forms but the most used ones are tablets and lotions. Chinese herbal medicine can be used to treat acne vulgaris, rosacea and many other inflammations of the skin. The skin is given a clean look, redness is reduced and so is the chance of acne recurrence.

The Internet has helped very much to the promotion of the treatments used by Chinese medicine. Traditional therapies are very much based on herbs and there are specialists who present the numerous uses of such products. Acne can be severely reduced with their help and if used properly it can become a thing of the past. Many chinese medicine, based on natural herbs, have turned to be very effective as acne treatments and lots of people were satisfied with the results.

Skin infections affect a great deal of people and many of them are unaware of the great advantages alternative medicine has to offer. Herbal therapies can help with any skin infection and relieve disturbing symptoms such as: swelling, soreness and rubor. They are safe and easy to use, being made only from natural products.

It is important to understand how these natural products made especially for the treatment of acne work. They have varied suggested uses and learning about them can really help. Chinese herbal products combat the unwanted effects of acne and fight the infection with all the power possible. The mixtures are especially made in order to enhance the power of the products and remove toxins from the blood circulation.

The active ingredients contained by herbal medicine have endless benefits. They nurture the damaged skin, improve blood circulation (mainly in the specific area) and defend the organism against infection. Such products are valuable help for the body's immune system and can lead to having a clear complexion.

Of all the wide range of products presented online, there are some that are famous worldwide for their great effects. One must constantly keep in mind that Chinese medicine deals only with natural products and that they are known to treat various ailments, including acne.

When it comes to being the best, the Chinese medicine is surely worth mentioning. 101E Acne Getaway is a popular product for treating acne. This natural treatment, based on Chinese herbs, provides visible results withing a short periof of time and it is recommended for varied types of acne. It is highly effective and protects the hair follicle.

101E Acne Getaway is presented online as a natural product, with ingredients from medicinal plants. The technology used is special and its effects are incredible. The affected areas (face, neck, back and shoulders) greatly benefit from 101E Acne Getaway and the bacterias are destroyed completely. This treatments is known as one of the best when it comes to fighting internal infection and increasing the organism's immune system. It also reduces inflammation not to mention its profilactic purposes, helping to reduce the chances of the affection to reoccur.

The pathway to a perfect skin is surely accompanied by the natural products of chinese medicine, such as 101E Acne Getaway. It is a good thing that people have started to understand the incredible effects a natural treatments can have, without chemicals and cancer-inducing components. Traditional chinese medicine has been used for centuries and today it still maintains its importance amongst the various ramifications of modern medicine.


8 Steps To Get Rid Of Acne

Acne is one of the most annoying things in teenage life. Every youngster would like to get rid of them once and for all. It's naturally, because everyone wants to look pretty and attractive. This article will provide you with some tips and advices on how to get rid of acne. The information will be useful for any acne suffering adult, no matter what type of acne he has or how strong the disease is. So let's start.

Talk to Your Dermatologist
There is no better way to treat any disease that consult with specialist regarding it. So, the number one in our get-rid-list is to go to your dermatologist and consult with him. He should evaluate the main cause of your acne and recommend the medicine.

Do Not Touch Your Face
If you want to get rid of acne you should try not to touch your face during the day. Human striving for touching the painful area of his body is natural. But the number of bacteria on the hands and fingers is appallingly. You can bring additional the infection on the inflamed skin area providing excellent conditions for acne grow up.

Wash the Face Several Times per Day
The next step of getting rid of acne is to wash the face several times per day. It's well-known that the cause of adult acne is excessive oil secretion, which provides perfect environment for the skin bacteria to multiply uncontrolled. Washing the face with soap will reduce a level of oil on the skin and will help to get rid of acne.

Watch Carefully What You Eat
Sebaceous glands malfunction caused by several reasons. One of them is what you eat. So try to reduce maximally the amount of fat, fried and keen food you eat every day. Fast food bypass is a good idea too. Also, if you want to get rid of acne, no matter how sad it is, you will have to refuse the sweets and candies. Especially this applies to chocolate. Despite some facts which say that there is no wrong food, correct nutrition is a way to good health.

Forget About Popping Your Acne
This you have to remember clearly. By popping an acne you face the risk of bringing the infection directly into your blood. If that happens, long and painful acne treatment is guaranteed. Moreover, acne popping can leave the scar on your face and you don't want anything like this, right? So, no matter how suggestive, how noticeable acne is, stay for a day or two and this pimple will wither and leave you alone.

Clothes Should Not Rub Your Face
Watch out your clothes. When your clothes rub with your face this may bring on the irritation of the skin or bring some infection into it. So try to avoid the clothes that rub your face (caps, scarves, jackets with high collar etc.)

Don't Be Zealous With Acne Medicine.
More is not better in medicine. You won't amplify the effect of specific medication if you use it more heartily. To get rid of acne, use acne medicine just as it specified by precept. Otherwise you will have additional problems with your skin or general health.

Be Patient
Every adult wants to get rid of acne at once. But healing takes time, you have to remember this. No matter how you are suffering, try to be patient. Most part of teenagers fries from acne into their early twenties. Acne medicine can make this process faster. But none of modern acne treatment will cure you in one night.


Your Ultimate Guide For Acne Home Remedy

Using a peel may be the easiest method to promote shedding of the skin. Exfoliation releases the build-up of dead skin cells, oils and bacteria trapped in the pores, which could lead to the formation of blemishes. Peels come in varying degrees, from mild to harsh. The trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peel is an extreme peel that can cost from $100 to $1000 depending on the degree of the treatment. It is only performed in a doctor's office. The TCA is not perfect, however. The peel can make the skin sensitive to the sun and cause hyper-pigmentation.

Always remember that all acne products bought over the counter contain chemicals and can have disastrous results if used on the wrong skin types. Before embarking upon any treatment using these products it is important to read the label carefully and understand the risks involved. Your complexion is very delicate and any harmful results from inappropriate medications will decidedly show up. Certainly facial scarring is something to be avoided at all costs.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar swabs and other astringent cleansers work to remove the oil buildup that may become blocked in the skin's glands. These products may cause dryness, itching, and redness, so be sure to use them only on problem areas.

The only time your body expels product wastes through your lungs and skin is when your bowels and kidneys are overloaded with product wastes and toxins. This can happen when you're not drinking enough water. Water is the main carrier of nutrients throughout your body and is quite possibly the single most important contributor to healing and preventing acne flare-ups. Drinking enough water will dissolve waste products in your system so it can be easily remove and flush out. Without enough water, there won't be much to dissolve these product wastes and toxins...causing it to build up in your system and causing your body to expel these product wastes and toxics through your lungs and skin.

If you've already developed a problem with acne and need a solution, there are many natural ingredients that will work best with your healthy eating regimen without expensive medical treatments. A few drops of tea tree oil and lavender essential oils can be mixed into a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and applied directly to any spot where acne is present. This can be done twice daily with improvements in as little as a day. Cedarwood, chamomile and lemongrass are also essential oils that are easy to find, inexpensive, and somewhat effective.

Laser acne treatments for severe forms of acne work by the laser killing off the bacteria responsible for causing the acne. Lasers used for mild acne treatments like simple blackheads and whiteheads targets the serum producing glands to simply unplug the follicle to release the serum trapped inside by heating the top layer and shrinking the oil gland. This affects the top area of the skin leaving the deeper layers virtually unaffected and able to heal without incident.