Not only is acne a physical condition, a psychological component is present as well. Acne sufferers can experience, behavioral problems, academic decline, social isolation, substance abuse, depression, even suicide. Teenagers are more vulnerable in this respect because both acne and depressive disorder have a peak incidence during adolescence. Although acne is not a life-threatening disease, appropriate management is vital to its successful resolution.
The symptoms of acne are persistent, recurrent pimples orblemishes on the skin. Acne is commonly foundon the face but can also occur on the chest, shoulder, neck and upper portion of the back (often referred to as bacne).
The acne can also be treated externally by using erythromycin or benzoyl peroxide. While this reduces the bacteria causing the problem, it is really treating the symptoms rather than the cause. That is, the oil secretion and abnormal cell behaviour that blocks the follicle in the first place. So unfortunately, the acne will usually reappear within some weeks of the treatment being stopped.
Hormones during later years, especially for women, can play a role in acne cure and prevention for teen years. For adults oral contraceptives or hormonal birth control pills may be helpful for women, combined with systemic or current treatments, prescription or over-the-counter medicines.
The two major types of acne lesions are classified as non-inflammatory and inflammatory. Non-inflammatory acne lesions are more commonly known as whiteheads and blackheads. Inflammatory acne lesions include papules and pustules and are more deeply seated in the skin than the non-inflammatory lesions.
Although there are some topical skin care products and medications that can improve mild scarring and acne problems, almost all of them are artificial and invasive methods. For example, acne scars usually are treated with a combination of surgical procedures and skin resurfacing. On the other hand, natural products only have natural ingredients and biological substances. Such is the case with tea tree oil, green tea extract, Vitamin E, rapeseed oil, Aloe vera, and some of the essential oils, which had long been proven to act upon blemishes on the skin.
The symptoms of acne are persistent, recurrent pimples orblemishes on the skin. Acne is commonly foundon the face but can also occur on the chest, shoulder, neck and upper portion of the back (often referred to as bacne).
The acne can also be treated externally by using erythromycin or benzoyl peroxide. While this reduces the bacteria causing the problem, it is really treating the symptoms rather than the cause. That is, the oil secretion and abnormal cell behaviour that blocks the follicle in the first place. So unfortunately, the acne will usually reappear within some weeks of the treatment being stopped.
Hormones during later years, especially for women, can play a role in acne cure and prevention for teen years. For adults oral contraceptives or hormonal birth control pills may be helpful for women, combined with systemic or current treatments, prescription or over-the-counter medicines.
The two major types of acne lesions are classified as non-inflammatory and inflammatory. Non-inflammatory acne lesions are more commonly known as whiteheads and blackheads. Inflammatory acne lesions include papules and pustules and are more deeply seated in the skin than the non-inflammatory lesions.
Although there are some topical skin care products and medications that can improve mild scarring and acne problems, almost all of them are artificial and invasive methods. For example, acne scars usually are treated with a combination of surgical procedures and skin resurfacing. On the other hand, natural products only have natural ingredients and biological substances. Such is the case with tea tree oil, green tea extract, Vitamin E, rapeseed oil, Aloe vera, and some of the essential oils, which had long been proven to act upon blemishes on the skin.
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